Half of the women calmly tolerate diets, the rest consider them torture


“Beauty requires sacrifice,” Russians joke and devote enough time to visiting hairdressers, beauty parlors and gyms. And since external beauty is also a question of a good figure, the portal “Women's Opinion” became interested in the attitude of women to all kinds of diets and conducted a sociological survey on this topic.

47.2% of the fairer sex consider eating restriction another “victim” on their part and hate “dieting”, considering them torture. Undoubtedly, every woman wants to be slim, but not everyone can withstand the constant hunger and the temptation to not try something very tasty, but high-calorie. It is especially hard for those who live in the family and prepare two types of dishes: diet for themselves and high-calorie for everyone else. Isn't this a real torture? “I hate diets, I'm tired of sitting on them, I want a lot of fried meat and potatoes!”, The Russians complained. In addition, the diet involves the use of certain foods and the calculation of calories, which also creates inconvenience, and sometimes "hits" afford. “I don’t like diets, because it bothers me by calculating or buying only special products with special contents for something there,” the women said.

24.1% of Russians relate to diets calmly, although they are not enthusiastic about them. These women believe that a diet can be compared to therapeutic nutrition, and treatment is not always a pleasure, but only benefits. But after a course of wellness treatments in the form of another diet, you can proudly look in the mirror and catch the admiring glances of others. For many beauties, dieting has become a way of life. “I endure it completely calmly, because diet for me is a way of life. I constantly monitor what I eat, limit myself to something, so that later I will not lose weight convulsively“ by the 8th of March, ““ by the new year ” , “To the beach season.” In general, to always be in great shape, ”the ladies shared their secrets.

16.6% of women like diets and they can "sit" on them constantly, provided that they are not too rigid. By the word "diet" this category of Russians means proper nutrition, which they follow all their lives. “I just eat reasonably well and meaningfully,” the ladies said and added, “I try to eat right and simple.”

12.1% of respondents believe that since you won’t be slim without a diet, you should accept the restriction in nutrition as a blessing. “It's nice to watch you lose weight, and the figure becomes slim, light, elegant,” the women said.

Whatever the attitude of the female half of Russia to diets, everyone wants to look attractive and charming. Even those who consider diets to be torture and hate them with all the fibers of their souls, still try to limit themselves in the consumption of excess calories from time to time.

The survey involved 3745 people. Age from 20 to 45 years. From 192 cities of Russia.


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