Is it possible to have sex during menstruation - myths and reality. Is sex possible during menstruation and how to do it right.


Usually, when girls are interested in whether they can have sex during menstruation with their girlfriends, they do not give them an exhaustive answer. It often comes down to the fact that it is impossible to engage in menstruation sex, because it is disgusting. Less fastidious and shaking over their partners, ladies advise inexperienced friends not to cancel traditional sexual intercourse when menstruation takes place, because otherwise there is a risk of being abandoned by short-term boyfriends.

I believe that it is not enough to make a decision and precisely understand whether it is possible to have sex during menstruation, considering only the aesthetic side of the issue. But as for husbands who are ready to get away from wives who did not allow to delve into their bloodied nature, I hope you have chosen a completely different type of young people. Although even these guys can be guided on the right path. The most important thing is to figure out whether it is possible to do such things, to what these actions can lead, what arguments about sex during menstruation are true, and what is simply incomprehensible from where the sucked myths.

Is it possible to have sex during menstruation: myths and real facts

Let's look at six myths, delusions or stupidities (in general, this nonsense can be called whatever you like) about why you should have sex when menstruation began. I will try to do without excessive cleverness. After all, if girls clearly explain the subtleties of sex life on such days, they will finally stop thinking about whether you can have sex during menstruation, and this is already a minus one global issue that prevents many modern ladies from living in peace. Well, my good, let's get started.

Myth number 1: sexual intercourse during menstruation is safe for health.

This is really a myth of pure water. And it's not just a shattering of the nervous system of a woman who cannot relax, fearing to stain expensive bed linen, a partner or, for example, freshly painted walls. Sex during menstruation does not destroy the lady's psyche, but her female health.

During this period, the risk of an inflammatory disease increases. After all, all microorganisms that have come into the vagina and are feeling well in menstrual blood can, with proximity, very cleverly move into the uterus, having done a lot of bad things there. Why do they not penetrate into the uterine cavity on ordinary days? The fact is that during menstruation, the cervix opens slightly and what could not get into the middle part of the female reproductive system on other days easily slips into it when menstruation occurs. And at this time, the epithelium of the cervix becomes very loose, which also contributes to a better penetration of harmful microorganisms. In addition, some experts say that on such days the likelihood of a woman becoming infected with various hidden infections increases.

Surely, reading about the microorganisms that are contained in the secretions, you decided that the problem can be solved if the partner uses a condom. Yes, so the risk of catching lady inflammatory disease significantly reduced. But women's health is ruined not only by microbes, but also by reflux - a current of substances (refluxate) in the opposite direction from the natural direction. That is, when a partner puts a penis into his beloved woman, regardless of whether he is wearing a condom or not, the penis begins to prevent the output of menstrual blood by pushing it inwards.

Where does this blood go with the cells of the tissues of the inner layer of the uterine wall? For information, this layer is called endometrium. So, blood with endometrial cells, part of which is rejected along with an unfertilized egg, passes through the fallopian tubes and enters the abdominal cavity. After that, the cells begin to take root, which ultimately leads to the growth of the endometrium beyond the permissible limits. This pathological growth is called endometriosis. Often, endometriosis has to be treated surgically. But women should not first of all be frightened by an operation, but the fact that endometriosis can permanently deprive them of the opportunity to conceive and give birth to a baby.

Myth number 2: sex during menstruation relieves the pain of a female character

Girls who experience pain during menstruation are particularly interested in whether you can have sex during menstruation. Many friends advise them to have sex during menstruation. They "rub" in trusting girls about any hormones secreted there during sexual intercourse, which supposedly relieve pain immediately and so on. Actually, having sex through pain is stupid. Firstly, it only increases discomfort. Secondly, there is no point in hoping for miraculous power in algomenorrhea, dysmenorrhea, in the case of which women develop pain during the menstrual period.

Most often, algodysmenorrhea, as well as secondary dysmenorrhea, making itself felt painful during menstruation, is a consequence of the development of inflammation in the genitals that cannot be cured with sex. Moreover, these inflammatory processes often occur precisely because of sexual activity during menstruation. Both of the described pathological processes, characterized by severe pain in the lower abdomen, may indicate the occurrence of endometriosis. And we know that having sex when menstruation takes place and leads to its development. So stop trying to get rid of painful menstruation with sex. It will only aggravate the inflammatory processes or cause endometriosis, and with it the pain that will appear during consolation and acts of defecation.

If you want to relieve pain during menstruation, go not to bed with your partner, but to the doctor's office, where the latter will figure out why the discomfort has arisen, and prescribe the correct treatment. At best, you can help various drugs that have antiprostaglandin action, analgesics, tranquilizers, combined oral contraceptives. But if the cause of the pain is endometriosis, then it may not be medication, but surgery. Therefore, never treat the pain that occurred during menstruation, sex, because there is a huge probability that they arose precisely because you did not refuse to practice love during your period.

Is it possible to have sex during menstruation or the third myth about the best method of contraception

Women often consider sex during menstruation as a natural method of contraception. They say that the egg has rejected, there is nothing to be fertilized, so that you can make "bloody jumps" without thinking about protection. And in fact, even though the probability of getting pregnant during menstruation and decreases, it can not be completely excluded. In addition, the "fly into" from sex when menstruation, can be for several reasons.

So, the girl for one cycle could easily mature two eggs. They ripen with a small temporary difference. And when the lady saw the blood discharge that occurred during the rejection of the first egg, and decided to have sex, she must understand that she has a risk of getting pregnant when the second gamete leaves the follicle, which will die after a day or two.

Is it possible to have sex during menstruation and not to “fly into the air” for girls who have not matured two eggs at once? It is not difficult to get pregnant during menstruation, when they are irregular and the menstrual cycle is not established, as a result of which early ovulation may occur. She sometimes comes to women with a normal menstrual cycle, whose body has experienced an overload (stress, diet, etc.).

It turns out that, having sex in the first days of menstruation, you can get pregnant in the last days of menstruation, which occurred early ovulation. To conceive, having sex that occurred during menstruation, it is not necessary to face too early ovulation. If the monthly go for a long time, and unprotected sex took place closer to their end, then fertilization can easily take place on the 12-14 day from the onset of menstruation, that is, when an egg must go out. How so? The point is nimble, cunning and tenacious sperm that can wait an egg in the body of a woman up to 11 days. So, not wanting to become a mom soon, do not risk having sex during the month without using other natural methods of contraception.

Myth number 4: having sex during menstruation will suit poorly wetted ladies

Probably, such a myth is spread by those people who have never tried to have sex during menstruation. They have the following associative row: blood - moisture - lubricant - good glide. Yes, of course, the blood is wet (until it dries), but it has nothing to do with the lubricant that is released during sex.

Let's not go into the wilds and consider what constitutes a lubricant, blood, etc. It is enough just to realize that the blood consistency is much thinner than the natural female lubricant, so it will not solve the problem of insufficient moisture. Expecting that the partner’s penis will easily slide into the vagina due to the abundance of blood is as ridiculous as trying to moisten a woman with tap water.

Myth number 5: sex during menstruation will help keep her husband

A number of women are engaged in sex with menstruation with partners, worrying about the fact that otherwise their “supermen” will go to others. But if a woman does not love herself so much and does not appreciate that she is ready to risk her health in order to satisfy the second half, then, most likely, her husband will also cease to love and appreciate her. After all, it’s not for nothing that they say that if we love ourselves, then others will begin to feel similar feelings towards us. In addition, a partner with female diseases that can cause sex during menstruation, becomes less desirable for many men. And at your leisure, think about who you chose as a companion, if you have to fear that in the absence of vaginal sex for several days, the faithful, waving his “tail,” will flee to a more accommodating lady.

So, never try to keep a husband with "menstrual sex" - he is not worth it. And most often the partner himself does not even want such comfort, considering them repulsive. If you really really want to please your partner during your period, do it with the help of oral sex or petting. You can, of course, offer and anal, but the safety of this type of sex is also very doubtful, especially if it is practiced by inexperienced people in this case.

Myth number 6: sex during menstruation - the brightest fantasy of men

Men who are encouraged by sex during menstruation do exist. For example, this is indicated by hot videos of a certain nature, which are released for someone. But the fact that such a fantasy stirs the minds and bodies of all the guys and is the most exciting - utter nonsense. A number of men do not even want to touch ladies with menstruation, considering such women to be dirty, and their blood is bad.

Some women decide to have sex during menstruation only because they heard a partner’s desire to play role-playing games, in which their half must be reincarnated as a virgin. And then the ladies begin to wait for the right days, so that everything is as natural as possible, sometimes shocking their men who want to see the usual shy girl with pigtails and bows. For example, it is unlikely that a woman who wanted her man to reincarnate in a brutal plumber, will be delighted if he gets used to the role so that during sex will begin to pull out all the garbage from the pipes, poking everything under the nose of the hostess. So give up dirt, blood - better concentrate on the words, pick the right clothes, etc.

Is it possible to have sex during menstruation if you follow the rules

As already mentioned, sex to engage in menstruation is impossible. The only thing you can do is minimize the consequences that may arise from such recklessness. For example, when using vaginal sex, use a normal condom. Such a barrier method of contraception will reduce the risk of developing inflammatory diseases, as well as prevent unwanted pregnancy. If you are afraid of inflammation and endometriosis, you can try using female condoms (femidoms) during menstruation.


Watch the video: Endometriosis (July 2024).