The girl was named after the shopping center where she was born


British Kim Leaton from Buckinghamshire County did not reach the hospital and gave birth on the street, near the Eden shopping center, falling into the lenses of surveillance cameras. The 25-year-old woman was accompanied by her mother, who, along with the guards from the shopping center, had to take birth. The eldest son of a young woman, 4-year-old Lewis, was also present at the same time.

Kim gave birth to a healthy girl weighing a little over 2.7 kilograms and named her Lynn Eden, in honor of the shopping center. The happy mother intends to save the video from the cameras and eventually show her daughter. She will not have to come up with an answer to the question "Where do the children come from?"

The woman said that at 11 o’clock in the morning her water had gone and she called the hospital. But she was told that you can not rush, there is still time. And only four hours later she was informed that it was time to come to the hospital.

The guards of the shopping center, who had to play the role of obstetricians, at first thought that the woman was drunk. Realizing what was happening, they rushed to the rescue.

Mother Kim Leaton said that due to health problems after the birth of an older child, doctors did not advise her daughter to have children again. Fortunately, the baby was born healthy, although after staying on the street she had a low temperature. An ambulance took the woman in labor and the newborn to the hospital, where they spent no more than five hours.

By the way, another girl at one time received a name in honor of the shopping center. This is the star of the film "Cloud Atlas" actress Holly Barry. A mall called Halle's Department Store is located in the hometown of actress Cleveland in the United States.


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