Homemade gingerbread - simple pastries with amazing taste. Recipes for homemade gingerbread: vanilla, chocolate, ginger, honey, poppy


Gingerbread can be bought at any store, their range is huge. But they will not be as fragrant and tasty as homemade.

For some reason, homemade gingerbread is not as popular with housewives as, for example, pancakes, cookies, muffins and other pastries. In fact, preparing a delicacy is much easier than you might think.

Homemade gingerbread - the general principles of cooking

For the test you need to mix all the liquid and bulk ingredients, sometimes they are heated or cooked choux dough. Then the mass is rolled out with a rolling pin into the reservoir, given the desired shape and baked.

For cutting You can use molds, glasses, piles, curly and simple knives. To prevent the dough from sticking, the edges should be dipped periodically in flour. You can also just roll the balls with your hands and lay them on a baking sheet. Bake gingerbread at 180-200 ° C.

Finished goods after baking glazed. To do this, use sugar, protein, chocolate fudge. You can use ready-made confectionery glaze, paint in various colors and create real masterpieces. For bonding homemade gingerbread usually use the same icing, jam, boiled condensed milk, various creams.

It is not necessary to prepare a delicacy in the form of simple cookies. You can do with fillings, raisins, sprinkles. In any case it is important to roll the dough correctly. It should not be thinner than 0.5 mm and thicker than 2 cm; in the baking process, the products will still rise and become larger.

Recipe 1: Simple homemade gingerbread cookies on kefir with vanilla

Instead of kefir in this recipe, you can use any fermented milk product. You can even a little peroxide or moderately expired, the taste of homemade gingerbread will not suffer. In a classic recipe, baking soda is added to the dough, but we will use baking powder. With it, the dough turns out more tender, homogeneous porosity.

Ingredients Required

• kefir 500 gr. (any fermented milk product);

• 5 Art. flour;

• 0.45 kg of sugar;

• fine salt 1 tsp;

• baking powder bag;

• bag of vanilla;

• 3 yolks.

For the preparation of protein glaze:

• 2 raw egg whites;

• 0.25 kg of powdered sugar.


1. Mix the kefir with salt, sugar, yolks, add flour with baking powder and vanilla mixed in it. Immediately do not need to pour all, it may need less. It all depends on the liquid yogurt. The mass should be elastic, soft, slightly stick to the hands.

2. Roll out the dough on a table not more than 1.5 cm thick, squeeze homemade gingerbread with molds or a glass and place it on a baking sheet so that they do not touch each other. We put baked until readiness in the oven.

3. For the glaze, beat the whites, gradually pour the icing sugar. The masses should be dense, strong. We grease gingerbread from all directions, we give to dry several hours.

Recipe 2: Homemade gingerbread Honey with cinnamon on burnt

Honey home gingerbread appeared one of the first and has a peculiar, delicate aroma and aftertaste. And in order to emphasize it, we will add some cinnamon and a bit of cinnamon to the dough. It is important to use real honey, from artificial molasses or sugar syrup will not work.

Ingredients Required

• 0.05 kg of fresh honey;

• 100 grams of water;

• 0.2 kg of sugar;

• egg;

• 500 gr. flour;

• butter 50 gr. (you can also use margarine);

• bag (10 gr.) Ripper;

• 0.5 tsp. cinnamon

For the glaze:

• fresh protein;

• 30 ml of milk

• 0.1 kg of powder.


1. Making zhenku. To do this, pour a spoonful of granulated sugar into a frying pan, add just a few drops of water and begin to burn. As soon as smoke appears, the sugar will turn black, pour in a drop of half a glass of water. It is important to do this a little bit so that sugar is not caramelized.

2. Add cinnamon, honey, sugar and stir the rest.

3. We melt the butter and send it to the dough, we will drive in the egg and flour with baking powder. Mass knead hands.

4. Roll out the dough with the help of a rolling pin sprinkled with flour into the bed up to 2 cm, cut out arbitrary figures, put it in with a fork and bake.

5. For the glaze, beat the sugar with the protein, add the hot milk, mix.

6. Coat baked blanks, dry.

Recipe 3: Gingerbread with honey gingerbread

In many European countries, gingerbread and cookies are Christmas treats. Just before a bright day, the smell of fragrant pastry soars through the streets. But in order to please the family with homemade gingerbread, it is not necessary to wait for the holiday, they can be easily prepared at any time. The same dough can be used for gingerbread houses - Christmas treats, decorated with protein patterns.


• 0.22 kg of honey;

• 1 tbsp. spoon of ginger powder;

• soda 2 tsp;

• 0.5 Art. l spoons of cinnamon powder;

• 100 gr. sugar;

• 0.13 kg drain. oils;

• egg;

• 500 gr. sifted flour.

Fans of spicy flavors can also add ground cloves and allspice to the dough. Glaze can be used any, including protein from previous recipes.


1. Pour sugar into a saucepan, lay out honey and add fragrant spices. Put on the fire and bring to a boil. The mass should be stirred so that it does not fry from the edges of the pan.

2. Turn off the fire and gradually add baking soda, do not need to pour all at once. The quenching reaction should go and the mass will be foamed. Mix well.

3. Add oil, it will melt in the dough. Then egg and flour. If the dough is still hot, then first pour a little flour, then a beaten egg, so that it does not caked.

4. Knead the mass on the table, if it turned out weak, you can add a little more flour.

5. Roll out the dough layer, form the figures, then bake and garnish with icing.

Recipe 4: Homemade Gingerbread Cookies

For these homemade cakes, poppy is used, which can be soaked in water or sugar syrup if desired. This recipe does not use glazing, the products are simply sprinkled with powdered sugar. If you want to make a coating or decoration, you can use any sweets, protein or chocolate icing.


• 0.1 kg of honey;

• 2 tbsp. l var. oils;

• poppy 50 gr .;

• 0.1 kg of sugar;

• 1 tsp. soda;

• one egg;

• cognac 1 tbsp. l .;

• flour 1.5 cups.


1. Combine butter with honey, sugar, heat, add soda, brandy, egg. All thoroughly mixed.

2. Add poppy, flour, thoroughly knead the dough.

3. Roll out the layer, cut out the figures and bake. Cool it down and sprinkle it cold. Warm products are not worth decorating, as the sugar melts.

Recipe 5: Homemade Gingerbread Chocolate Truffle

These homemade gingerbread cookies have a pronounced taste and aroma of chocolate, turn out to be soft, soft and have an amazing taste. In addition to cocoa in the recipe used chocolate bar.


• 0.1 kg of dark chocolate;

• 30 gr. cocoa powder;

• 0.15 kg of flour;

• 50 gr. sugar sand;

• egg;

• 50 gr. oils;

• 0.5 teaspoon ripper.

For fudge:

• 1 protein;

• 0.1 kg of powdered sugar.


1. Break the chocolate bar into pieces, add oil and send it to heat in a water bath. Bring to a liquid state, no need to boil. Constantly stir.

2. Remove from heat, add granulated sugar and cool.

3. Smash the chicken egg, mix, add cocoa.

4. We unite the ripper with flour and send it to the dough. Knead, if necessary, pour a little more flour.

5. We roll out the layer, with the help of molds or a glass we make even circles, spread it on the prepared baking sheet and bake until done.

6. We shake up protein with powder, we smear gingerbreads on the one hand, we give to dry out, we overturn and we cover with glaze.

Recipe 6: Homemade gingerbread with jam

They say that without honey, do not cook real, loose gingerbread. In fact, this is not the case and this recipe will help if the main ingredient is not enough. As a filling for homemade cakes used jam. If desired, it can be replaced with boiled condensed milk, chocolate paste, marmalade, dried fruit.

Ingredients Required

• 0.2 kg of sugar;

• 1 tsp. soda;

• 0.1 kg butter (you can use margarine);

• 4 eggs;

• 3 cups flour;

• cinnamon and ginger to taste;

• jam for filling.


1. We soften the oil, but do not melt, just keep the hour warm. Then add sugar to it and carefully rub it.

2. Add cocoa, eggs, continue to mix.

3. Put the soda. In this recipe, it must be paid off so that the dough does not acquire a specific flavor.

4. Pour the flour, prepare the dough, roll out the cake, 0.4-0.5 mm thick. Squeeze out the cups with a glass, put the stuffing in the center, glue the edges together and flatten it a little, it will make varenichki You can make round gingerbread, putting two mugs and filling between them.

5. We bake, if desired, you can sprinkle with powder or icing.

Recipe 7: Homemade Gingerbread Coffee

Coffee aroma stirs not only in drinks, but also in amazing desserts. For homemade cakes, instant coffee is needed, as well as some cocoa to emphasize the taste and aroma of the treat.

Ingredients Required

• 2 spoons of coffee;

• 1 tbsp. cocoa;

• 0.1 kg drain. oils;

• half a cup of sugar;

• egg;

• a cup of powder (about 150 gr.);

• 10 gr. ripper;

• 2 tbsp. l milk;

• 200 gr. flour;

• 1 tbsp. l var. oils.


1. Melt butter. It is easy to do this simply on the stove, in a frying pan or microwave. Choose any convenient way. Oil should not be hot, if overheated, then you need to cool.

2. Beat egg with sugar, add melted butter, then coffee, cocoa and baking powder. Each product must be dissolved before laying the next.

3. Add milk, flour and knead the mass to an elastic state. We remove for an hour in the refrigerator.

4. We split the dough into small balls, each roll in icing sugar and lay on a baking sheet.

5. Bake until done at a temperature of 180-190 ° C for about half an hour. Duration depends on the size of the gingerbread.

Recipe 8: Homemade gingerbread "Royal"

If there is no time, then you can not cook a large number of cookies and make one, but a large and effective gingerbread. It is better if it is stuffed, like a Tula relative and will appear a big pie that can be cut into pieces when serving. For cooking, you will need a form, you can use a frying pan or a detachable base for the cake.

Ingredients Required

• 0.1 kg of honey;

• 3 full cups of flour;

• oils 70 gr .;

• 2 eggs;

• bag ripper.

For the glaze:

• 5 tablespoons of sugar;

• 3 spoons of water.

Cooking method

1. Melt honey with sugar in a water bath, quench the soda. Turn off the stove and add butter. Stir until dissolved, let cool.

2. Beat the eggs with a fork or beaters, pour into the total mass.

3. Mix the flour with the ripper, knead the dough. We clean in the refrigerator for half an hour.

4. Divide the dough into 2 different parts, half put on the bottom of the form. We level and form small sides.

5. We spread the filling and spread it evenly.

6. From the smaller part of the dough, roll out the cake and place it on top, pinch the edges. Bake until tender.

7. Boil syrup from water with sugar, pour gingerbread from above.

Recipe 9: Homemade gingerbread "Curd"

For cooking it is desirable to use real cottage cheese, not mass. Sour cream is also served in homemade cakes, the fat content of which should not be less than 20%. Flour may need a little more than specified in the recipe, depending on the humidity of the curd. Gingerbread is poured on top of protein glaze.

Ingredients Required

• 0.25 kg of cottage cheese;

• 2 yolks;

• 0.2 kg sour cream;

• 0.1 kg rast. oils;

• 0.15 kg of sugar;

• 2 tsp. Ripper;

• 0.8 kg of flour;

• vanilla, cinnamon to taste.

For the glaze:

• 0.25 kg of powdered sugar;

• 2 squirrels.

Cooking method

1. Cottage cheese before use must necessarily pass through a sieve or skip in a blender. Pour the yolks.

2. Now add vegetable oil, sugar, ripper, sour cream, vanillin. Stir until smooth, add flour. Knead elastic dough. Give stand for half an hour.

3. Prepare the icing. Just beat the powder with proteins to dense peaks. Need to do this before baking.

4. We form gingerbread with our hands or we extrude it with a mold. We bake on parchment paper.

5. Get out of the oven and hot-smear glaze. Give cool and dry.

Homemade gingerbread - tips and tricks

• In order for the icing on home-made gingerbread to dry faster, you need to cover warm pastries.

• To dry the gingerbread should be laid not on paper, but on a wire rack. Thus, you can reduce the time and the appearance of the products will be prettier.

• Make gingerbread chocolate from any recipe, but you need to remember that cocoa takes away some of the moisture. Therefore, the amount of flour will have to be reduced.

• Homemade gingerbread can be easily painted. To do this, you need a pastry syringe with a thin spout or bag. As the ink, you can use any icing, melted chocolate, colored fudge.

• Gingerbread cookies are made from very sweet dough, so they easily stick to the baking sheet. To avoid this, you can use a silicone mat or parchment. Only baking paper needs to be additionally lubricated with vegetable oil.


Watch the video: How To Make The Best Lemon Glazed Ginger Cake. Ginger Cake Recipe (June 2024).