Chocolate fashion show held in Zurich


Milky, black or white ... It's about the favorite delicacy of millions of people around the world - about chocolate. Novels write about him, make films, even fashion shows devote to this magnificent invention of confectionery art. Every year in March in the Swiss city of Zurich, the Salon du Chocolat Chocolate Salon is held, where tribute to this dessert culminates.

Chocolate stores have become a tradition that is already 18 years old. This event was first held in Paris in 1994. As part of the "chocolate days", master classes, thematic exhibitions, conferences and, of course, fashion shows are held, which show dresses made of chocolate.

On March 21, Zurich once again brought together chocolatiers from around the world to present their creations at the traditional display of chocolate dresses.

"Chocolate couturiers" not only demonstrate their skills in the manufacture of chocolate outfits to spectators, but also give master classes in their manufacture, in which anyone can participate.

But not everything is as smooth as it might seem from the audience. Confectioners-designers are faced with a number of problems, the main one of which is that chocolate has a low melting point, only 33 degrees Celsius. And according to the rules of the salon, there should be nothing on fashion models, except for their delicious outfits. So the "chocolate couturier" has to constantly be in search and improve recipes for making chocolate.


Watch the video: The Chocolate Fashion Show (July 2024).