Folk remedies for colds: tasty and tasteless natural medicines. How to cure folk remedies for colds?


With the onset of cold weather, many people encounter such unpleasant sensations as a runny nose, sore throat, general weakness.

A cold begins gradually and if you do not take measures to eliminate it in time, it will lead to a worsening of the condition.

Folk remedies for colds - a gentle treatment

At the first sign of a cold, people tend to go to extremes often. So, some hope that in a week everything will pass by itself, and some rush to the pharmacy and buy all sorts of drugs in the hope of quickly getting rid of the disease.

Treatment of the common cold is best carried out with safe, mild, but the most effective means that traditional medicine offers.

1. The drug beer based. Spread 2 tablespoons of sugar 2 yolks. Heat half a liter of beer (preferably light), add chopped lemon zest and 2 cloves of clove.

Pour the beer slowly into the yolk mass and, stirring, warm the mixture on the stove for several minutes. Cool a little and drink before bedtime. Then put on warm wool socks, wrap yourself well in a blanket and fall asleep.

2. Onion decoction - effective remedy for colds. Finely chop the small onion and fill it with boiling water. Cover the top and let stand for a couple of minutes. Drink quickly, until the beneficial substances in the onion have died.

The taste of the decoction is not very pleasant, but such treatment will quickly bring the expected result.

3. With catarrhal diseases successfully applied fruits of red or black currant. Of these, you can prepare an infusion, freshly squeezed juice or use as jam.

4. Drink out rose hips easily copes with a cold. Spread dry berries of the plant. Put a container with 1 liter of cold water on the fire and throw 5 tablespoons of fruit there. Boil the mixture well (10 minutes), wrap, let it brew overnight.

In the morning, strain and drink, like tea, 1 cup several times a day, adding what you like best: honey, jam or sugar.

After taking the drug, it is recommended to rinse your mouth with water each time to avoid erosion of the enamel with acid.

5. Coltsfoot - a medicinal plant that helps relieve inflammation with a cold, destroy harmful microorganisms, cause profuse sweating.

To prepare the medicine, take 3 tablespoons of grass and pour boiling water (500 ml) in a thermos. Insist decoction is necessary for half an hour. Then drink it during the day in a third of a glass.

6. Yarrow - natural antibiotic. A decoction of a medicinal plant is prepared as follows: 1 tablespoon of flowers and leaves of yarrow, pour a glass of boiling water and boil in a water bath for 15 minutes. Then set the mixture aside to infuse. After 45 minutes, strain the broth through a strainer and drink a tablespoon every hour. The tool can be alternated: ingestion - gargling.

7. Garlic It helps with colds. Grind the head of garlic and add 2 chopped lemons, a pack of softened butter. Mix everything, and better beat with a mixer. Spread the mixture on bread and eat such a sandwich during the day, washed down with hot tea.

8. Another garlic-based recipe. Grind 3 slices of product and pour in a glass hot milk. Cover with a towel, let it infuse for a while. After 15 minutes, strain the mixture and drink in small sips. During the day, you need to drink 3-4 cups of this tool.

9. Horseradish juice and honeyTaken in the same proportions, they are excellent in combating cold. For the preparation of a therapeutic drug, grind the roots of horseradish in a meat grinder. Then put the mixture in a clean jar, adding a little warm water there too.

Cover and steep. Squeeze the mixture, and mix the resulting juice with honey. Take the medicine every morning and evening for a tablespoon.

10. To reduce body temperature and improve the overall condition of the body is used raspberries. From the fruits and leaves of the bush, you can prepare a decoction. Also used in the treatment of colds decoction of raspberry stalks.

To do this, chop a few stalks and fill with boiling water. Let it brew. The more saturated the color of the decoction, the more effective it is.

11. Linden has long been used in the treatment of colds. Brew a linden blossom with apple peel. Let it brew. Eat, adding honey, several times a day in a cup.

We treat a cold: folk remedies for colds

With such a manifestation of a cold, how to runny nose is quite simple:

1. Washing effective at first. It can be done with ordinary water. Pour a little water into the palm of your hand and draw it in with one nostril, holding another. Make sure the water gets into your mouth, then spit it out. Do alternately one nostril, then another.

2. To enhance the effect, you can use saline solution. Dissolve a teaspoon of salt in a glass of warm water, stir and rinse your nose in the usual way.

3. Aloe juice - effective remedy for rhinitis. Bury 3-5 drops of plant juice in both nostrils several times a day.

We treat cough: folk remedy for colds

Proven treatment for coughing and sore throat for colds:

1. Drink several times a day. Hot milkadding a little honey and butter to it.

2. Before meals, take a teaspoon of a medicine prepared as follows: combine 50 g of softened butter and as much honey. Add a teaspoon of dry mustard. Mix everything well. Cold medicine - done!

3. Onion jam treats cough in both adults and children. Mix a glass of finely chopped onion with a glass of sugar. Put the mixture on the fire and boil for a few minutes. Medicinal jam should be used by children a teaspoon every hour. Adults dosage should be doubled.

An onion-based remedy can be prepared in a slightly different way. Mix sugar and water (100 g each), heat the mixture on the stove. Stir in chopped onion. Boil it. Take 1 tablespoon every hour. Healing composition is so effective that the result is visible after the first spoon.

Folk remedies for colds - general recommendations

As a rule, people do not pay too much attention to cold symptoms and continue the usual rhythm of life. But, as they say, for the time being.

  • Colds are strongly discouraged to carry "on their feet." At first, the body needs to create all the conditions so that it can cope with the disease more quickly. The best you can do is stay in bed.
  • With a slight increase in body temperature (up to 38 * C), do not rush to take antipyretic drugs. Allow your immune system to cope with viruses.
  • During the cold, eat more foods containing vitamin C. It is abundant in fresh fruits (oranges, apples, kiwi, lemons, persimmons) and vegetables (cabbage, onions, garlic).
  • During illness, discard heavy protein foods, which require a lot of energy to digest. Drink plenty of toxins from the body. It is useful to use tea with lemon, raspberries, black currants, broths of wild rose with the addition of honey, tea from viburnum. Drinking should be warm, not hot.
  • In order to prevent the infection from spreading throughout the body at the first sign of a runny nose, rinse your nose. If you feel a sore throat, do not hesitate to start rinsing.
  • The procedure can be performed using a decoction of chamomile - an anti-inflammatory universal remedy or iodine-saline solution. Gargle often: every 1-2 hours.
  • Among other things, the treatment of colds will be effective if inhaled with decoctions of chamomile, eucalyptus, sage.
  • During the period of illness it is absolutely impossible to freeze. Especially the feet need warmth. Before bed, make a hot foot bath. Then put on wool socks and get into bed.
  • Complement all measures to combat colds - a full sleep, which is an important part of treatment.
  • The main reason for colds is banal hypothermia. In the period of cold weather is recommended to dress for the weather. Coming out of the house, take a look at the thermometer. This will help to some extent to avoid the disease.
  • If a cold patient appears in the house, try to protect the rest of the family as much as possible. To do this, use gauze masks, frequent ventilation of the room. It is also necessary for the patient to allocate individual dishes, cutlery, towels.

How to choose a treatment method for unpleasant sensations associated with a cold - you decide. The main thing is not to start the disease, but to take measures to eliminate it in time.


Watch the video: 8 Sick Remedies That Actually Work - Scientifically! (July 2024).