An ambiguous cashew nut, what is its benefit and harm. Only important information about cashew, its calorie content, benefits and harms


Cashew, the beneficial properties of nuts can be applicable not only in the food environment, but also for medical and cosmetic purposes. Indian nut came to our shelves relatively recently, and at first it spoiled on them. Over time, the girls studied the cashew fruit and currently actively use and consume it.

Cashew, useful properties and what it consists of

Cashew nut, the benefits for the body of which we are studying, is a small curved fruit in a hard shell. It is inedible and can even be poisonous, so we advise you to purchase a product that has already been cleaned and ready to eat in stores and markets. Cashew shells have found application in medicine. It is crushed, grinded and introduced into the composition of liquids, which are subsequently used to protect wood from bark beetles.

Indian nut is very tender and pleasant to taste, some of its species even leave an oily finish on the tongue. This is quite often misleading women who mistakenly believe that the harm of cashews lies in this. However, the fat in this nut is much less than in the same almonds or peanuts.

The main components of one cashew nut, the benefits of which we are studying, are:

• proteins;

• fats;

• carbohydrates;

• starch;

• alimentary fiber;

• natural sucrose.

As for the vitamin component, it is also present in the face of vitamins B, E and PP. If we talk about minerals, then one cashew nut accounts for: calcium; magnesium, sodium, zinc, iron and manganese.

Cashew, its benefits for the body are also made by omega-3 acids.

As you can see, the composition is more than useful. This does not mean that you need to eat a nut from morning to evening, it can cause you to have allergies or nausea. But if you eat up to ten nuts a day, then you can saturate your body with all the necessary useful substances.

Cashew: the benefits to the body cannot be overestimated

Cashews, the benefits to the body are several factors. It is possible to list all the advantages of Indian nut for a very long time. We will identify the main points that will help you to get an idea of ​​cashews and its benefits as much as possible.

1. The promising composition of cashews gives it antibacterial, inflammatory and tonic properties. It can also be used to recover from illness or exhausting workouts.

2. The regular use of nuts significantly improves memory.

3. Cashew nut can be used as a prevention of cardiovascular disease. It also strengthens the walls of blood vessels, making them more elastic and conductive.

4. Cashew normalizes the composition of the blood, improving it and saturating with vitamins and minerals.

5. Due to the high calcium content in nuts, the health benefits of cashews are that it strengthens teeth, nails and hair. The latter fall out less often, the nails grow stronger, and the gums of the teeth do not bleed.

6. Thanks to the strengthening effect of cashews, with its help, any mother will be able to prevent some diseases of her children associated with airway (bronchitis, pharyngitis, bronchial asthma).

As for the non-food use of this amazing nut, grated and spent cashews are often applied to open bites of non-poisonous snakes, as a prophylaxis or treatment of dysentery. Skin lesions in the form of warts and cracks can also be treated with a nut.

Cashew, harm and contraindications

Cashew, can not bring harm as such. The exception is only individual intolerance to nuts and their excessive use. However, there are a number of contraindications that must be considered before you make it a rule to regularly use cashews.

1. People who have previously found stones or sand in their kidneys are not recommended to use cashews. Walnut can only aggravate the situation.

2. If you or your child are prone to allergic reactions, then refuse to eat nuts even in the smallest quantities. Because in the list of the most powerful allergens, they come first. There are cases when cashews caused anaphylactic shock, so this warning should be taken as carefully as possible.

3. A nut can harm anyone if it has not undergone heat treatment.

4. Not recommended for use by babies up to three years. Older children are best served with cashews along with something (sweets or ice cream).

Cooking Cashews with Health Benefits

The use of cashews for health, treatment, prevention or personal care can be positive only if the nut is cooked wisely.

So, here are some recipes to help you get the most out of your Indian fruit.

If you plan to use a nut in everyday life, the recipe will be as follows: chop cashews as much as possible and mix it thoroughly with honey. Insist on leaven for several days.

This tool will help you with the first signs of a cold and sharp pains in the stomach. To heal skin cracks, brittle nails and hair loss, you just need to rub the mixture into an injured place and leave to soak. If the mixture is too thick, you can add a pinch of vegetable oil to it.

With the help of nuts, you can also heal and dry wounds after burns. But in this case, the recipe will be a little different. Buy cashew nut oil, then add two drops of geranium and / or lavender to it. Shake the tincture and let the ingredients react with each other throughout the day. After this, apply a thin layer on the affected skin.

Based on cashews, you can also make homemade cream yourself. It will serve you as a good cosmetic, since cashew also has regenerative properties. It will rejuvenate your skin, giving it freshness and natural shine.

The recipe is ridiculously simple: take a few large cashew nuts and chop as much as possible. Next, mix the fruit with low-fat yogurt (you can even fruit). Alternatively, you can use sour cream, however, in this case, the cream will turn out a little thicker. In not you can add juice from freshly squeezed berries.

Use cashews to make lotion as well. For this, you also need a small handful of nuts, which must be poured with hot water. All this must be thoroughly mixed with an ordinary tablespoon, and subsequently, carefully filtered through cheesecloth.

Next, melt some baby soap in 100 grams of hound of water. If you have beeswax, then it can also be melted in hot water. After these procedures, mix the strained nuts and the resulting tincture. The lotion is ready and you can apply.

The benefits of cashew for the body of pregnant women and nursing mothers

Any products that pregnant and lactating women will eat are always subject to special requirements. As for the first, then the use of cashews is not only contraindicated, but also very useful for the following reasons:

1. Most pregnant women suffer from a lack of iron, in other words, anemia. Moderate consumption of cashews will replenish their necessary reserves.

2. As the baby grows in the womb, it takes her more and more vitamins and other components for the normal development of the body. Previously, we have already listed the composition of vitamins and minerals that are found in Indian nut. If a pregnant woman begins to eat cashews in a small handful several times a day, then she will be able to replenish both her supply of necessary substances and the reserves of her growing baby.

3. Numerous studies have also shown that the use of cashews by pregnant women can reduce the risk of dystrophy in a newborn. With the help of nuts, the development of cardiovascular diseases can also be prevented.

If we talk about those women who were already lucky to become mothers, and they confidently entered the period of feeding their baby, then they can eat nuts for the following reasons:

• to stabilize the gastrointestinal tract;

• as the main source of proteins and fiber;

• to improve and strength the baby's skeletal system;

• to improve the functioning of the immune system, which allows the mother and child to resist infectious and allergic diseases.

Lactating and pregnant women should also pay attention to the fact that even if initially they did not have an allergy to nuts, then as they consume cashews daily, it can develop. At the first signs of this disease, it makes sense to immediately stop its use. In this case, it is also necessary to consult a doctor and, possibly, to be examined.


Watch the video: Nut fruit (July 2024).