Diet number 6 - a detailed description and useful tips. Reviews of diet number 6 and examples of recipes.


Diet number 6 - description and general principles

Diet number 6 - is a therapeutic diet prescribed for acute nephritis, begins with the third or fourth week of treatment. Also, the diet is effective in chronic nephritis (used without exacerbation) and in renal failure. It is prescribed to provide gentle nutrition for the kidneys, helps to eliminate various metabolic products from the body, including nitrogenous ones. Compliance with the diet provides for the exclusion from the diet of products that include purines, oxalic acid, limits salt intake, increases the amount of free fluid (if there are no contraindications) and alkalizing foods (vegetables and fruits, dairy products).

In addition, the diet decreases the consumption of proteins and fats, and during obesity and carbohydrates. In addition to the obligatory boiling of meat, fish and poultry, culinary processing of food and food temperature is normal. When cooking, half of the purines contained remain in the broth. After boiling, poultry, fish and meat can be used in the preparation of a variety of dishes (fried, stewed, baked), chopped products. Meat and fish can be combined in approximately equal amounts. Dishes from these foods should not be included more than 2-3 times a week. A portion of meat should not exceed 150 grams, fish - 17 grams. Diet - 5 times a day. Instead of an afternoon snack, the hips are recommended.

The composition of the daily ration includes 70 grams of protein (50% - animals), 400 grams of carbohydrates, 80 grams of fat (30% - vegetable), 2 or more liters of permitted liquid, 10 grams of salt. Calorie is about 2500 kcal per day. When gout is recommended one day a week to make unloading - cottage cheese, kefir, dairy or fruit. Treatment with "hungry" days is strictly contraindicated. Already in the first days, fasting leads to an increase in the blood uric acid content, which causes the onset of a gout attack. During the whole time of the diet, abundant drinking is required - at least 1.5 liters per day.

Diet number 6 - what foods you can eat

Compliance with diet number 6 provides the use of the following products:
Bakery products are allowed pancakes, pancakes and bread without salt. Vegetarian soups with cereals and potatoes, lean meat, poultry and fish (pork, chicken, beef, veal, turkey), boiled or cooked in the oven are allowed. You can eat cottage cheese and cottage cheese dishes, as well as dairy products, eggs (up to 2 pieces), if on that day the amount of meat and fish is reduced. A variety of cereals (including barley, corn, rice) and pasta, vegetables, including potatoes, cooked in any way are allowed.

Diet number 6 - what foods can not be consumed

For such a diet, it is recommended to exclude the following products: any salted and flour products, meat, mushroom, fish, bean broths, smoked and sausages, fatty meat, poultry and fish, canned food. Cheeses are excluded from fermented milk and dairy products, the restriction in cereals is only on legumes. Vegetables are not recommended onions, radishes, garlic, radishes, spinach, sorrel, any pickled vegetables. You can not drink strong coffee, mineral water with sodium.

Diet number 6 - examples of the menu

Sample menu diet number 6 for gout for the week


Breakfast (8-9 h): cottage cheese, bread and butter, vinaigrette (sour cream dressing), tea with milk.
Lunch (12-13 h): scrambled eggs, buckwheat porridge, juices.
16-17 h: soup (vegetarian) with roasted roots with sour cream, fried potatoes, sauerkraut, meat cooked in breadcrumbs, compote.
19-20 hrs: vegetable patties, cottage cheese, pasta casserole, jelly.
22 h: milk with a bun.

Example of a vegetarian soup recipe: soup with cauliflower and other vegetables.
Ingredients: carrots 30, cauliflower 100, rutabaga 20, turnip, potatoes 40, leek 25, spinach 10, milk 200, butter 10, greens 2.

Chop the roots and onions, the potatoes into cubes and sauté all with butter, send in hot broth. Cook for 10 minutes. Then add the cabbage and cook until it is ready. At the end put the chopped spinach leaves. Boil the milk and add it to the plate.


Drink on an empty stomach broth hips (100 ml) or heated mineral alkaline water.
First breakfast: oatmeal with milk (liquid) - 150 grams, milk - 200 gr.
Second breakfast: grape juice (200 ml).
Lunch: pureed vegetable soup (150 g), milk jelly (180 gr).
Tea time: a glass of carrot juice.
Dinner: rice porridge with milk (liquid) - 150 grams, fruit compote (180 grams).
21 h: a glass of kefir.
For the night: a cup of unsweetened tea diluted with milk.


First breakfast: preparing vegetables salad with butter, soft-boiled egg, apple-carrot pudding made from wheat cereal, tea.
The second breakfast: dogrose infusion.
Lunch: milk soup with vermicelli, potato burgers, jelly.
Tea time: apples.
Dinner: cabbage rolls with vegetables and rice, tea with baked cheesecakes.
Bedtime: a decoction of wheat bran.

Recipe for potato patties:
Ingredients: potatoes, salt, butter (40 grams), wheat flour (35 grams), eggs (2 pcs.), Vegetable oil (30 ml).
Boil the potatoes. Then drain and add a piece of butter. Mash warm potatoes and add an egg, a tablespoon of flour and mix well until smooth. From the finished dough, make chops or chops and put them on a griddle and fry with hot vegetable oil.


First breakfast: weak coffee, apple and beet salad with sour cream.
Second breakfast: fresh fruit, scrambled eggs with tomatoes.
Lunch: vegetable stew with boiled beef, okroshka, tea with lemon.
Lunch: berry compote.
Dinner: salad with fresh vegetables from potatoes, cabbage casserole with sour cream sauce, tea with milk.
At night: boil wheat bran, strain. Drink half a glass.


First breakfast: broth hips, beet salad with prunes.
Second breakfast: weak coffee, soft-boiled egg.
Lunch: macaroni and cheese, oatmeal milk soup, carrot cutlets sprinkled with sour cream, tea (slim is not prohibited).
Tea time: a glass of fruit juice.
Dinner: prunes, baked in the oven with cottage cheese, dumplings with cottage cheese, rosehip decoction.
For the night: kefir.


We arrange a simple fasting day on the cottage cheese. 5 times a day, 100 grams.
For the night: kefir.


First breakfast: vinaigrette with butter, milk oatmeal, coffee with milk.
Second breakfast: berry compote, omelet with apples.
Lunch: beef stroganoff (boiled), beetroot soup, stewed cabbage, fruit jelly.
Tea time: fruit (fresh).
Dinner: cheese curds, beet stuffed with rice and apples, rosehip broth.

Day menu of the diet prescribed for gout:

It is about 1900-2000 kcal, 58% carbohydrates, 15% protein, 27% fat. Meat, poultry, fish are interchangeable.
Milk - half a liter, meat - 120 grams, unsalted cheese - 30 grams, one egg, 6 slices of bread, half a cup of cereals, 1 serving of potatoes, 3 or more servings of vegetables, fruits and juices (optional), sugar or jam - less than 4 teaspoons, butter - less than 2 teaspoons, if desired - tea, coffee.

Diet number 6 - useful tips and reviews

Herbal medicine is recommended for gout. It is recommended to include such berries and fruits in the diet: lingonberries, cherries, red and black currants, strawberries, apples. They must be consumed in the morning and evening. Gout has a beneficial effect on lingonberry tea.

To prepare it, 1 spoon of cowberry leaves should be poured with a glass of water. Insist half an hour. Take a decoction of 1 spoon, several times (3-4 per day). Since ancient times in folk medicine, the following collection was used: black elderberry flowers, lime blossom, chamomile flowers, St. John's wort grass - all 1 spoonful, mix thoroughly. Place this mixture in porcelain ware, pour boiling water on it, put in a water bath for 15 minutes, cover tightly with a lid. After that, allow to cool, strain and squeeze the precipitate. Then dilute with boiled water. The decoction of herbs should be no more than a tenth, the rest is water. divided into portions of 3/4 cup. Drink 4 times a day. Keep this broth in a cool and dark place or in the refrigerator (not more than three days).


Veronika 03/23/2016
I think the main purpose of this diet is not to lose extra pounds, but to maintain the body in the normal state. And if it turns out the first and second, then just great! Two in one, so to speak, plus a good mood.

Anna 03/23/2016
I stick to this diet for almost a week. The effect is already there and it gives strength to continue. True, yesterday my husband seduced smoked fish, but I ate quite a bit. Why is everything tasty so bad ?! By the way, I began to run in the morning and wanted to live again. Hooray! I almost went into my favorite jeans! Girls, all lose weight - it raises vitality.

Enthusiastic 03/23/2016
The site is just a miracle !!! All diets are professional and thought out to the smallest detail. I am delighted!

Svetok 03/23/2016
I have kidney problems since childhood, so when I plan to throw off a few kg, I sit on diet number 6. I like it! I do not suffer much torment, since practically everything is possible. Recomend for everybody!

Rimma 03/23/2016
I recently went on vacation and went on diet No. 6. Unfortunately, on working days, I can’t afford to constantly cook something for myself. Often in the dining room I have dinner. For a month I hope to lose weight and strengthen the overall tone of the body.


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