Rice diet


Rice diet has long been recognized worldwide as one of the most effective. Rice has a relatively high calorie content compared to other cereals, but when it is consumed, you can refuse meat and fish, therefore, following such a diet, you can lose weight very quickly.

Why rice diet so popular? The main reason for this is probably the usefulness of rice. Entire nations base their cuisine on this product. By the way, among the Asians in question, it is very rare to meet an obese person. Further, rice has excellent cleansing properties, with proper preparation, it removes toxins from the body, salt, etc. That is, with the help of a rice diet you can not only lose weight, but also cleanse and improve your body.

There are several options for a rice diet, so everyone can choose for themselves the most comfortable food system to fight extra pounds. Among them there are diets with very severe conditions, and there are more calm ones. Get to know the different options for rice diets.

Rice diet "5 volumes"

It is the easiest way to lose weight and improve your health with rice. The essence of the “5 volumes” system is as follows. You need to take five small jars or glasses and place in each of them two tablespoons of rice, pouring them 200 g. plain water. Thus, rice should be kept for 4 days, changing water every day. On the morning of the fifth day, after draining the liquid from the first container, you need to eat the rice in it without cooking, and again put two tablespoons of rice in a jar, pour them 200 g. water and put the last tank in our row. The next morning, you need to do the same manipulations with the bank, which was originally with us at number two. That is, every day we have to eat rice, which for 4 days was settled in different waters.

What is the benefit of this rice diet option? Rice, which we defend in water, enters our body without unnecessary impurities and removes salts from it, without affecting muscle mass. This diet should be followed for 2 weeks. During this period, it is necessary to refuse breakfast, and throughout the day when eating other foods you need to limit salt intake as much as possible. Without fulfilling these conditions, it will not be possible to achieve a special effect, because then the salt that will be excreted from the body will immediately fall into it again.

Rice diet "Two dishes"

It is obvious that in this diet rice will be the first course. But as a second, you must use seafood or fish. That is, observing such a diet, the use of two plates of food is allowed during the day: one with rice, the other with fish or seafood. Moreover, you can’t mix these products with each other, but adding greens to each of them is permissible. It is recommended that you follow this diet when using this diet for 5 days.

Rice diet "7 days"

This diet is considered very effective. It involves eating rice, breakfast, lunch and dinner along with any fresh vegetables and herbs. Of course, given the variety of existing vegetables, this diet is more sparing compared to the above, and its menu is more diverse. Although the fact that you are on a diet implies that the amount of food consumed should be small. Another condition is that there should be no more vegetables than rice. This diet also includes an afternoon snack, which consists of a small amount of fruit. No other foods are allowed. Rice and vegetables should be seasoned with olive oil and soy sauce, but the use of seasonings, mayonnaise, sauces and salt with a diet is strictly prohibited.

Rice Diet Glass of Rice

This is the toughest and most difficult version of the rice diet to perform, so you can not stick to it for more than three days and return to it more than once every ten days. As a rule, those who decide to get rid of the maximum amount of excess weight in a short time decide to resort to it. We are not talking about the menu with such a diet: the daily diet of a dieter consists of one glass of boiled rice, which he can eat at a time, and can eat it in small portions throughout the day.

Those who find it difficult to cope with the attacks of hunger arising from such a diet can afford to supplement their diet with two or three green apples. If this does not help to comply with the diet, there is only one way out - to abandon it and try another, less severe diet. You should know that it is better to refuse physical exercises and fitness during the “glass of rice” diet.

As for the use of liquid during the “glass of rice” diet, as well as during the observance of other rice diets, there are no restrictions. Water is necessary to remove salts from the body and prevent their deposition in another place. It is permitted to use clean drinking water, as well as unsweetened green or red tea. However, in order to allow rice to fulfill its cleansing function, you do not need to drink immediately after eating. This should be done either twenty minutes before eating, or an hour and a half after.

The advantages of any rice diet include high efficiency, rapid weight loss and healthy body by removing toxins and excess salts from it.

The disadvantage of rice diets is that they, like other diets, are stressful for the body, and should not be taken without consulting a doctor, especially if there are problems with the gastrointestinal tract.


Ira 03/23/2016
I am worried about one moment. During the "Glass of Rice" diet, it is not recommended to do any physical exercises, and I go to fitness regularly, and I do not want to take breaks. Will it negatively affect me, or is it better to change the diet to a more sparing one?

Forget-me-not 03/23/2016
Cool rice diets! Very productive! I advise everyone. It’s easy and easy to lose weight, you feel great, everything is so light and fluffy))) I also don’t really like rice, but I persuaded myself that this is for my good and everything is going fine. Already 6 days on a diet.

Vika 03/23/2016
My mother generally sits on a rice diet regularly, her figure is excellent. No side effects like spoiled health. I personally don’t like rice at all, I eat it very rarely. Therefore, I can’t endure such a diet))) I’m better off on a fruitful tax.

Slender girl 03/23/2016
And I sat on rice diets. A very good way to lose weight. It will not be so difficult for girls who are accustomed to diets to sustain it, for example, a seven-day one. But such awesome results! I give her even more preference than buckwheat.

Lisa 03/23/2016
I heard about a woman who in a month, eating one rice dropped 40 kilograms! Of course, I don’t need so much, so I won’t eat one rice for a month. But the diet - two dishes - interested me. It is a normal diet. Worth trying.


Watch the video: How To Cook Perfect Rice Every Time (July 2024).