Not only a doctor can determine pregnancy! How to determine pregnancy at home: proven methods


Pregnancy is a wonderful and desirable condition for many women.

With its onset, much changes in our lives and our bodies.

But women and girls always ask the question, is it possible to find out about their interesting situation at home.

Determine pregnancy at home: is it possible?

Have you been planning a pregnancy for a long time and are looking forward to the results with great impatience?

Perhaps the delay in your menstrual cycle is finally evidence that pregnancy has occurred? But how do you know that this is true if you don’t have time to go to the doctor, and there’s no test at hand?

You just need to listen to your body. Indeed, during the period of bearing the fetus in the woman’s body, various changes occur that are simply impossible not to notice. In addition, folk methods are actively used.

If you are interested in knowing what methods for determining pregnancy exist, then simply read this article.

How to determine pregnancy at home: signs

The most classic sign of pregnancy is, of course, the termination of the menstrual cycle. But this factor is not always reliable. After all, a delay can occur without the fact of pregnancy, for example, with nervous tension. However, the presence of menstruation does not always mean that you are not in such an interesting position! In some women, menstruation can go after fertilization of the egg. Therefore, if you are sure that the pregnancy has arrived, but the critical days have not stopped, visit a doctor. Other signs are distinguished:

• A characteristic symptom of pregnancy - breast swelling and soreness. However, during the PMS period, many can observe a similar condition. A feeling of heaviness arises in the mammary glands, the breasts increase a little in size, and if you touch it, it starts to hurt.

• Another sign of pregnancy - change in taste. If you notice that those products that previously did not cause you admiration, now suddenly began to like, then this completely characterizes your new condition. Odor susceptibility may increase, especially the smell of tobacco or perfume.

• One of the signs of early toxicosis - vomiting and nausea. This condition mainly appears in the morning.

Change from the nervous system, does not apply to all women, but it is quite possible. So, for example, a calm and affable woman, after pregnancy, can scream, cry, constantly nervous for no reason. This is affected by the hormonal background of the expectant mother, who is also undergoing changes.

• The main symptoms of the first weeks of pregnancy - fatigue and constant drowsiness. If you constantly want to lie down to sleep, but you have not noticed this before, then maybe you are pregnant?

Pain in the lumbar region, feeling of heaviness in the lower abdomenare also signs of a new condition. The thing is that the uterus begins to increase in size, thereby causing pain.

Number of Discharges from the vagina may be larger than before. But at the same time they should be transparent, and not be accompanied by any unpleasant odor.

How to determine pregnancy at home: tests and their types

In recent years have become popular pregnancy tests, which at home allows women to determine whether they have become pregnant or not. Their action, first of all, is based on determining the level of the hormone.

There are many ways to determine the hormone in the urine and blood of a girl. So, for example, a blood test performed by specialists in medical institutions can say with 100% certainty about a possible pregnancy. But texts conducted at home can give an accurate answer within a few days after the delay, while the level of hCG hormone will not be so high.

Test strips

Homes use non-instrument tests. The simplest and most economical look is the test strip. They are made of their thick paper, and impregnated with a special substance - a reagent. You just need to immerse the strip in a container with urine and hold for 30 seconds. In just a few minutes you can evaluate the result.

If one strip appeared on a white background, it means that the pregnancy did not occur, or perhaps the test was done too soon. The appearance of the second strip will indicate the onset of pregnancy.

Before choosing a test, you need to consider many factors. Despite the fact that all manufacturers promise a 100% result, their quality is still different from each other. Therefore, it is not recommended to save, it is better to buy a more expensive product.

When checking the test, certain conditions must be taken into account, namely, correctly collecting urine and immersing a strip in it. That is why, before you do the test and get the long-awaited result, carefully read the instructions on the package.

Inkjet and tablet tests

In order to get a more accurate result, it is recommended to use tablet tests. The reagent layer is placed in one of the two windows. Unlike strip tests, data is more expensive. Today, products are considered the most reliable. For many girls, they are convenient because they do not need to collect urine at a certain time of the day.

How to determine pregnancy at home: folk methods

Previously, women asked how to determine pregnancy at home. After all, in those days there were no tests or ultrasound, and many wanted to know about the possible pregnancy. That is why our grandmothers came up with their own methods for determining pregnancy, they are all tested for years, and many continue to be popular until now:

1. Method 1 - iodine. The main component for determining pregnancy is, of course, urine. Take a small container and completely fill it with urine. Then you need to take a pipette and drop a drop of iodine into the container. It was believed that if the drop spreads, it means that this urine does not belong to a pregnant woman. If iodine is on the surface and does not sink, suspicions are confirmed.

2. Method 2 - determination using urine. Take one sheet of paper and moisten in urine, then drop a drop of iodine. If after that, iodine begins to acquire a lilac hue, then the result was positive. If the test is negative, the color of the iodine will turn blue.

3. Method 3 - study urine. At home, it is easy enough to find out about the presence of pregnancy at an early stage, for this you need to carefully examine the color of your urine. Our great-grandmothers also noticed that in a pregnant girl the urine has a dark yellow color, and regardless of the time of day. In addition, it contains special hormones that can affect the growth of flowers. The following method was used, and to many it even seemed strange: they collected urine, watered flowers in a pot to it. If after a while they became magnificent and beautiful, then the woman is in a position.

4. Method 4 - the pulse. Lie on your back and feel for a pulse just below your belly button. Put your hands there and press them a little against your stomach, if you clearly feel the pulsation, then the fruit of the future baby inside you.

5. Method 5 - bow. This funny way also applies to the folk remedies that our ancestors used with you: take two onions and plant them in two glasses. As you probably already understood, the first means pregnancy, the second not. Wait until they begin to germinate. The bulb, which first reaches 4 centimeters, will be the answer.

In addition, our ancestors always paid special attention to dreams. It was believed that if in a dream a woman dreamed that she was fishing, then in reality she was pregnant. Swimming in a clean, clear body of water also indicates pregnancy. Moreover, many women still believe in deciphering such dreams.

Definition of pregnancy at home: causes of failure

Many women complain that a pregnancy test stubbornly shows a negative result, while they are already expecting a baby. This is really possible, the whole point is the incorrect application of the test.

It is important to know that the exact result will only be shown 10 days after conception. But in what cases the test will be wrong, what affects this in the first place:

• a woman has an ectopic pregnancy. The hCG level will be much lower;

• frozen pregnancy;

• before the test, the girl drank a large amount of liquid;

• taking diuretic drugs;

• kidney disease;

• the gestational age is too short;

• after an abortion;

• the test has expired;

• urine for its conduct was taken stale.

As you can see, it is really possible to determine pregnancy at home, you just need to know the proven methods. But if you have the opportunity, of course it is better to go to the doctor.


Watch the video: How soon after a missed period is a pregnancy test accurate? (July 2024).