Top 10 causes of premature aging


Many beauties are afraid to see an extra wrinkle, but they don’t think at all how to save the brain from aging. In order to stay fresh longer and prevent early aging of internal organs, it is necessary to know what exactly deprives us of our youth, turning us into hard-thinking old women.

There are 10 main causes of premature aging. These include:

1. Diseases

Late treatment of diseases leads to both internal and external destruction. It is especially dangerous that ailments can age not the face or chest, but the brain. For example, scientists have found that women who have learned to live with arterial hypertension and who are not trying to recover from it condemn the brain to early aging. They have reduced memory, having problems with logical thinking. Gastritis brazenly reduces the activity of the brain. Due to the fact that the body is not able to properly absorb the substances it needs, the girl begins to think poorly. But sinusitis leads to oxygen starvation, which is also not the best way affects the work of the central nervous system.

By treating carelessly the treatment of these diseases, you launch atrophic processes under the crock. No need to do so. It should take care of health, contact specialists. To slow down the aging of the brain, it is necessary to give up bad habits, to love intellectual games, to train memory.

2. Contamination of the body

It is very sad that many people do not know about the culture of cleansing the intestines from slags. But our body is a kind of machine that needs regular washing. To make the car look presentable, it is necessary to remove the muck stuck to all sides from it. That is, we must get rid of toxins and toxins. Otherwise, as you will not take care of your appearance, it will still not be possible to look younger than your age, because your body is poisoned from the inside.

The first thing is to refuse junk food, regularly consume dairy products. Try to arrange fasting days on oatmeal. Drink 2-3 l / day of ordinary water.

3. Wrong diet

Unbalanced nutrition leads to the fact that we do not get enough building material to form cells. Of course, the cells need energy, which they take from sugars and fats, but this is not enough for the body to function as needed. Remember that strict diets are a minus of health, plus fast aging. After all, food should be such that cells can be updated normally.

A healthy human body has enough years to fully renew its liver cells. During this time, the skin cells have time to change 12 times. To collect and rejuvenate, we need vitamins, amino acids, minerals, lecithin, trace elements and Omega3. With proper nutrition and regular receipt of everything necessary for the formation of healthy cells, a person can live, being in excellent mood, not suffering from senile problems for more than 100 years.

Installation: eat foods containing substances necessary for the creation of new healthy cells. These include: vegetables and fruits, dairy products, fish and meat, nuts and soybeans, eggs, legumes, and cereals (barley, oatmeal, and barley).

4. The lack of trace elements

Never refuse to take vitamin-mineral complexes, compiled by experts. After all, in order to pamper yourself with the daily amount of vitamins for efficient cell formation, it is not enough to eat wholesome food. Why? It's simple. With regular food, you do not get a third of the necessary body substances. Adequate supply of the body with minerals, vitamins and calcium is a guarantee that you can avoid premature aging.

5. Lack of sleep

Want to get old early? Lack of sleep and lack of regimen will help you with this. It is not without reason that studies show that people who are not used to going to bed before 11:00 pm and rise around 7:00 am, who do not do this regularly and also have a rest less than 8 hours / day, grow old faster than their relatives with a correct and well-functioning sleep mode. .

Another important point is that women / men who are accustomed to linger after midnight, do not produce enough hormone that prolongs life. Hours of its active production: from 00:00 to 03:00. If you do not want to grow old early - sleep enough and do not get out of the mode.

6. Acid Waste

Excessive accumulation of acidic waste provokes improper nutrition, contact with polluted environment, etc. Wastes are deposited in the vessels and lead to their blockage. As a result, the cells no longer receive the necessary nutrients, are little supplied with oxygen and are slowly updated.

The elimination of acidic waste can prolong your youth for many years. One of the ways to solve the problem is to consume large quantities of vegetables and natural water.

7. Emotional overstrain

Inadequate psychological relaxation is very damaging to the body. The lack of emotional relaxation, the control of oppressive thoughts, the inability to switch or to speak through a disturbing situation, an obsession with problems - all this has a negative effect on a person’s physical and mental health, provoking early aging. So do not keep everything in yourself. Relax more often, relax. Arrange friendly gatherings.

8. Passive lifestyle

The body begins to change its owner, if it does not experience adequate physical exertion. Want to look young and fit? Exercise daily.

9. Loss of vital stimulus

A person who has no reason for existence loses interest in life by launching a program of self-destruction. Do not kill yourself! Just find an activity you like, surrender to it, rejoice in life and be young.

10. Genes

The only cause of early aging that is useless to fight is genetic predisposition. Yes, there's nothing you can do about it, but this does not mean that you need to do nothing. Cleansing the body, proper nutrition, healthy sleep and gentle loads have not hurt anyone.

If you have noticed the first signs of premature aging, do not tolerate it. Try to regain youth before the body develops irreversible processes and the situation worsens. Be young and healthy!


Watch the video: Anti-Aging Foods That Can Prevent Wrinkles and Help Ward Off the Effects of Aging (July 2024).