March 25: what are the holidays today. Events, name days and birthdays March 25th.


Holidays March 25

Culture Workers Day

Since 2008, annually on March 25 in Russia celebrate the Day of cultural workers. A similar holiday existed before, only the celebration took place differently, because in different regions, a date was chosen. In addition, individually there were professional holidays - Museum Day, Theater Day, Press Day, etc. The Minister of Culture of the Russian Federation Alexander Sokolov took the initiative in 2007 to establish a single professional holiday for cultural workers throughout the country, and proposed a day Celebrate March 25th. The category of workers celebrating this date includes professionals working in the field of art, culture, cinema, tourism, sports, employees of museums, libraries, and printing houses.

Security Service Day in Ukraine

Since March 25, 2001 in Ukraine, employees of the Security Service, who are engaged in a very responsible business, celebrate their professional holiday. The most important areas of activity of special services are considered not only intelligence or counterintelligence, but also the fight against terrorism, illegal emigration, drug trafficking. For successful operations, work was established with Interpol and foreign colleagues, in particular, Russian law enforcement agencies. Specialists of the Security Service counteract the theft of especially large amounts of state property, the unlawful use of budgetary funds, and carry out counter-intelligence activities in the foreign economic, banking system and in the sphere of privatization.

March 25 in the folk calendar

On March 25, the Orthodox Church honors the memory of Saints Theophanes and Gregory. The Monk Theophanes the Confessor founded several monasteries during his life; he spent all his time in labors and prayers. In his youth, Feofan received a good education and made a successful career as an official. After meeting with the old man Gregory Stratigius, he became a monk.

Saint Gregory Dvoeslov, which means the interlocutor, came from an old family. With the proceeds of the inheritance he built several monasteries. Having become a monk, he was engaged in the translation of holy books.

In honor of the saints, on March 25, the people called Gregory or Theophanes the day. We noticed if there is fog on this day in the morning - to a rich harvest of flax and hemp.
Horses were especially cared for at Theophanes, because it was believed that if a horse falls ill on March 25, it will be ill all summer. This meant that help would not be expected from her.

Gregory began to plant radish seeds. Hearing the singing of swallows on Theophanes, you should wash with milk, then the skin promised to be clean and white.

Historical events of March 25

March 25, 421 founded the city of Venice.

March 25, Italian Venice celebrates its next birthday. According to legend, in 421, residents of the surrounding coast, fleeing from foreign invaders, found salvation in multiple land areas of a shallow lagoon. Venice is one of the few modern cities that has retained its medieval appearance. It is located on 118 small islands that are connected by 160 water channels.

March 25, 1841 in Greece, the anti-Turkish uprising began.

It was on this day, in 1841. Metropolitan German of Patra addressed the fellow citizens. He called on the Greeks to unite in the struggle against the Ottoman yoke and raised the banner of the revolution. March 25, 1841 coincided with the Annunciation, which the Metropolitan considered a good sign. It took eight years for Turkey, after long and bloody wars, to recognize the independence of Greece. In this struggle, the Greeks won, having lost about 50 thousand of their soldiers in battles. Since 1838 to this day, March 25 is celebrated in Greece as a national holiday - Independence Day of their country.

March 25, 1961 The fifth satellite ship was launched in the USSR

It was a dress rehearsal before sending the first man into space. On board the satellite was the dog Zvezdochka, the place of the astronaut was occupied by a human mannequin. The flight was successful, after the execution of the established program, the ship with the Asterisk returned to Earth, the mannequin safely ejected. At the conference on the launch of the ship, Zvezdochka gathered all the laurels of fame. Nobody paid attention to Gagarin, who was sitting in the front row.

March 25, 1986 off the coast of Alaska, the Exxon Valdez tanker flew into reefs.

The tragedy occurred at night, in Prince William Bay, when, in pitch darkness, an oil tanker flew at speed on reefs off the southern coast of Alaska. A huge amount of oil spilled into the sea through huge holes, turning in a moment the crystal clear water into a dirty oily mess. It was the largest environmental disaster in US history, causing enormous damage to the environment. Even the impressive monetary compensation received from the oil company did not help to completely restore the ecological situation.

March 25 were born:

Elton John (born 1947), English singer, composer, pianist.

Elton John first sat down at the piano at the age of four, at five he began to study at the Royal Conservatory, and at eleven won a scholarship there. The popularity of Elton John grew rapidly. He performed both soulful ballads and fatal compositions, where he masterfully wove elements of church hymns. His work left its mark on the formation of world popular music. During his solo career, he sold about 250 million records. Known as a generous philanthropist who donated a total of about a billion dollars to charity.

Boris Burda (born 1950), Russian and Ukrainian popular TV presenter, scholar, bard, culinary specialist, showman.

Burda can be called lucky: when God gifted people with talents, Boris Oskarovich fell under a generous distribution. Whatever he undertook, everywhere he achieved success. At school, he was a gold medalist, at the institute - a graduate student, the program "What? Where? When?" - the best player. And from each of his culinary shows, thanks to a sparkling sense of humor, personal charm and charisma, Boris Burde manages to make an exciting sight. This person is arrogant and young beyond his years, even at a distance he is able to charge people with his optimism.

Yefim Shifrin (born 1956), Soviet, Russian comedian, actor.

Efim Shifrin is a popular conversational genre artist of the Russian pop art, a master of humorous monologues. Since 1990 leads an active creative activity: plays in dramatic performances, performs romances, writes books, is the head of the Shifrin Theater.

Vladimir Klichko (born March 25, 1976), a Ukrainian professional boxer.

March 25 marks the birthday of the famous heavyweight boxer Vladimir Klitschko. During his sports career, he received many titles and awards. One of the most memorable is the Olympic gold medal, which Klitschko won in 1996 by defeating Paea Wolfgram, a boxer from Tongo. Thus, becoming the first fair-skinned boxer at the Games, who won this title in heavyweight. After the Olympics in Atlanta, Vladimir switched to professional sports. Of the 59 fights he won that took place in professional fights, 51 he managed to finish by knockout.

Name Day March 25th:

Alexander, Ivan, Vladimir, Dmitry, Sergey, Gregory, Semyon, Feofan.


Watch the video: Amazing Calendar Trick (July 2024).