Diarrhea during pregnancy: how dangerous is it for the baby? How to treat diarrhea during pregnancy, in which cases it is necessary to consult a doctor


Diarrhea or upset stool - a rather unpleasant symptom, especially for a pregnant woman.

If diarrhea is prolonged in nature and is accompanied by other “charms” of toxicosis, then there should be no particular feelings about this.

In addition, not too pronounced diarrhea before the very birth is not dangerous, because in this way the body cleans itself.

But if diarrhea worries more than 5 times a day, it is necessary to take measures to eliminate it. Severe diarrhea contributes to dehydration, which, in turn, can lead to a deficiency of minerals and vitamins that the baby needs.

The main signs of dehydration are:

• dry mouth

• constant thirst

• dark urine

• no urge to urinate

• dizziness

• sleepiness

• irritability

In order to prevent such a state, which is fraught with serious consequences, it is necessary in time to seek help from a specialist. Only a doctor will help to know the true causes of the disease and prescribe the appropriate treatment.

Diarrhea during pregnancy: causes and dangers

1. In the early period of pregnancy, diarrhea can be caused by hormonal changes in the body. During this period, there is a danger of uterine toning and the risk of miscarriage.

2. In the later periods, as mentioned above, close childbirth can be the cause of a disorder in the stool.

3. Intestinal diseases, which include colitis, pancreatitis, cholecystitis, etc., are also the cause of intestinal disturbances.

With colitis - inflammation of the intestinal mucosa felt pain in the abdomen, there is a liquid stool with a very unpleasant odor. Colitis is caused by ordinary allergies, bacterial, viral, fungal infections, etc.

In this case, the doctor-gastroenterologist deals with the treatment of the disease, and after studying the test results and the general picture of the disease, he prescribes treatment.

Pancreatitis during pregnancy, the risk of preterm birth is dangerous. And although the disease is rarely diagnosed in expectant mothers, you should not discount the possibility of its development. In addition to diarrhea, acute pain in the upper abdomen, nausea, and in some cases, increased body temperature are characteristic of pancreatitis during pregnancy.

4. Improper nutrition causing dysbacteriosis - Another cause of diarrhea in pregnant women. How is he dangerous for the future mother?

• miscarriage

• excessive weight gain

• postpartum complications

• bleeding

It is important to know! The microflora of the future mother lays the foundation for the formation of the microflora of the baby. If the mother has no problems in the bowels, then the child will not have them.

5. Food poisoning most often do not go without severe diarrhea. They are dangerous for both pregnant and baby. Poisoning provokes metabolic disorders, which leads to poor blood supply to the fetus. In addition, in case of poisoning, dehydration occurs - the most dangerous complication of diarrhea.

You should not hope that diarrhea will pass by itself. The consequences of neglecting to see a doctor are the threat of miscarriage.

6. Infectious diseases (dysentery, salmonellosis, botulism, etc.)

7. Helminthic invasion It can also cause diarrhea in pregnant women. If, in addition to stool disorder, dizziness, irritability, and general weakness are felt, weight loss occurs for no apparent reason, then diarrhea may be caused by parasites.

Worms, especially ascarids, are located on the body of the fetus, penetrating the placenta. And this is fraught with serious problems. If the embryo's brain is affected, then most likely, the birth will be difficult due to the increased size of the baby’s head.

If the place of localization of ascaris is the lungs, the child will suffer more than others from bronchitis, pneumonia, ARVI.

Of course, it is best to prevent a worm invasion than to treat it. But still, if, after studying the results of the tests, the doctor makes a verdict - the cause of the diarrhea - parasites, then treatment should not be neglected. The risk of harm to the child is too great. In any case, it is important to listen to the opinion of a specialist and undergo a prescribed course of treatment.

8. Reception of vitamin preparations often causes diarrhea. In addition, diarrhea can lead to the use of drugs prescribed as drug therapy for existing diseases.

To all described, you can add such Possible causes of diarrhea in pregnant women:

• allergy

• frequent ARVI

• age

• long-term use of hormonal drugs

• immunodeficiency state

The main danger of diarrhea in pregnant women is as follows:

1. The threat of termination of pregnancy.

2. Formation of pathologies in a child.

3. Toxins enter the fetal bloodstream.

Diarrhea during pregnancy: diagnosis of possible diseases

Diarrhea in acute form, lasting less than 4 days, as a rule, does not need a special examination. The exception is pregnant women who have all the signs of dehydration, stool with blood, high body temperature, severe pain. Such patients are prescribed a complete blood count, stool specimens, and others.

Chronic diarrhea requires clarification of the cause that caused it. To do this, take a stool analysis and prescribe some other studies.

If the study of test results does not satisfy the doctor, the pregnant woman is sent for further examination for the presence of laxatives in the feces, for diseases of the thyroid gland, etc.

Diarrhea during pregnancy: treatment

When diarrhea can not self-medicate. The only thing that can be taken before the doctor’s consultation is activated charcoal, which, by the way, cannot be consumed along with vitamins and other drugs. After drinking a tablet of coal should take at least 2 hours.

If diarrhea is accompanied by vomiting, then you can take saline solutions - Regidron, Trisol, not allowing the body to dehydrate.

Other medications for diarrhea in a pregnant woman should be taken only as directed by the attending physician. So, for an intestinal infection you will be prescribed Nifuroxazide, with dysbacteriosis - Linex, Bifidumbacterin. If diarrhea is not pronounced, you can do with dairy supplements.

With the non-infectious nature of diarrhea, natural remedies are used that can normalize the work of the intestine and “fix” the stool. At home, diarrhea is treated with the following remedies:

1. Starchy water. Stir a teaspoon of starch in half a glass of hot water. Drink the entire composition at a time.

Starch is a kind of intestinal massager. It stimulates its work, improves the process of digestion, is a source of energy.

2. Blackberry leaf infusion. Brew in the usual way a tablespoon of crushed blackberry leaves with a glass of boiled water. Let the medium stand, strain and drink a tablespoon during the day.

Blackberry has anti-inflammatory, antihelminthic, antibacterial, diuretic properties. With diarrhea, you can eat the immature fruits of the plant and a decoction of its leaves, which are famous for their astringent action.

3. Blueberry Kissel contains beneficial substances that positively affect the metabolism, compensate for the deficiency of vitamins, elevate mood.

The composition of the jelly is starch, which is a sorbent. It absorbs toxins. Starch envelops the intestinal mucosa, soothes it.

Kissel made from blueberries is quite effective for pregnant women with diarrhea. Cook it easy. Boil water (about 2 liters), add 200 grams of blueberries and sugar to your taste to it, boil for 15 minutes. After that, add 4 tablespoons of starch (stirring constantly) and boil for a couple of minutes. Kissel is ready! Cool it down and drink a little bit all day.

4. Pomegranate infusion from diarrhea is prepared as follows: chop the rind of the fruit (1 tablespoon), pour boiling water (1 cup) and let it stand for about a day. Drink a few sips all day.

Pomegranate strengthens the immune system, increases hemoglobin and pressure, treats cough, sore throat. His peels are successfully used in stool disorders. And all this is due to the substances contained in pomegranate, which have a detrimental effect on microbes.

5. Mint tea, motherwort broth - An excellent remedy for diarrhea with a neurogenic cause. Brew your favorite tea and throw a couple of mint leaves in it. Let it brew and drink throughout the day.

The motherwort broth can be prepared as follows: pour a tablespoon of chopped grass with a glass of boiling water, boil in a water bath for 20 minutes, then let it stand, strain, and cool. Drink 3 times a day for a third glass.

Motherwort won fame for its soothing properties. It is effective in insomnia, stress, nervous disorders, which are so often suspected of future mothers.

6. Fees of medicinal plants The following, provided there is no individual intolerance, are considered safe and are widely used for diarrhea in pregnant women.

• Combine the Hypericum flowers, chamomile, plantain leaves, oak bark, Icelandic moss, and Potentilla root, taken in one piece. Pour a tablespoon of the collection with a glass of boiling water, let it brew, strain and drink a third glass throughout the day.

• Mix the crushed ingredients: wormwood, thyme, falcon grass, bedstraw, alder cones. Brew and drink as described in the previous recipe.

Food for diarrhea for a pregnant woman

Diet for diarrhea in pregnant women is aimed at restoring normal metabolism and improving the condition of the intestinal mucosa.

On the first day of diarrhea, you should “unload” the body a little, thereby helping it to cope with the disease.

At this time, it is best to drink a lot: plain water, tea, herbal tea (if they are not contraindicated during pregnancy), fruit drink. Drink plenty of water will not allow dehydration, cleanse the body of toxins.

To the first day of the disease was not completely sad, eat white bread croutons. On the second day, please yourself with cereals on the water: rice, oatmeal.

You can cook indispensable for diarrhea rice water. Boil a teaspoon of rice in half a liter of water over very low heat for about half an hour. Then strain and drink every 3 hours a few sips.

This remedy relieves irritation of the intestine due to the coating substances contained in rice.

When diarrhea is not recommended to drink carbonated drinks, fruit juices and fruits, coffee, meat, fatty, spicy and salty foods.

A little later, you can add to the porridge vegetables stewed or baked, patty, steamed, soup with water.

All dishes should be consumed only in the form of heat in order not to irritate the digestive organs.

Diarrhea in pregnancy: prevention

Pregnancy is a period of responsibility not only for one’s health, but also for the health of the unborn child. Therefore, every mother should carefully monitor their diet and lifestyle. There are some recommendations, adhering to which you can avoid unpleasant symptoms during pregnancy:

1. Buy only fresh produce.

2. Eat freshly prepared meals.

3. Wash fruits and vegetables with hot water before eating.

4. Heat treat meat, fish, eggs, milk well.

5. Avoid fast foods.

6. Avoid large crowds of people (especially during epidemics).

7. Follow basic hygiene rules.

8. Timely treat existing diseases.

9. Regularly visit the gynecologist.

Careful attitude to their health and the implementation of the recommendations of the doctor will allow the expectant mother to survive without difficulty the difficult but joyful period of waiting for the birth of a small miracle - her own child.


Watch the video: Diarrhea During Pregnancy. Remedies for Diarrhea During Pregnancy (July 2024).