We harvest homemade tomatoes for the winter. The best recipes for canning homemade tomatoes for the winter


In the traditions of many nations, much attention is paid to the preparation of products for future use.

From generation to generation, housewives brought in the recipes the specifics of their cuisine, marinades, spices, even the degree of fruit maturity are different.

Features of the workpiece affect the serving of canned food.

Depending on the recipe, harvested homemade tomatoes act as snacks, can be served as a salad, or side dish.

Homemade tomatoes for the winter - the general principles of cooking

Canned tomatoes varying degrees of maturity - from milky ripeness to red. Conservation prepared from the fruit of brown ripeness, or mature, will be much tastier if the key feature of a particular recipe is not exactly the selection of green tomatoes.

For the preparation of homemade canned ripe tomatoes should be selected varieties with hard skin. Such fruits during heat treatment will not crack. There is a little trick to prevent cracking of the fetus. A few punctures should be made with a toothpick before stacking in banks in the area of ​​the stem.

Tomatoes for canning, it is desirable to select with a smooth surfacesmall size of about 60-70 grams each.

Banks should be used clean and well dried. The containers should be washed under running hot water with soap or any degreasing agent, it is good to use baking soda for these purposes. Each jar is rinsed thoroughly so that no traces of detergent used are left on its surface. After that, the banks are carefully heated over steam for at least 15 minutes.

Vegetables need to be washed well under the tap, removing dried particles of dirt from the surface and possibly chemical substances on their skin used for processing during cultivation.

Peeled garlic, spice leaves and spices should also be thoroughly washed under running water. Then dry well, laying on a clean, better linen, towel.

The metal caps used for seaming are thoroughly washed and boiled for 10 to 15 minutes. This will allow disinfecting the caps from the possible presence of harmful microorganisms.

Home-made tomatoes, preserved for the winter, will be stored and your labors will not “explode” if the banks, after seaming, are immediately turned upside down and, wrapped in a blanket, leave them so that they cool down completely. It will take about 14-15 hours. After that, canned food can be safely removed in storage.

When cooking marinade pouring ingredients included in its composition, should be added to the water to mix well until dissolved. Boil the marinade until it fills for 5-10 minutes.

Salt for cooking marinade should be large. It is impossible to use at preservation fine salt and iodinated!

Spicy homemade tomatoes for the winter

The classic, simple recipe that allows you to prepare homemade tomatoes for the winter with a spicy, spicy flavor.


ripe tomatoes;

garlic, 10 medium cloves;

young dill - about 150 grams;

coarse salt - 3 tablespoons, to the top;

acetylsalicylic acid, 2 tablets;

pepper pods - red, hot.

Cooking method:

The pepper prepared according to the general technology is cut into small rings.

Dill dried shredded.

At the bottom of a clean three-liter jar, approximately one-third of the chopped dill, 1/3 of the chopped bitter pepper, 2 medium cloves of garlic, pre-cut into plates, are laid uniformly.

Fill the prepared container with half the tomatoes.

Top on the tomatoes once again lay out 1/3 of the chopped dill and the ring of hot pepper and again a layer of tomatoes.

Place the remaining spice mixture on top.

Pour salt in a jar of prepared vegetables, add acetylsalicylic acid tablets on top and pour boiling water on it without stopping. Roll up

Canned homemade tomatoes for the winter with grapes

A spectacular way of preparing homemade tomatoes, especially loved by kids for a light acidity and a completely unusual flavor.

Ingredients based on a 3 liter can:

tomatoes 1.3 kg;

grapes, preferably acidic varieties, one small brush;

sweet pepper, for the beauty of preservation, select yellow, 2 pieces;

garlic - 3 small teeth;

green cherry and currant leaves, 2-3 pieces;

dried dill, 3 umbrellas;

water 1.2 liters;

salt coarse, 1 tablespoon;

sugar 2-2.5 tablespoons.

Cooking method:

From the sweet pepper, after cutting the stalk, remove the seeds very carefully and cut lengthwise into four parts.

At the bottom of the pre-washed and dried jars evenly lay currant leaves and cherry leaves, chopped garlic slices.

Fill the jar with prepared tomatoes of small size, necessarily unripe, place a bunch of grapes between them. Grapes can be put in a whole bunch or divided into individual berries.

Fill the free space with pepper slices. They can, if necessary, cut into smaller pieces.

Pour the jars of vegetables with boiling marinade and immediately roll them up without delay.

Sweet homemade tomatoes for the winter

But do not want to prepare homemade tomatoes for the winter in a spicy, sweetish marinade? Spicy snack in which pickle is also served at the table, along with tomatoes.


water, 1 liter;

salt, 1 tablespoon;

granulated sugar, 2 tablespoons;

tomatoes, 1.5 kilograms;

dried dill - 3-4 medium sized umbrellas, or 2 handfuls of chopped stems;

peeled garlic, 4 cloves;

acetylsalicylic acid, 2 tablets.

Cooking method:

Put prepared stalks of dried dill or its umbrellas into pre-prepared jars.

Fill a jar with medium sized tomatoes.

Pour boiling water over it, and leave it under a covered lid for about 15-20 minutes.

After the specified time, drain the already cooled water.

Pour a plate of garlic over the tomato, throw acetylsalicylic acid.

Pour over boiling brine and roll up the lids.

Homemade tomatoes for the winter (marinated with whole mustard seeds)

The marinade recipe is based on French cuisine, which often uses mustard seeds.

Ingredients, calculation on a three-liter jar:


mustard seeds - 3 tsp;

allspice 12 peas;

bay leaf 4-5 leaflets.

For the marinade per 1 liter of water:

9% vinegar - 150 ml;

coarse salt, 1.5 tablespoons;

granulated sugar, 3 tablespoons.

Cooking method:

At the bottom of the prepared jar lay a sweet pepper and bay leaves, mustard seeds.

Fill the container with tomatoes and pour boiling water over it, cover with a lid prepared for seaming.

Cook from the listed ingredients marinade, according to the general principle.

From the cooled jar of tomatoes drain the water.

Pour the contents of the container with boiling marinade and roll up.

Homemade tomatoes for the winter "under the snow"

Tasty and beautiful, the type of snow-covered tomatoes is very popular with children, and adults will not give up the fragrant, hard tomatoes.

Ingredients, calculation on the preparation of a liter jar:

garlic 5-6 teeth;

water 2 cups;

coarse salt, 1.5 tablespoons;

sugar, 2 tablespoons;

table vinegar, 25 ml;

dried dill - 1 umbrella or a handful of chopped dry stalks;

allspice, 6 peas;

bay leaf 1 piece (optional).

Cooking method:

Dried dill, bay leaf, sweet peas spread out neatly on the bottom of the jar.

Fill the jar with ripe small tomatoes and pour boiling water over it.

After about 20 minutes, drain the cooled water into a saucepan and cook a marinade based on it.

Through the press skip peeled garlic and put it in a jar.

Pour boiling marinade and roll up.

Homemade tomatoes for the winter in its own juice

A very favorite recipe for many housewives, despite the complexity of the cooking process. Saving tare in half, because tomato juice can be served at the table, or used in the preparation of other dishes.




Cooking method:

To prepare tomato juice, in which tomatoes will be preserved, fruits should be sampled according to a general principle.

To do this, cut ripe large-sized tomatoes in the stalk area crosswise. Put a large container with water on the turned-on stove and heat until boiling. Throw prepared tomatoes into boiling water and keep in water for 30 seconds. Blanched tomatoes in cold water for 2 minutes.

Gently from the side of the incision grab the skin with a knife and remove it.

Peeled tomatoes skip through a meat grinder with a special nozzle for squeezing juice or a juicer.

The juice prepared in this way is poured into a suitable non-enamel saucepan, salt to taste and bring to a boil.

Put prepared small sized, medium ripened tomatoes into prepared jars.

When the juice boils pour them the contents of the jar. Roll up

Stuffed red tomatoes for the winter

Simple in content and somewhat complicated in the cooking process recipe. Having prepared home-made tomatoes for the winter, you actually get a ready-made dish in a jar.


medium ripening tomatoes;

sweet pepper, 600 grams;

carrot, 600 grams;

garlic - 6 not very large heads;

parsley, 250 grams;

water, 5 liters;

granulated sugar, 2 glasses;

9% vinegar - 1 cup.

Cooking method:

Peeled peppers and seeds, sweet peppers, carrots, peeled garlic through a meat grinder.

Prepared parsley finely chopped. Add the chopped parsley to the minced vegetable mass.

With a cooked tomato knife, carefully cut off the top and select the contents of the tomato with a teaspoon.

Fill the tomatoes with the previously prepared vegetable mass and put them in three-liter jars with the cut side up.

Carefully pour the prepared boiling marinade.

At the bottom of a large bowl or pelvis lay a towel, you can put a stand under the hot dishes and put the jars with the marinade already filled.

Banks to cover the covers, which then are going to roll them. Bring the water in the pot to a boil, slightly reduce the gas so that the water does not boil.

Sterilize the preservation in this way for 20-25 minutes.

If you decompose stuffed tomatoes in half-liter or liter jars, sterilization can be carried out in the oven. With this method of sterilization, filled containers should be placed on a baking sheet and put into a cold oven. Raise the temperature in the oven to 180-200 degrees and with such heating maintain the preservation of 10-15 minutes.

Get canned, roll up.

Homemade green tomatoes for the winter

A beautiful, relatively simple recipe - why bother with tomatoes before serving, because you can make a snack that will be beautiful and tasty right away, you should open a can.


green tomatoes;

carrot 1 piece;

red sweet pepper 2 pieces;

4-6 bay leaves;

garlic 8-9 cloves;

water 5 liters;

salt 1 cup;

3.5 cup sugar;

vinegar 400 ml.

Cooking method:

Cut the prepared carrot in half and chop into thin half-rings or simply grate on a large-sized grater.

Cut the peeled garlic cloves into thin slices.

Cut the tomatoes into 2 or 4 parts, depending on the size. We cut from the side, the opposite stem, trying not to cut to the end.

Put sliced ​​carrots and garlic slices into sliced ​​tomatoes.

Peeled sweet pepper cut into rings.

In the banks prepared in advance, spread out several half-carcasses of carrots and 3-4 rings of bell pepper.

Spread stuffed green tomatoes in banks, preferably liter.

Pour boiling water over cans, covered with a metal lid, leave on the table until it cools completely.

This procedure must be repeated 3 times. The interval between pouring boiling water about 30-35 minutes.

After each bank lay out 2 leaves of Lavushka.

Tomatoes pour boiling marinade and roll up.


Watch the video: Canning the Most Important Vegetable on the Homestead. Tomatoes! (July 2024).