Red wine at home is a valuable natural product. Homemade red wine recipes from berries and jam


At any gala event, homemade red wine leaves first. Who doesn’t like aromatic, natural wine that tastes good and is beautiful in color that does not contain artificial colors or chemical additives.

To make red wine at home is not so difficult.

A minimum of ingredients, a bit of effort, a little time - and now, the natural homemade wine is ready. The point is small: invite loved ones and friends and try a delicious drink of their own preparation.

Red wine at home - general principles and subtleties

The first step is to prepare the container. For fermentation, purchase three, five, or ten-liter jars, depending on the amount of ingredients. You can put wine in several banks. Make or buy a water seal. Do not forget about the beautiful bottles where you will pour the finished wine.

Different berries are used for making homemade red wine: raspberries, strawberries, cherries, blackberries, plums, cherries. The berries are not washed, natural bacteria and organisms on the surface of the fruit, interacting with sugar, start the fermentation process. Heavily dirty berries are best cleaned or not used.

It is noteworthy that the berry can be not only fresh, but also frozen, and even in the form of jam. This means that it is not at all necessary to wait for the berry season to prepare homemade red wine, this can be done at any time of the year.

The additional ingredients are granulated sugar and sometimes water. Some add alcohol-containing drinks: vodka, moonshine, alcohol. Of course, this speeds up the process of making homemade red wine, but also gives the finished drink an extra strength and a touch of added alcohol. With natural fermentation, homemade wine from berries is much softer, more aromatic and tastes better.

Water trap for homemade wine

A device used to make homemade wine is called a water seal. It is very simple to make it at home: take an ordinary capron cap, make a small hole in it, into which insert a rubber tube. So that the tube does not go away and a gap does not form, fix it with ordinary plasticine. The water lock can be replaced with the most common rubber glove, only in this case, you must make a hole in one of the fingers. Such a device is necessary so that the carbon dioxide emitted during fermentation can escape. It also prevents oxygen from entering the container.

1. Red wine at home from strawberries

Fragrant, pleasant to taste, great-looking homemade red wine from strawberries is perfect for both refreshments and for adding to various desserts. Strawberry wine according to this recipe is made without adding water, on its own juice.


• strawberries - 2 kg;

• granulated sugar - 300 grams.

Cooking method:

1. Select only high-quality raw materials for homemade red wine. Berries should be ripe, not heavily contaminated.

2. Put the strawberries in an enameled basin, knead it thoroughly with your hands.

3. Transfer the resulting mass into a glass container; do not fill the jar by more than two-thirds.

4. Add sugar. Shuffle.

5. Cover the throat of the jar with gauze cloth, remove the container in a dark place in a warm room for a week.

6. After a day or two, the fermentation process starts, on the fourth or fifth day you will see that the strawberry mass is divided into juice and berry pulp.

7. After seven days, strain the wine into another clean glass container.

8. Put the remaining pulp from you in a gauze bag. Squeeze out the remaining juice as carefully as possible.

9. Connect the liquid that has come out of the pulp to the one that is already in a clean jar.

10. Put a water seal on the container. Remove the can of wine for fermentation to its original place for about a month.

11. Do not affect the natural course of fermentation, that is, shake or move the jar.

12. After the allotted time, look, if bubbles no longer form on the surface of the wine, then the process has ended. If the wine continues to bubble, leave the wine in the same position until the fermentation is complete.

13. Sip the fermented red homemade wine into a fresh, clean, dry jar. Close the container tightly with a lid, remove for a month in a dark, slightly cool place. This period is enough for the sediment to settle to the bottom, leaving a clarified finished wine.

14. It remains only to carefully pour the drink into the prepared bottles, trying not to yank the can so as not to raise the sediment from the bottom.

15. Cork bottles, store in a cool place in a horizontal position.

2. The recipe for red wine from raspberries at home


• raspberries - 2 kg;

• water - 2 liters;

• sugar - 650 grams.

Cooking method:

1. Sort the berries, crush the selected raspberries with your hands. Transfer the aromatic mass to a five-liter glass container.

2. Prepare sweet syrup from granulated sugar and water, cool it to 20 degrees.

3. Pour sugar syrup into the berry mass.

4. Put on the throat of the container a water seal or glove with holes in one finger.

5. Store the jar of contents in a warm, dark place for two weeks. Stir the mixture from time to time with a long stick so that the berries that pop up do not mold.

6. First strain the wine through a sieve, pressing on the raspberries with your hands so that all the berry juice flows out. Then through cheesecloth folded in three to four layers and, finally, filter through cotton wool.

7. Soak red wine for another two weeks, but already in a cold place.

8. Pour the finished drink into prepared bottles, without disturbing the sediment at the bottom, cork with lids.

9. Store in a cool place.

3. Red wine from garden grapes at home


• garden blue grapes - 5 kg;

• granulated sugar - 1.8 kg.

Cooking method:

1. Put the berries in a large basin, carefully crush them with your hands.

2. Cover the basin with grape gauze or a cotton cloth, leave it in this position for five days in a warm place.

3. After the allotted time, strain the mass divided into pulp and juice.

4. Mix the squeezed juice with sugar, remove the container for a couple of days in the same place for the complete dissolution of sugar.

5. After two days, put on a glove or a water seal on the container and let the wine ferment for three weeks.

6. The completion of the process can be determined by the fallen glove or by the disappearance of the bubbles.

7. Filter the finished wine into clean bottles, cover the container with a lid.

8. Before drinking, let the grape red wine brew at home in a cool place for at least one month.

4. Recipe for red wine at home from cherry berries


• ripe juicy cherry - 5 kg;

• 5 liters of water;

• granulated sugar - 3.5 kg.

Cooking method:

1. Fold the cherries without rinsing or pitting them into a container of suitable size.

2. Mash the berries thoroughly with your hands or a wooden potato pestle.

3. Pour crushed cherries into a clean, dry ten-liter bottle.

4. Pour in water, pour granulated sugar.

5. Remove the container with must in a warm room for fermentation for a week, after closing the throat with a water seal. Mix the wort every second day so that it does not mold.

6. Using a ladle or colander, remove the berry that has separated from the cherry juice, squeeze it into the same bottle, and remove the cake.

7. Leave the container in the same place for another two to three weeks, only now it must not be touched and braked.

8. Strain the finished wine into another clean container.

9. Cover the container with a lid, remove it for a couple of weeks in a cool place.

10. Pour the fermented wine into prepared beautiful bottles, trying to leave all the sediment at the bottom of the container.

11. Soak before use for about another two weeks.

5. Red wine from blue plum at home


• blue plum - 4 kg;

• water - 3.5 liters;

• kilogram of sugar.

Cooking method:

1. Sort out the plum by sifting out the spoiled and unripe fruits. Remove the bones.

2. Mash the fruits as thoroughly as possible.

3. Pour in water, mix.

4. Remove the container with a mass of five days to peel the pulp.

5. Strain the drink by squeezing all the juices out of the pulp.

6. Add sugar to plum juice, mix.

7. Pour the wort into a large jar, close the throat with a water lock.

8. Place the container in a warm place for two months until the homemade red wine has fully matured.

9. Filter the drink through cheesecloth.

10. Give plum wine another week to ripen. Only now transfer the container with wine to a cool place.

11. Remove the finished wine from the sediment, bottle it.

6. Red wine at home from raspberry jam

If you still have stocks of last year's jam, do not rush to throw it away. It is an excellent raw material for making red wine at home. Following this recipe, you can make wine from any jam you have. The main thing is that it should not be spoiled. Raisins are needed in order to start the fermentation process, before they do not wash it, but if necessary, slightly clean it.


• raspberry jam - 2 liters;

• water - 4.5 liters;

• raisins - 200 grams.

Cooking method:

1. In a container prepared for fermentation, mix jam and water.

2. If your raspberry jam is clogged, slightly warm the water. Stir the mass as long as possible so that the sugar, if any, is completely dissolved.

3. Add raisins.

4. Put on a glove with a hole cut out on a finger on a throat of a container. Remove the raspberry mass in a dark place for three weeks.

5. After the time allotted for fermentation, see if the glove has slept. If yes, then the process is completed; if not, soak the wine until the fermentation ends.

6. Pour the fermented wine into a clean, dry container, cover with a lid.

7. Insist homemade red wine for another ten days, then strain and pour into beautiful bottles.

7. Recipe for currant red wine at home


• kilogram of sugar;

• currant - 2.8 kg;

• two liters of water.

Cooking method:

1. Do not rinse the berries, for a more astringent taste of home-made red wine, you can also leave some twigs and leaves.

2. Pour well-squeezed berries with water, add sugar. Shuffle.

3. Having closed the container with the currant mass with a water seal, remove it for ten days in a warm place (25-27 degrees) for fermentation.

4. Strain the fermented drink in a new container, leave the wine for another week in a cool place, and then remove from the precipitate.

5. Pour the finished drink into prepared bottles, seal with a lid. Keep in the refrigerator.

8. Cooking red wine at home from honeysuckle


• fresh honeysuckle - 3.5 kg;

• water - 2.7 liters;

• sugar - 2.8 kg.

Cooking method:

1. Thoroughly chopped berries.

2. Place the aroma mixture in a suitable glass container.

3. Cook sweet syrup from water and one and a half kg of sugar.

4. Pour the berry mass with cooled sugar syrup, mix.

5. Remove the mass for three days in a warm place, after covering the neck of the container with gauze.

6. After three days, strain the drink, remove the juice you have in the refrigerator.

7. Pour the remaining pulp with a liter of water, insist for three days, then strain.

8. Mix both liquids: from the refrigerator and from the settled pulp in a glass jar.

9. Add a kilogram of sugar. Shake the container. Pull a glove over the neck of the can. Take away the berry liquid for several weeks to ferment in a warm place.

10. When the glove stops bloating, add the remaining 500 grams of sugar, mix. Put on the glove again, wait another week and a half until the process is complete.

11. Filter the finished wine, bottle it, and leave it to stand in the refrigerator for at least a week.

Red wine at home - tricks and tips

• Do not use metal objects to crush berries, it is best to do this with a wooden push or hands.

• Choose only ripe berries, unripe ones inhibit the fermentation process.

• During the initial stage of fermentation, do not forget to shake the jars of wine, otherwise the pulp may become moldy.

• The more you put granulated sugar, the stronger the wine you get.

• In the room where the fermentation process will take place, the temperature should be from 22 to 28 degrees.

• Store the finished wine in tightly corked bottles in a cool place, placing them in a horizontal position so that the cork does not dry out and does not lose tightness.


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