Diet 3 3 3 - a detailed description and useful tips. Reviews of the diet 3 3 3 and sample recipes.


Diet 3 3 3 - description and general principles

Many of us start to get worried when, on the eve of a festive event on a favorite dress, the zipper does not fasten. Do not panic! For you, there is a special diet 3 3 3, which makes it easy to get rid of extra pounds in a few days. You may have heard about the "diet models" or "diet ballerinas" - this is our option. You can find other names - the diet of Limes Vaikule or Margarita the Queen. You can call it as it is convenient, but all these options are very similar to the 3-3-3 diet (9 days), also called by the number of basic ingredients.

Interestingly, the figure "3" is fundamental here, not only because of the duration, it is also food three times a day, after three hours, three days in a row with certain foods. Imagine that there are also three main products - apples, oatmeal and cottage cheese. Apply a diet preferably no more than once every two months. It can be an emergency - precisely when really urgently required to bring themselves into shape. Observe any options for diet 3 3 3 is not so easy. It is a pity, of course, that the three-day express diet does not give a lasting long-lasting effect.

Weight is rapidly decreasing, but then it can also quickly return. But in 9 days you can fully fix the result, adding eggs to the products, and alternating them with cottage cheese. Diet looks like this - one boiled egg at one time, then after three hours - 200 grams of cottage cheese. And so on. You can drink only water and tea, without sugar, it is desirable to choose green varieties. If after the end of the diet to adhere to at least some dietary restrictions, for example. To exclude flour and limit yourself to sweets, it is much easier to keep yourself in good shape.

Diet 3 3 3 - what foods you can eat

It is worth noting that, as with all variants of diets, special attention should be paid to drink - you need to drink a lot and often. Simple clean water is desirable if other drinks are not provided in the menu. The amount of water should be at least 1.5-2 liters. In addition to the products mentioned, there are several other options for losing weight 3 3 3. In more detail, I would like to consider options with such products: rice, vegetables, boiled meat and honey. This selection, if properly distributed over several days, can produce excellent results. It is necessary to divide it into several stages according to a certain system.

Diet 3 3 3 - what foods can not be consumed

Dieting is the main principle of weight loss. It is necessary to strictly follow the recommendations, and not to retreat even a little. Do not deceive yourself, otherwise the result of the torment will not be able to satisfy. Forget about cakes, buns, pastries, and even bread for a while. Not for us at this time fatty and salty foods. Also have to sit on the "dry ration" in terms of alcohol.

Diet 3 3 3 - menu examples

Consider all three stages of the diet 3 3 3 in more detail.

So, stage 1: all three days in our menu will be only rice water and honey. We choose only long grain rice and only white varieties, since wild brown will not give the desired effect.

For 1 day in the evening, pour 250 grams of rice with water and add 3 tablespoons of honey. We take non-carbonated, non-alkaline and, of course, purified water. In the morning, fold the rice into a colander and wash the starch from the cereal. We shift into a suitable saucepan and pour exactly twice as much water as rice. Cook for 15 minutes. Divide cooked rice into 5 parts and eat during the day. Last meal done at about 8 pm.

The feeling of hunger should not disturb very much, in parallel with rice we drink a large amount of water.
In addition, you need to eat during the day 3 teaspoons of honey (just a spoon). Drinking water should also be drunk at regular intervals evenly. In the evening, drinking a lot is not worth it, just as there is. After the last meal, you can drink only 1 glass of water at night.

How does this work?

In this case, rice plays the role of eterosorbent, ridding the intestines of toxins and toxins.

Stage 2: Now for three days our companions will be chicken or fish, water and honey.

On day 1, boil a chicken weighing 1200 to 1300 grams, or lean cod-type fish. You can use sea bass, pollock, etc. The diet will consist of fish or meat, water and honey.

Boil in a double boiler meat or fish, divide into parts. In the morning, drink 1 glass of water and start breakfast. From the chicken to remove the skin, and take, for example, a whole leg or wing.
This will be the fifth part of the total volume. So we continue throughout the day, separating the meat from the bones, mixing it and eating in 5 receptions. Last time - no later than 7-8 pm, then a glass of water. Boiled unsalted fish is not so tasty - sprinkle it with lemon juice and add parsley or dill.

Alternate chicken and fish days on your own for three days. Do not forget to eat honey with spoons and drink water.

How does this work?

Only proteins are ingested. Fats the body is forced to take from its reserves. This way of feeding will allow you to get rid of 9 to 9 pounds in 9 days.

Stage 3: 3 days vegetables, water and honey

In the morning, prepare 1 kg of vegetables, and the traditional three spoons of honey. It is best to choose white and green species - cabbage, zucchini, onions, squash. Suitable carrots, beets, tomatoes, from the amount of less green products. A pound of vegetables boiled or stewed in water, the rest will be used for cooking lettuce-brushes.

Salad Brush Recipe

Ingredients: raw beets, and = carrots, (1 pc each), cabbage, fresh greens, lemon juice, water and olive oil (1 spoon each).

Cooking method

We clean the vegetables and rub the roots on a coarse grater, chop cabbage, chop the greens. Mix lemon juice with olive oil and water.

Stewed vegetables divided into three parts, and alternate the dish with the salad. We drink water and eat honey.

How do these products work?

As a result, the body replenishes the vitamin complex, and the lettuce brush also cleanses the intestines, while reducing the volume of the stomach.

Kefir diet 3-3-3

Another comfortable option diet 3 3 3 - kefir. In this case, only one product is used for three days.

Stage 1 - three days drink only 2 liters of kefir, you can even fat, because fat is necessary for the absorption of calcium in the body.
Stage 2 - prepare 1 kg of vinaigrette or vegetable soup on the water. Salt, fats are practically excluded. You can use only 1 spoon of vegetable oil (15 grams). Fiber from vegetables removes toxins from the body.
Stage 3 - During the day, eat half a kilo of boiled chicken or other lean birds. During this diet, you can sometimes drink broths of hips or herbs instead of water - chamomile, mint.

If you are ready to try this method - mentally say goodbye to 6-7 kilograms of excess weight.

Menu of the diet of 3 products - oatmeal, apple, cottage cheese (honey is added)

Breakfast: oatmeal or instant cereal, medium apples (2 items).
Lunch: a plate of oatmeal in any form with a spoon of honey and 3 small apples. Cottage cheese in the amount of 100 grams.
Dinner: 200 gr. curd mass, 4 apples.

Diet 3 3 3 - useful tips and reviews

If your stomach does not work perfectly, to use the kefir diet requires prior consultation with your doctor. For heartburn or other abnormalities, pay attention to kefir - what is its shelf life? It is undesirable to use a product that is more than 3 days old. If you do not have time for shopping every day - you can cook kefir yourself. For 1 liter of milk 3 teaspoons of kefir fungus is used. For the preparation of young kefir will take 12-16 hours. Useful product boosts immunity and improves intestinal microflora.

What is the best diet to use?

In the responses of the brave, "sitting" on different diets, it is ambiguously noted that the best of all is a diet that does not feel painful hunger. The number of kilograms left can be very different. You can continue the diet 3 3 3 until you feel the effect and are not satisfied with the result, repeating the cycle no more than three times. The relative balance of nutrition contributes to the fact that you will feel full of energy. That is why it is often used by ballerinas who, as we know, spend a lot of energy at work.


Olya 03/22/2016
I sat on kefir diet 333. I have some contraindications, not every diet suits me. And then I found all the ingredients that I need. For two weeks she dropped 5 kilograms. I was completely satisfied.

Ivanna 03/22/2016
Three days of rice, three days of chicken with a fish, three days of vegetables ... In principle, nothing complicated. But it’s good that they wrote a detailed instruction, and that is, such as I, for example, are very difficult to remember and often confuse everything)))

Tamar Ivanovka 03/22/2016
Three, 3, my favorite number, and then three triples. Yes, it's my diet. Be sure to study it. Sure, three triples will help me. 3 is the number of luck.

Svetlana 03/22/2016
In my opinion a very difficult diet. I'll make a short recipe and hang it on the fridge. And then, I'm afraid, I will not remember the whole sequence. Thank you for explaining the available.

Alena 03/22/2016
I already thought that before my eyes I had threefolds))) And then there really are three triples, 333. I first heard about such a diet, although I thought that I was always aware of new products. Live and learn. Tomorrow I'll go with colleagues to share.


Watch the video: How to Start a Keto Diet (July 2024).