Numbness of the feet - causes. What is the reason for the numbness of the left and right legs, which is the most effective treatment.


If your legs are often numb, then this is no accident. This happens for many, sometimes quite serious reasons, which we will consider today. You are also given the opportunity to learn how to treat leg numbness and what preventive measures can be taken so that the discomfort does not overwhelm the limbs.

Causes of leg numbness

Patients are treated by patients who complain of leg numbness or pain in the extremities. Such symptoms primarily indicate pathological problems that have arisen in the spine, joints, and may indicate the formation of hernias. Often the numbness of the legs speaks of peripheral nerve damage.

It is very bad that many patients do not pay attention to the numbness of the legs, not regarding it as a wake-up call indicating the development of a serious illness. This usually happens if it is enough to rub your legs at the initial stages for the numbness to pass. True, the situation allowed to drift may worsen. If at first you have a numb finger, then over time a progressive, untreated disease extremely often leads to a loss of sensitivity of the entire limb, which drastically affects the vital activity of the patient.

In most cases, intervertebral hernia causes numbness. Therefore, when numbness of one little finger appears, you should immediately consult a doctor to prevent further progression of the disease. In addition to numbness of the extremities, headaches and heart pain, pressure surges, ripples in the eyes also speak about the occurrence of a hernia. And numbness of the legs indicates the development of osteochondrosis.

Also, numbness sometimes occurs due to injury. Especially often this happens if the patient is hurt, but, not commensurate with the power of the traumatic impact, did not turn to the clinic for help. For example, numbness of the leg can appear as a result of injury to the joint, spine.

Numbed feet may indicate diabetic neuropathy. With intracranial pressure, which leads to excessive irritation of the nerve centers, paresthesia may also occur - a disorder in sensitivity, which is characterized by a feeling of numbness in the toes. Paresthesia occurs with tumor, infectious lesions of the nervous system. It is caused by alcoholic neuropathy, atherosclerosis, etc. Diseases of internal organs also sometimes lead to numbness in the legs.

Numbness of the legs: diagnosis

To determine why a patient has numb legs, a comprehensive examination may be necessary. Specialists should pay close attention to the condition of the spine during diagnosis. Their goal is to confirm or disprove the presence of osteochondrosis, intervertebral hernia, one of the symptoms of which is the numbness of the legs, arms. If the patient does not pass the time of diagnosis at an early stage of numbness of the feet, fingers, he will deprive himself of the opportunity to receive timely treatment, which can lead to paralysis of the limb.

To determine the cause of the development of numbness in the legs, it is necessary to take X-rays of the spine and foot, in which discomfort is felt. To make sure that the numbness of the body has arisen due to intracranial pressure, it is necessary to undergo echoencephalography (Echo EG) at the medical center. With the help of this diagnostic ultrasound neurophysiological method of research, the level of intracranial pressure can be measured most reliably.

Well, when the diagnosis includes ultrasound Doppler of the neck, vessels of the head. It is necessary in order to determine the state of the vessels that provide nutrition to the brain. You will also need a Doppler limb. Such a study by the method of USDG is necessary to determine the state of blood flow of the legs and vessels that provide nutrition to the extremities. The patient does not hurt to make a cardiogram, ultrasound of the heart, which can show the pathology of the cardiovascular system. This pathology can also underlie the lack of blood supply and cause numbness.

Also, experts conduct surveys of many internal organs in order to understand whether numbness of the legs is not related to the improper work of the spleen, kidneys, liver, thyroid, urinary system. Patients may need to undergo spirography for doctors to evaluate the condition of the bronchi and lungs. It is imperative that you pass a urinalysis, blood test (total, for sugar), liver function tests, etc. It is thanks to the comprehensive examination of the patient in a good clinic that it is easy to quickly determine the cause of the development of leg numbness and prescribe a comprehensive treatment.

Foot numbness treatment

Treatment of numbness of the legs is carried out on the basis of the diagnosis, taking into account the patient's condition, as well as the severity of the disease, which led to loss of sensitivity. In many clinics to eliminate numbness in the legs, emphasis is placed on physical therapy, not excluding the need for medical treatment, but trying to minimize it. After all, methods of physiotherapy compared with medical drugs do not have such a huge list of side effects, can not have a negative effect on the internal organs (kidneys, liver) and do not lead to the development of allergic reactions. At the same time, they can have a powerful positive effect on blood vessels, the immune system, nerve endings, and metabolic processes. That is, physiotherapeutic methods in many cases proved to be better in the treatment of diseases that cause numbness in the legs than medications.

For example, the use of a laser corona is very effective when it is necessary to clean the blood vessels and improve the condition of the vascular centers that regulate the level of blood pressure. Also, the patient may be suitable method of endonasal mesotherapy, which also improves the work of the vascular centers. Contrast cryotherapy will help regulate intracranial pressure.

For osteochondrosis, hernias that cause leg numbness, the pulsating vacuum therapy method is used. It can be performed in conjunction with laser therapy. For the treatment of peripheral vessels, doctors prescribe ultrasound baths. As for the medical treatment of leg numbness, the patients are often prescribed vascular and immune drugs, steroid hormones (glucocorticoids), and B vitamins.

Attention: if one does not turn to the specialist with numbness in time, this can lead to the progression of sensitivity disorder. For example, due to the development of polyneuropathy demyelinating numbness can go to the upper limbs and even affect the muscles of the face, as well as the respiratory muscles, which ultimately, if not properly treated, will be fatal.

Treatment of leg numbness with folk remedies

When numbness of the legs is caused by exacerbation of osteochondrosis, you can prepare a home remedy to improve your well-being. You will need about 50 ml of vodka and 100 ml of liquid honey. Mix these ingredients, add to them 125 g of grated radish and a tablespoon of salt.

This means you need to lubricate the diseased spine twice a day. It is also good to take orally in the morning and evening. Daily intake - a tablespoon. Treatment with this folk remedy should be carried out for a week.

Traditional medicine: we treat hernia and remove leg numbness

If the numbness of the legs is due to intervertebral hernia, people recommend using garlic mixture. It will require 250 ml of vodka and 300 g of garlic, which must be passed through a meat grinder. Such a mixture should stand in a dark place in a closed vessel for ten days. After this means impose on the fabric, which is distributed on the sore spot. Top garlic garlic razlagaem plastic wrap. Stand the mixture for an hour.

After removing the garlic compress, wipe the skin with a clean, dry cloth. Such procedures need to be done every other day.

Dandelion from numbness of the legs

In the spring you need to collect about 2 kg of dandelion stems. The first thing they should grind. After that, try to squeeze out all the juice from dandelion gruel. It must be diluted with pure alcohol in equal proportions.

When the therapeutic fluid infusions a week and a half in the refrigerator, it can be rubbed into sore spots. Preheat the juice with alcohol before rubbing. We rub medicine for the night not longer than 10 days in a row. After that we do a break for 10 days. All you need to go through three courses.

Important: the first time rubbing of dandelion juice and alcohol can cause exacerbation of the disease.

Spicy vegetables from numbness of the legs

This recipe is also suitable for people who know firsthand what is numbness in the legs, caused by the appearance of intervertebral hernia. To get rid of numbness, you should treat the disease that provokes paresthesia. You can try to do this using mash for rubbing from onions. We do not need an ordinary bow, but an Indian. At the same time both onions and leaves will be used.

Grind onions, mix it with honey. Try to honey was as much as the pulp from Indian onions. After rubbing a small amount of magic into the problem area, roll up this area with a bandage and put on warm clothes. It is necessary to do the procedure until you feel an improvement in health.

By the way: many patients and the majority of doctors are sure that it is impossible to get rid of the numbness that has arisen due to the sudden problems with the spinal cord. They urge not to waste time on shamanistic rituals, but to go to a good specialist who can even out the spine, straighten the discs, cure hernia and prevent further hernia formation. After all, if in a timely manner to enlist the support of competent doctors, you can get rid of hernias, numbness, osteochondrosis and other misfortunes, without resorting to surgical treatment.

Prevention of leg numbness

Since numbness in the legs can provoke various diseases and pathologies, in order to ensure that you can avoid losing the sensitivity of the extremities, it is necessary to remember all the preventive measures that can save you from the development of dangerous ailments that cause similar consequences. Since there are too many of them, we will consider only the prevention of leg numbness caused by osteochondrosis. So, to reduce the likelihood of developing osteochondrosis, it is necessary to do a set of exercises to strengthen the muscular system, the spine. The complex should include turning the torso, as well as bending it down (forward, backward, to the side), squatting, tilting the head, moving the arms (both alternately and simultaneously). It is necessary to carry out such gymnastics not longer than six minutes, four times a day. Exercise pauses should not be done longer than two hours.

If a person does not want to suffer osteochondrosis and deal with his symptoms, he should sign up for a massage. It will increase blood circulation, relieve muscle tension, eliminate inflammation, etc. To get away from osteochondrosis and leg numbness, try to eat a balanced diet, sit properly, protect yourself from injury, infectious diseases. You also need to spend less time in static positions, move a lot, do not overcool, do morning exercises.


Watch the video: Peripheral neuropathy: Burning and numbness in hands, legs and feet (July 2024).