Real homemade marshmallows - delicious, airy and natural!


Airy, tender and sweet delicacy - marshmallow has entered our life since the times of Ancient Egypt, where only pharaohs and noblemen could taste such a languid dessert.

Under fear of the death penalty, it was forbidden for the lower class to even think about this sweetness of the gods! Nowadays, anyone can buy a marshmallow in a store or supermarket - the good thing is it is cheap and is always available.

But it will be much tastier if you cook home-made marshmallow instead of a purchased dessert - all your relatives and friends will certainly appreciate its taste, because homemade delicacy is incredibly tender and porous, and not as knocked down and dense as a shop.

The list of ingredients for its preparation will make you very happy - all products are low cost and inexpensive:

- 10 g of gelatin (1 pack);

- 150 ml of water;

- 2 tbsp. sugar;

- 0.5 tsp. soda;

- 2 pinches of citric acid or juice;

- icing sugar for dressing.

Despite the fact that the dessert is very simple to prepare, it will take a lot of time to create it, because the marshmallow is very capricious. First of all, pour the gelatin 3-4 tbsp. spoons of warm water and stir, leaving it to swell for 10-15 minutes.

At this time, pour 150 ml of hot water into a saucepan or saucepan and add granulated sugar. Since the mass of sugar will exceed the mass of water, you will have to constantly stir the contents of the container, placing it on fire. It is best to dissolve granulated sugar over medium heat so that you can stop the process at any time. Tomit sweet mass for about 8-10 minutes, constantly stirring with a whisk or spatula, until sugar crystals completely dissolve.

As soon as this happens - remove the saucepan from the fire and inject into the mass the swollen gelatin, without ceasing to interfere. You must properly mix the gelatin until completely dissolved so that it does not form lumps.

Then pour the mixture into a container with deep rims and let it cool for 5-6 minutes. No more, since the sweet mass will need to be whipped hot.

Using a mixer at the highest speed, beat everything for about 5 minutes. The pale yellow mass should turn slightly white. Do not worry, over time it will completely turn white and turn into foam. After 5 minutes of beating, let the mass cool again for 5 minutes, and then add citric acid or lemon juice — just a few crystals or drops. Again, beat and so another 1 time.

Then add the soda and whisk the last time. You should have a white, sticky mass that resembles ordinary protein cream.

Next, using a pastry syringe or bag, squeeze the mass onto a board moistened with water. It is not recommended to squeeze the marshmallow mixture onto parchment paper, as during the drying process the marshmallow becomes very sticky and sticks to it.

Drying is necessary at room temperature for 5-6 hours before the surface hardens. In no case do not put the marshmallow in the refrigerator, as its surface will harden, but the middle one will remain damp!

Separate the dried marshmallow from the surface of the board with a knife dipped in water. Glue the two halves of the treat in pairs, then roll them in icing sugar.

Your home-made marshmallow is ready! Be sure to taste it in the circle of relatives, along with a cup of freshly brewed tea or coffee. Enjoy your meal!

But to calculate the cost of such a sweet is not difficult, because from the entire list of products at the cost of the most expensive will come:

- 10 g of gelatin (1 pack) - 15 rubles;

- 2 tbsp. sugar sand - 30 rubles.

Total: the most delicate dessert of the gods at home will cost you only 45 rubles! This is not a big amount in order to please your loved ones and relatives with a tasty and juicy marshmallow, which is not at all like the store's!
