Vacation without problems! 5 steps to travel.


Summer is the time for vacations, vacations and travels. We have been waiting for these vacation days for so long to go to relatives, on the sea, in exotic or in familiar places.

Even if you have prepared everything you need for the trip, you need to take care of yourself. First of all: prepare your body, otherwise it can respond to vacation as stress.

What you need to know and how to properly prepare for the trip, so that your vacation goes by "five points" and nothing spoils the long-awaited vacation.

1 step: Diet

Pay attention to nutrition. Try to exclude fast food from your food, reduce the consumption of heavy foods and baking. Be sure to include greens, fresh vegetables and fruits in your diet, especially in the summer to make it much easier.

For example, morning can start with oatmeal and berries. For lunch, eat baked fish and vegetable salad, and end the evening with stewed vegetables.

2 step: declare war of physical inactivity

Most often, going on vacation, we choose a trip where you can not only relax, but also visit new interesting places. But many of us are used to leading a sedentary lifestyle, because there is not always enough time to visit the gym or pool.

If you plan not only to lie on the beach, but to diversify your vacation with excursions, where you involuntarily have to walk a lot, sightseeing, you need to prepare your body for an active vacation before the trip. Otherwise, instead of a pleasant experience, you may get health problems.

Start the morning with a simple set of exercises, including strength and stretching exercises, try to walk more, this will allow you to prepare for the upcoming outdoor activities.

Step 3: Prepare the skin for tanning.

To keep your tan flat and steady for as long as possible, you should go through a peeling procedure before your trip. You can do this at home, with the help of sea salt.

To do this, mix salt with shower gel, sour cream or olive oil, apply the resulting mixture to the body and massage with light movements for several minutes, then rinse with warm water. An important factor in a good tan is vitamins.

Vitamin A is especially useful for preparing the skin for tanning, it gives the skin a healthy appearance, promotes the production of melanin and allows you to keep the tan for a long time. Two weeks before the holidays, include carrot juice, which is especially rich in this vitamin, in your daily diet. Please note that vitamin A is better absorbed with fatty acids, so it is recommended to add cream to the juice.

Remember to purchase a sunscreen. Remember that the lighter the skin, the higher the level of spf protection.

Step 4: A charming smile is the key to a romantic adventure

Take time to visit the dentist, first of all, to make sure that everything is in order with your teeth. If you are planning a vacation in another country, then most likely turning to a dentist for help will cost you a lot of money, and a toothache can completely ruin your vacation. If your “yellow-tooth smile” doesn’t suit you, you should use whitening, then you will look charming.

Step 5: Caring for Immunity

Preparing for the holidays, we only think about the good, and often do not think about the health problems that may await us during trips.

In addition, we relax on vacation: the irrational use of air conditioning, ice cream, cool water, excessive exposure to water and the sun - all this weakens the body's defenses and it’s a cold! To prevent a cold from spoiling your vacation, you should take measures to improve your health.

It is very simple to do this by discovering the hidden power of grapefruit! The secret lies in the healing properties of its seeds and naringin, which they contain. Naringin combines the unique properties of a "natural antibiotic" and an antioxidant. It is he who gives the grapefruit a bitter taste, and therefore we do not eat the most useful substance for protecting health. Now this natural remedy is available to everyone, because is part of the dietary supplement Citrolux.

Also in Citrolux contains vitamin C. This combination is not accidental, because vitamin C enhances the ability of naringin to strengthen immunity. Start taking Citrolux one month before your trip and enjoy your health on vacation!

5 simple steps and a good mood - the key to your unforgettable trip!


Watch the video: 28 CRAZY SMART TRAVEL HACKS (July 2024).