How to talk the red thread?


The amulet ornament in the form of a red thread on the hand is now found everywhere. Walking along the street, you can notice it among the majority of passersby: men, women, children, babies. The reasons for its popularity are very controversial, but like any amulet, the red thread has its special power. In more detail about its value, and also how to start talking a red thread in house conditions, we will tell in article.

Plots on the red thread

The story of the red thread is associated with ancient legends. The most popular is the Kabbalistic legend of Rachel.

Rachel, the wife of Jacob, the great foremother of the entire Jewish people, was barren. Despite this, she sought to protect and protect her people from sins. In gratitude for this, in a dream, the Lord sent her an angel. The angel told her to tie a red thread on her hand, and then her cherished wishes would come true. On waking, Rachel followed the angel's advice and subsequently gave birth to two healthy sons, Joseph and Benjamin.

Since then, people have come to her tomb in Bethlehem from around the world. This place is sacred to them, there they pay Rachel a tribute and receive in return the strongest amulet. They bring with them a red thread of wool and wrap the tomb of Rachel with it seven times. The thread absorbs all the love and compassion of the great mother and becomes an amulet against dark energy. The followers of the Kabbalah consider this legend to be the only true one and do not recognize the power of other threads, except those that have passed the rite of consecration in the tomb of the Mother of God.

Also the color of this thread is associated with the beliefs of the Slavs and Jews. Since ancient times, when medicine was not yet so developed, the umbilical cord of newborns was tied with a red thread.

The reasons for which they began to wear the red thread everywhere are unknown. Nowadays, a whole world, regardless of its religion, wears it on the wrist. Someone considers it a simple decoration, while others believe that it is a talisman.

It is customary to buy the red thread or receive as a gift from the closest person. There is an unspoken rule that must be followed by both the one who wears the thread and the one who ties it. The thread must be tied, leaving all negative thoughts out of the head not only in relation to the person to whom the thread is intended, but also to the whole world. Thus, we transmit only bright promises to the amulet.

It is believed that the color of the thread that we give to a person means what we want. The threads familiar to us all come in different colors and each one has its own meaning. Play an important role as well color combinations:

  • Red color, symbolizes courage, courage, fire, optimism, self-confidence and passion. In addition, the red thread is best to protect against the evil eye. Different shades of red also have their meaning.
  • Maroon - The color of financial and business success.
  • Bright scarlet - the color of passion and sensuality of relationships in the physical plane.
  • Pink - the color of lightness, tenderness and romance.
  • Orange - the color of sociability and love for the whole world, of pure solar energy.
  • Yellow - the color of creativity and creativity, the color of actors and creators.
  • Green - the color of nature, softness, compassion and enlightenment.
  • Blue - the color of water, tranquility, creativity and inspiration.
  • White - The color of true purity, sincerity, honesty and selflessness.
  • Gray the color of a dark shade is not used for amulets, only silver, whose purpose is to cure diseases and bring peace of mind.
  • The black color, despite its gloom and the negative effect attributed to it, gives the owner calmness and balance. Those who carry the black thread are respected by people and are spoken of as a worthy and revered person.

There is a common misconception that if the thread is torn - this is a sign of something bad. In fact, such a sign is considered vice versa, good and symbolizes deliverance from something dangerous. In this case, it is recommended to simply replace the thread with a new one and thank the donor for saving him from the trouble.

The red thread, as a charm on the wrist

Before giving such an amulet, it is customary to read a plot on a red thread. In more detail about what kind of conspiracies are and for whom what is better to use, let's talk further.

The first, most famous, is called "Ben Porat Joseph".

This is the most famous kabalistic prayer, but it can be read in Russian. Especially for this there is a translation:

"As the fish on our land are hidden under water from an evil eye, so the descendants of Joseph are protected from evil power, for an eye that does not gaze upon it, which does not belong, is not subject to the evil eye."

Says "Ben Porat" seven times in a row, while your hands tie the wrist guard on seven knots.

Also have christian variants of prayer, they differ among themselves in meaning and length, but most of them are truly true. After all, Christians believe that any prayer addressed to the Lord will be heard. In Christian prayer, an important role is played by your belief in the strength you put into the amulet. One of the prayers, for example, is:

"Lord, blessed on earth and heaven, have mercy on me (your name) and save. I bow to your Majesty, mercy and forgiveness, for your love is true and your strength. Have mercy and save me, but I ask you - save your enemies from your enemies and misfortunes (the name of the one who will wear the amulet.) Bless, Lord, save and have mercy in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen. "

Old Slavic the plot is infrequent, but it does not lose its effectiveness. Its difference is that in a conspiracy it is necessary to tie nine knots instead of seven, and then put the talisman on your left hand. This conspiracy is especially strong for infants.

"Dying from misfortune, evil evil, selfless enemy, gloom hopeless, save the amulet. Cover the wall with a mountain. Lock with nine locks, lock with nine keys. Protect with a word with my strong, red thread. As it is said, it will be so."

There are many plots on the red thread, these three are just one of them.

Another, no less famous plot on the red thread for a childwhich can be read at home, sounds like this:

"Take care of the red thread, do not break, do not interrupt. The circle is protective red, there is no power of the devil. Cover the child with love, evil and pain. Amen."

From the evil eye and good luck

The strongest ritual to speak the red thread from the evil eye and damage is done in a short period of time. But the thread that is spoken in such a way is up to three months, then it can be replaced and started to talk again. This is a really powerful rite, whose action is supported not only by word but by deed.

You will need:

  • ring;
  • Red thread;
  • three wax candles.

The ritual is held in solitude, on the background you can turn on calm music, mantra or chants. Most importantly, make sure you have peace and harmony in your soul.

It is important to take into account the time of the ritual: according to the lunar calendar, it is held on 12, 13, 14 or 15 lunar days.

Take three candles, set in front of you and light a match or a long torch. Remove the ring that you wear from your hand, but not the engagement ring. You can use a new, unworn ring for you, in which case the ritual will need to be carried out a little longer. The material from which the ring is made does not matter.

Little secret: You can take any length of the thread to fit in a clenched fist. Then it can be divided into several parts for several people. It is worth doing this if people are interconnected by life circumstances. Or there is something unifying to you all about them - friendship, sympathy, family ties. Before you cut the thread, you must comply Two important rules:

  1. The scissors with which you will cut the thread must be consecrated by the flame of the candles with which you conduct the rite.
  2. Before you make the cut, make two knots on both sides of the future cut and cut the thread between them. So you enclose the energy within these nodules and it will not expire.

So, hold the thread through your fist in your fist. Concentrating, start fist driving over the candles so that your hand does not touch the fire but feel warm. Imagine that the fire flows into your hand, and from it into the thread, filling it with warmth and light.

Repeat the words of the plot in an even, calm and gentle voice. Refer not so much to the thread, fire, or energy, as to the people for whom you speak the thread:

"The thread, consecrated fire, fire endowed with power, God-given power, the one and all-knowing God. From damage, evil and the evil eye, from human hatred and envy, from adversity and failure, protect the wearer's ward with flame. the deeds of the earthly ones, give me the power of your fire, the earth and the holy Heaven. Amen. "

Try them to flow out of you, do not be afraid to confuse them or forget. When you feel that the lips themselves utter a conspiracy - this is a sure sign that the higher forces have heard you.

It is important to hold the thread over each candle three times, repeating the plot three times, then tie three knots on the thread. If the thread is long - make knots for cuts at the end.

After the ceremony is completed, grab the edge of the thread and tie it twice on the ring. Then - boldly cut the thread and put the ring on. This will be your personal amulet, and its strength is equal to the strength of the entire red thread. With the help of this ring, you can safely repeat the rite on a new thread.

Over the next few days, watch for the red knot on the ring. If he unleashes or breaks within three lunar days after the ritual, this is a good sign. This means that the ritual worked and saved you from evil. It is important not to remove the ring during this time.

There is nothing difficult in understanding how to speak the red thread from the evil eye and for good luck. The most important thing is to do it with love and kindness to the person to whom you give the amulet.

For money

The red thread can talk and good luck in financial affairs and trade. For this purpose, it is better to take a dark maroon thread that symbolizes precisely financial success.

The conspiracy on money on the red thread has an important feature. Since it is associated with money, you will need money in the first place. It is very important that the money-lined thread was tied to you by a person who himself achieved success and prosperity.

The first step is to conduct the ritual of the conspiracy of the red thread.

For him you will need:

  • candle;
  • bill;
  • the thread is red or maroon.

It is better to take a candle with a golden or red coating; a low but wide cylindrical candle is well suited. The bill is suitable for any, not necessarily valid, you can use the bill from another country. The more it is special, the more likely the success of the ritual.

Light a candle, wait until the flame starts to burn evenly. Fold the bill wide tube, wrap the thread around it several times. Then roll the thread to the end and gently move it from the straw to the finger of your left hand. With the same hand, straighten the bill and bring it to the fire, saying:

“I give tribute to fire, I ask for fire. I’ll take old money, return new money. Let luck return a hundredfold, let prosperity triple. Fire - the rest, prosperity to the house!”

Carefully lower the thread into the ash from the burnt bill, take it out and, without shaking it away, ask to put it on your person’s hand.

The rite is over.

Perhaps you doubt whether you are failing to burn money? In this case, ask yourself if the new can fall into your palm if the old one is squeezed in it. By releasing the old money, you will get new in return, this is the principle of energy exchange in the Universe. And white magic helps us to direct this energy in the direction we need.

On love

What is most important, besides health, good luck and prosperity? Of course - love. The very bright feeling that fills us with joy, but alas - sometimes it is not available to us.

There are many conspiracies for love, but before you speak a thread, you should answer one very important question.

Do you want to love you, or want to love yourself?

Further actions depend on your answer.

If you have not been able to meet your soul mate for a long time - then a plot on a red thread for love will be a great solution.

But if you expect from the thread that it will make a certain person fall in love with you - your desire most likely will not come true. Moreover, the effect may be quite the opposite. Love spells are not absolutely white magic. This is an action against the will of a person whose motives you do not know, or you know, but do not want to accept it. The thread that you try to speak in this way may work, and may resist. In both cases, the consequences may be unsatisfactory. Deciding on such a step, be aware of the fact that you are aware of all sorts, even the worst. Ask yourself if you really want it and whether the chosen person will be happy with you.

The most effective conspiracy on the red thread on love is carried out at night, by the window, by candlelight. The thread, preferably a pink shade, should be measured from the ball, sentencing the plot and reeling on the ring finger. Repeating ritual words, the measured thread is tied up by you personally, on the left hand, on seven knots. Seven times in a singing voice, putting caress, tenderness and joyful anticipation in your voice:

"The fire is burning, the fire is getting closer. In your eyes I will see you. Passers-by are accidental, with unexpected love, a tangle of thread will curl up - our love will begin".

After graduating from the ritual, feel relieved and joyful calm. The Universe has heard your prayer and He Himself wanders somewhere near, it remains only to wait for him.

Another ritual, no less important and powerful, is useful to those who have already found their soul mate. The thread of such a ritual will strengthen the relationship and allow you to more fully express your love for each other.

It is carried out necessarily together, alone. It is necessary to take two threads and tie them in each other’s arms. Wrists should not be left in both, but paired - on those hands that you most often hold on a walk.

At the same time, looking into each other's eyes, utter the words of the conspiracy:

"Our love is strong, from one ball. We cannot be broken, the thread cannot be cut. I love you, my love is eternal."

The plot on the red thread on the seven knots

Regardless of the motives with which the amulet is made, any thread presented to a person and tied by you with your own hand carries some kind of auspicious message. Each node symbolizes one wish, or, in the aggregate, one, but sevenfold amplified.

There is one simple and universal plot on seven knots, which does not carry any special rules and conventions. Its essence is simple: take a red thread and, tying it on a person’s wrist, say wishes on each knot.

For example, I wish you:

  • Happiness
  • Good luck
  • Love
  • Wealth
  • Heat
  • Force
  • Of confidence

This is not so much a conspiracy as a binding mental connection. Thanks to her, the person presented with the thread will feel secure and important to you.

For pregnancy

It is very important for a woman given her the opportunity to produce a small miracle by nature. But due to circumstances, sometimes, regardless of health, not everyone succeeds at once. In such situations come to the aid of charms.

The plot on pregnancy red thread at home should be read carefully. You should approach it with full responsibility, eliminating all bad thoughts, anxieties, worries, doubts from your head. The pregnancy plot is very strong. Your faith in your natural strength nourishes the red thread along with white magic.

This conspiracy must be kept secret from all for 40 days.

You will need a red thread and a wedding ring if you are married. Before you lie down in bed, retire to a secluded place where you will not be seen. After passing the wedding ring into the thread, tie one knot, after speaking the spell:

"Be merciful to me, Mother of Mothers on this night. Give me a son or a daughter, give me a growing life on the night. Amen."

For 40 days, knit a knot each night. Forties, last, tie at both ends and put the thread on the arm. If your desire is strong - the ritual will be crowned with success.

The conspiracy "Preserve the red thread on the wrist" - the most simple and bright, which can be done at home. It is only important to follow the basic rules: accuracy, sincerity, faith in success.

And you will succeed!


Watch the video: Anime Talk: What is the Red ThreadString Of Fate? (July 2024).