Home ecology: the house should always have clean air and water


A modern metropolis resident spends most of his life indoors. Harmful substances accompany us everywhere, even in our own home. We have to go to work, sit at the computer, breathe stale office air. Returning home, I want to feel safety and comfort. Unfortunately, we do not always think about how safe the house we live in is.

What are the walls of your apartment upholstered with? If ordinary paper wallpaper, you made a more correct choice. If you upholstered the walls with plastic panels, you have injured your health. It is not immediately noticeable. Substances from plastic evaporate imperceptibly for many years, getting into our organism. Recently, it has become fashionable to put plastic windows, without thinking that it is an artificial material. Wooden windows are more expensive, but they do not damage health due to their naturalness. Particleboard cabinets, linoleum, synthetic carpets and sofas - all emit hazardous substances into the atmosphere.

Calculate how much chemical we use in everyday life. Washing powder, dishwashing liquid, floor and toilet liquid, air fresheners. Household chemicals do not disappear without a trace, it evaporates. We inhale chemicals, without thinking about how they affect our body. The amount of household chemicals can be successfully reduced.

Dishwashing liquid is replaced with baking soda and mustard powder, air freshener with aromatic oils. By the way, natural oils can kill germs and viruses, as well as cheer up. In the water for washing floors, you can add decoctions of fragrant herbs, for example, lemon peels, mint, wormwood. The latter is also capable of killing some germs and scaring off insects.

We see that the air in the room is heavily polluted, so it is necessary to open the vents more often. With stale air, with high humidity and a comfortable temperature, harmful bacteria and mold successfully reproduce. They can cause various diseases and affect the overall well-being of humans and animals. If for some reason it is impossible to open the window, air filters will help to get fresh air. It is better to take those that have the function of air ionization.

To improve the environment in the room should not forget about wet cleaning. When wiping the dust, remember the remote corners, many, for example, forget to wash the floor behind the sofa, under the cabinet, wipe the dust on the mezzanines.

If you have pets, then you will have to carry out cleaning more often so that the wool does not fly around the apartment and does not fall into the lungs. Bringing your dog home from a walk, wash her paws, otherwise you can bring infection along with the dirt. Gas stoves also spoil the air in the apartment. You can replace them with electric ones or install hoods. Hood will help you in the event that someone from a family member smokes.

Well clean and refresh the air indoor plants. Just do not put them too much in the bedroom, especially strongly smelling. The number of plants should be proportionate to the room so as not to exceed a comfortable humidity, which is 50-60%.

We all know that the human body consists of more than 80% of water. But how does the use of water from the tap on human health? How safe is it after boiling or settling?

Tap water is dangerous! This is due to the fact that it gets into our cranes from lakes, reservoirs, rivers. And there is not excluded the release of slag from neighboring plants, or the residence of various bacteria and microorganisms there. Water that has passed all stages of industrial purification is a mixture of all kinds of unsafe and harmful components.

The most popular method of water treatment is chlorination. The main methods of using chlorinated water: upholding it for a certain time and boiling. But even if we resort to both methods, we will not be able to get rid of the chlorine salts in the sediment.

There is an option to use distilled water. This water does not contain any impurities, as well as does not contain any salts. But if water does not contain such elements as potassium, calcium, sodium, then what benefit can it bring to the human body? No! After all, these elements are contained in ordinary water, having a beneficial effect on human health and vital activity.

There is another alternative - filtering water yourself using special household or industrial filters. Before you choose a filter, you need to decide on the volume of filtered water. In one case, a filter jug ​​may be useful, and in the other a whole water treatment system.

Many now began to prefer the bottled water system. One of the most convenient alternatives to tap water. One of the advantages - easy and fast delivery to the office or home. Bottled water has become very popular among office workers. Since they spend most of the day in the office, they should be constantly provided with clean water. And every smart boss should understand this. Therefore, in offices now actively began to install entire systems for water - coolers. They pump water pump and are equipped with the functions of heating and cooling water, while taking up very little space.

Coolers are very convenient to use and in some cases are not the last factors that determine not only the interior of the office, but also the concern for the company’s staff, as well as visitors.

After talking about the purity of water, it is impossible not to touch on the topic of clean air. The condition of the air on the street and in the room has a very large impact on human health and well-being. If you constantly breathe polluted air, then the risk of getting sick with asthma, lung cancer or bronchitis increases.

Of great importance is the purity of air in enclosed spaces: in an office, apartment, that is, those places where you have to spend most of the time. It is much easier to control the state of the air than in open areas, filtering can help.

To choose a filter, you must first determine the type of air pollution. In general, pollution occurs aerosol and gaseous. For example, the smell of tobacco smoke refers to aerosol pollution, and the ashtray with cigarette butts - to gaseous.

Variety of air filters:
• dust filters (aimed at removing mechanical particles such as: animal hair, dust);
• electrostatic filters (air is cleaned from aerosols and dust);
• carbon filters (elimination of unpleasant odors);
• photocatalytic filters (molecular air purification is used).

In the intricacies of using filters in your room will help you specialists. But remember - creating coziness and cleanliness in the room, you should not strive for sterility. The presence of a minimum number of bacteria and viruses stimulates the immune system to fight them. Know in all measure and understand that natural substances and products made from natural components are much more beneficial for your well-being.

Ecostyle. A photo:


Watch the video: The Water. Looking after our Planet. Educational Video for Kids. (June 2024).