Cystitis in women - symptoms and treatment. Learn how to properly diagnose cystitis in women (including chronic), and what treatment is effective at home.


In addition to all kinds of gynecological ailments, from which, by virtue of their gender, men are spared, gentle and vulnerable women are forced to suffer from other, no less uncomfortable ailments. One of them is inflammation of the mucous layer of the bladder - cystitis. It rarely affects the stronger sex, but every fifth lady is familiar with its manifestations. The whole fault is wider and shorter than the male urethra (urethra). It is not difficult for the culprits of the disease to get inside, get to the bladder and cause its acute inflammation.

The occurrence of cystitis in women - in what way bacteria enter the bladder

Pathogenic microorganisms have several options for penetrating the bladder, the main paths are as follows:

- ascending - through the urethra, is most common;

- descending - characteristic of the existing inflammatory process in the kidney;

- lymphogenous - inflammatory diseases of a gynecological nature quite often cause cystitis in women. Through the lymphatic capillaries and ducts, infection from neighboring organs is transferred to the bladder;

- hematogenous - rarely, but it happens that pathogenic organisms are transferred with a blood stream from the most remote foci of infection;

- direct - occurs when opening abscesses or infiltrates from organs located in the neighborhood.

However, cystitis does not always occur in women, the development of the disease is impossible without the presence of certain favorable conditions for the successful propagation of the infection.

Causes of cystitis in women

1. Neglect of well-known rules of hygiene, including intimate. Incorrect or insufficient washing, untimely change of pads or underwear contribute to the occurrence of cystitis in women.

2. A decrease in the activity of the immune system. It occurs as a result of vitamin deficiency, frequent diseases, malnutrition, chronic fatigue and lack of sleep.

3. Subcooling. Since childhood, mother teaches her daughter not to sit on the ground, marble stairs and stones, but the advice is quickly forgotten. Under certain conditions, just a half-hour sitting on too cold a stone can cause cystitis in women.

4. Non-compliance with the regime of emptying the bladder. Long stagnation of urine has a detrimental effect on the mucous membrane of the organ.

5. Various injuries - unsuccessful insertion of a catheter or prolonged sexual intercourse.

6. The presence of gynecological and sexually transmitted diseases - gonorrhea, endometritis and others.

7. Hormonal disorders, especially possible in diabetes or in pregnancy.

8. Chronic infections.

Acute cystitis in women can reappear with secondary infection or insufficient therapy for the first time.

Symptoms of cystitis in women

The nature of the very first signs of cystitis in women is almost beyond doubt when making a diagnosis. Frequent urges and extremely painful urination make you go to the toilet several times for an hour, including at night. If treatment is not started immediately, the disease progresses and dysuria develops - a pathological difficulty in urinating. Patients complain of a burning sensation, they compare the passage of urine through the urethra with the squeezing of broken glass on it. With every hour, it becomes increasingly difficult to control the excretion of urine, it occurs involuntarily. This is especially true for the elderly. The main symptoms of cystitis in women are:

- frequent and sharply painful urination;

- a feeling of incomplete emptying of the bladder;

- lower abdominal pain;

- cloudy, with sediment and flakes, urine;

- chills and fever - these symptoms of cystitis in women indicate the further development of the disease. At this stage, contacting a doctor is absolutely necessary, probably, the inflammatory process went on the offensive on the kidneys. Consultation is also needed in case of a change in the shade of urine or the appearance of blood in it.

Attention! The temperature in acute cystitis does not rise above 37.5 degrees. Higher numbers indicate the spread of infection outside the bladder.

Diagnosis of acute cystitis in women

In the complicated course of the disease, in addition to laboratory tests, the doctor may prescribe a special study - cystoscopy. An endoscope is inserted through the urethra into the bladder - a sensitive device that allows not only to comprehensively assess the condition of the diseased organ, but also to observe the openings of the ureters and the excreted contents of both kidneys. This allows you to detect the location of the pathological process. For a more thorough examination, the bladder is filled with an endoscope with water. The procedure is almost painless and takes about twenty minutes. Some discomfort is compensated by the effectiveness of the examination, which makes it possible to accurately diagnose and determine how to treat cystitis in women at this stage.

How to correctly and as successfully as possible treat cystitis in women

With severe symptoms of cystitis in women, drugs aimed at suppressing the activity of microbes are required. But this is not the case when the name of the medicine suggests a helpful neighbor. Uncontrolled use of antibiotics stops the painful symptoms of cystitis in women, but does not lead to a cure. In order not to annoy the future aggressive symptoms of cystitis in women, only a urologist should choose and dose drugs. In the treatment of the acute stage of the disease, as a rule, the following are used:

- antispasmodics to relieve soreness;

- antibacterial agents;

- uroseptic drugs;

- non-fluorinated quinolines;

- decoctions and infusions of herbs - corn stigmas, kidney tea, bearberry, bear ears;

- warm sitz baths and a heating pad on the lower abdomen;

- plentiful drink and the strictest menu - the exception of alcoholic drinks, spicy and salty dishes.

Treatment of cystitis in women implies an unconditional rejection of intimate relationships and bed rest. An uncomplicated ailment allows us to hope for a quick treatment of cystitis in women and its success. Subject to the recommendations of the doctor, it will take five days.

The use of antibiotics for cystitis in women has its own characteristics. If an infection is detected, without waiting for the results of a urine test, the doctor prescribes antibacterial drugs. After identifying the pathogen, if necessary, the antibiotic is replaced by another, more effective in the battle with the detected culprit of the disease.

Features of the treatment of cystitis in women in an interesting position

A distinctive difficulty in how to treat cystitis in women expecting a baby is the too limited list of available medicines. Many antibiotics can cause serious harm to the baby, and ignoring their use threatens the transition of the inflammatory process to the kidneys. That is why when treating cystitis in women in pregnancy, the method of administering drugs directly to the bladder by instillation is most often used. The procedure is carried out in a hospital and, despite some discomfort, it is very effective and, most importantly, safe for mom and baby. In addition, some modern antibiotics do not require too long use and are quite acceptable in the treatment of cystitis in pregnant women - for example, Amoxiclav and Monural. Physiotherapy and herbal medicine for the treatment of cystitis in women is used only with the permission of the doctor, after the elimination of acute manifestations.

Chronic cystitis in women - is it possible to avoid it

The chronic form of the disease is often the result of insufficient treatment of the acute stage or incorrectly selected therapy. The disease proceeds with periodic exacerbations, the signs of which are moderate. The main danger of chronic cystitis in women is that an even more formidable disease can hide under his mask. More than 50% of cases of acute cystitis remain, unfortunately, not cured, and therefore, after a maximum of three months, they relapse with a visit to relapse. If the treatment of cystitis in women was carried out independently, another repeated exacerbation occurs in almost half of the patients.

To accurately diagnose chronic cystitis in women, a full examination is necessary. There are two main causes of the disease:

1. The decrease in active resistance to bacteria of the mucous layer of the bladder. The reason can serve as its thinning as a result of a viral lesion or the presence of polyps. A change in the mucosa is present with bladder leukoplakia that occurs after numerous attacks of cystitis or as a result of sexually transmitted diseases.

2. A common cause of chronic cystitis in women is the constant presence of a source of bacteria. This is facilitated by diseases such as hydronephrosis or urolithiasis, as well as stones in the bladder or improper location of the urethra.

Each attack of chronic cystitis in women annoys with pain in the lower abdomen and an uncomfortable feeling of overflowing the bladder, abnormally frequent urge to urinate. Confident that she knows perfectly how to treat cystitis in women, the lady takes the next dose of familiar antibiotics, painkillers and, as it seems to her, successfully copes with the attack. But this, alas, is again not for long.

For the correct treatment of the disease, the doctor must detect the causes of cystitis in women, detail the diagnosis and prescribe an adequate solution. Only in this case is it possible to effectively treat cystitis in women, ridding her of too frequent and unpleasant suffering.

Treatment of cystitis in women at home

If the examination confirmed that the woman’s cystitis is not complicated, it is possible to deal with its manifestations at home. But only on condition that the urologist prescribes the necessary drugs! To treat cystitis at home, a woman should be able to observe bed rest. In addition to taking antibacterial drugs, which quickly help to remove the most unpleasant symptoms of cystitis in women, effective complex treatment offers:

- plentiful drink - cowberry and cranberry fruit drinks, tea with milk, decoctions of birch buds, mineral water. Coffee and beer are not allowed;

- strict diet - an abundance of vegetables, fruits, dairy products, watermelon is welcome. Everything spicy, sour, salty, peppered and canned is prohibited;

- careful observance of personal hygiene, however, a sauna and a bath are excluded;

- The use of antibiotics for cystitis in women is mandatory. But prematurely stopping their intake, do not expect that with the next exacerbation they will help. The causative agent of cystitis very quickly "finds a common language" with the drug, so if a relapse occurs, it will be ineffective. Repeated urine tests will report the success of the treatment, and the disappearance of cystitis in women is not evidence of her recovery.

For the quick and effective treatment of cystitis at home, women successfully use many recipes of alternative medicine. But nevertheless, it is desirable to coordinate their use with a doctor who will remove unwanted ones from the list and advise the ones that are most suitable for you.

Folk remedies in the treatment of cystitis in women

1. Boil three liters of milk and pour one cup into a bowl. When the temperature of the liquid allows, lower your legs into it and cover your waist with a blanket. Add hot milk as it cools. Put the used milk in a cold place, it will come in handy for the next procedure the next day. Usually two to three times is enough to get rid of the pain.

2. Red brick is well heated over a fire and placed in a metal bucket. Having covered the edges of the dishes with a towel, sit on a bucket and take cover with a blanket to the waist. After warming up, go to bed and take a good shelter.

Attention! Warming is allowed only after the disappearance of signs of an acute stage of the disease, on the 7-8th day.

3. Many people know about the benefits of a decoction of rose hips. No less useful and successfully used in the treatment of cystitis at home and a decoction of its roots. For a liter of water you need 4 tbsp. l crushed rosehip roots, after fifteen minutes of boiling, the medicine is ready. You need to drink it 4 times a day for half a glass before eating.

4. Poplar buds perfectly help to cope with the painful manifestations of cystitis in women, with inadequate and involuntary urination. A tablespoon of chopped kidneys will need a glass of boiling water. Drink 100 ml 4 times a day. You can prepare 15% tincture for alcohol - you will need to drip it into milk, 30-40 drops at a time.

5. Decoctions of herbs are indispensable in the treatment of cystitis at home, the improvement in women is noticeable after only half a month. Bearberry, celery seeds, plantain, chamomile, horsetail, marshmallow, and St. John's wort are used. You can make decoctions and infusions from a particular plant or use herbal preparations.

Prevention of cystitis in women

Cystitis is a very insidious and extremely unpleasant disease, which is better not to encounter. The main rule for women is that going to the toilet should be no less than 3-4 hours later. Microorganisms that have penetrated the urethra can be easily washed off with a stream of urine, so simple advice will help to avoid their reproduction. Do not ignore a visit to this institution before and especially after sexual intercourse - the reason is the same. A few small tips for those who do not want to experience the "charms" of cystitis:

- A miniskirt and thin pantyhose in severe frost are a common cause of cystitis in women. Dress for the weather and keep your feet warm. Do not sit on icy ground or stone, and it is better not to swim in cold water.

- Intimate and personal hygiene is an important factor for maintaining health. The bacteria are waiting for them to break through the weakened screen.

- At least 2 liters of liquid - the minimum norm of the drinking regime, this amount does not include coffee, alcoholic and carbonated drinks.

- Having chronic foci of infection - carious teeth, tonsillitis, pharyngitis - do not be surprised at periodic attacks of cystitis.

Remember, at the first signs of cystitis, you need to visit a doctor - the effect on bacteria should be started immediately. Timely treatment of cystitis will avoid the spread of infection, the transition of the disease into a chronic form and reliably relieve unpleasant suffering.


Julia 11/21/2016
Cystitis appeared due to rough sex with my husband. Both laughter and sin. I have it forever on business trips, we do not see each other as often as we would like, so we try to have a real break every time. So it turns out - I won’t have enough time to get horny, right to the point, but the lubrication may not be enough. As the gynecologist said, this leads to injury to the urethra and it is very easy to bring in bacteria that cause cystitis. Now, before the holy act of love, I apply Montavit as an extra lubricant. As a result, nothing is rubbed or injured, which means you can not wait for cystitis 🙂

Iveta 10.27.2016
Now, of course, a lot of funds from cystitis. But still, it is better not to allow it. In my case, cystitis appeared after intimacy, when I had dryness and discomfort. Therefore, I first got rid of the dryness of Montavit gel, and then I got rid of the relapse of cystitis.

Valentina 10.27.2016
Cystitis can also arise due to the fact that the guy’s size ... there ... are very impressive. She was constantly tormented before, until she reached the gynecologist, who advised using the gel for lubrication. And if it were not for the Montavit gel, I would, to put it mildly, be injured during sex. And so everything goes just super - no pain or discomfort and cystitis does not bother.

Alla 06/18/2016
These rules must be written in all public places so that women take care of themselves. It would also be nice to do prevention, drink herbs, eat cranberries and drink

Sveta 03.30.2016
With cystitis, the most important thing is hygiene, diet and prevention, without it anywhere. It is still good to be treated under the supervision of a doctor, he will prescribe pills. I usually go straight to the doctor. I know about uroprofit, I drink it myself and use it for prevention.


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