Borsch: classic recipe with meat - a man’s dream! We share old recipes for classic borsch with meat


Classic borsch - not a single hostess, not a single house can do without this dish.

There is an opinion that from the first courses to men always serve only borsch.

It is also true that borsch has a unique property, the next day it becomes even tastier and more aromatic.

Today we offer you our old recipes for making real classic borsch with meat.

The main ingredients in the recipes are almost the same, but the cooking methods are slightly different.

Classic borsch with meat - general principles of cooking

All that is needed for borsch is meat, it is better to use brisket, and vegetables.

Vegetables are cut into thin strips, the beets are stewed, and all other vegetables are slightly fried: fats absorb and retain aromatic substances, essential oils contained in the roots. In addition, the coloring matter of carrots and tomatoes dissolves in fats and gives the appetizer a delicious appearance.

An important condition for successful cooking is the correct sequence of bookmarking products. Since the heat treatment of beets, for example, is quite lengthy, in order to preserve the color, citric acid or lemon juice and tomato puree are added to the tip of the knife.

Together with fried roots and onions, spices should be added to the borsch. At the end of cooking, it is recommended to add sweet Bulgarian pepper.

Borsch brought to readiness is left to insist (for twenty minutes), then served to the table.

Buckwheat porridge, pancakes, cheesecakes, pies, pies, kulebyaki, donuts with garlic are served with borsch. Enjoy your meal!

Classic borsch with meat


• Six hundred grams of pork ribs;

• Beef pulp - three hundred grams;

• One beetroot;

• Two carrots;

• Five potatoes;

• Two tomatoes;

• Bulgarian pepper - 2;

• Onion - 2;

• One tea. l granulated sugar;

• One table. l acetic acid;

• Garlic - 5 feathers;

• Oil (three tablespoons);

• Four hundred grams of cabbage;

• Beans;

• Salt, pepper, herbs.

Cooking method:

Vegetables are washed and peeled. The beans are soaked, after swelling - boil.

The meat is washed and set to cook on low heat (for one hour). Add the whole onion, carrot, peppercorns, salt and parsley.

Beets and carrots are cut into strips, the tomato is cut into cubes, and all this is fried in a pan. Add onions, peppers, sugar. Then pour a little acetic acid and broth, leave to simmer.

When the broth is boiled, meat is taken out of it. Potatoes, sliced, beans and shredded cabbage are added to the pan.

Cook until half cooked and add roasting. Boiled meat is cut and sent to the pan.

Allow to boil and remove from heat. Within half an hour, borsch should be infused. Serve sprinkled with chopped herbs.

Classic borsch recipe with home-style meat


• Three liters of water;

• Eight hundred grams of beef on the bone;

• Fresh cabbage (three hundred grams);

• Potato - 3;

• Two beets;

• Carrot;

• Onion - one;

• Tomato paste (one table. L.);

• Garlic - 2 feathers;

• Oil, pepper, lavrushka.

Cooking method:

Wash the meat, put it in a pan and set to cook the broth (salt a little).

While the broth is cooked, vegetables are prepared. Peel potatoes, carrots, beets and onions. Potatoes are cut into cubes, carrots and beets are chopped on a grater, finely chopped onions, chopped cabbage.

In a pan with vegetable oil, beets, carrots and onions are stewed. A minute before being ready, the beets are doused with lemon juice or acetic acid. Tomato paste is added (only a clean wooden spoon is taken from the can).

When the broth is cooked, the meat is taken out and separated from the bones. Cut into pieces and again sent to the pot with broth.

Then lay chopped fresh cabbage. After boiling - add potatoes. After the water boils again - add seasoning, salt and pepper. Then the soup is seasoned with prepared roasting.

At the end of cooking, add garlic, chopped into quarters, and chopped greens. Enjoy your meal!

Classic borsch recipe with meat "In Ukrainian"


• Five hundred grams of pork on the bone;

• Six potatoes;

• Beets - 1;

• Carrot;

• Two onions;

• Half a cabbage;

• Garlic - 4 feathers;

• Sugar (one table. L.);

• Tomatoes or a glass of tomato juice;

• Salt, oil, greens.

Cooking method:

The pork meat is washed and put to cook. As it boils, remove the foam and reduce the gas. Allow to boil for two minutes and drain all the water. Pour meat with clean water and leave the broth to cook on slow gas for one and a half to two hours.

Meanwhile, they are preparing vegetables. Potatoes are peeled and cut into slices. Once the meat is ready, it is taken out and the potatoes are sent to the pot.

While the potatoes are being cooked, the onions are peeled and chopped finely.

Carrots and beets are ground or cut into small strips.

Chop the cabbage.

Heat oil in a frying pan, add chopped onion and pass it.

Pour one tablespoon of sugar, stir.

Then add the carrots and continue to stew.

At the end, beets are added to the roasting.

The next step is to add chopped tomatoes or tomato paste (can be replaced with tomato juice). Sprinkle seasonings on top.

The vegetable mixture is stewed for another five minutes and transferred to a pan with broth.

After boiling, shredded cabbage is lowered into the borsch.

When the borscht boils again, add salt, pepper, sugar and taste. It must be borne in mind that after the soup is infused, it becomes a salt maker.

Classic borsch recipe with meat "In Russian"


• Beef without bone - half a kilogram;

• Two liters of water;

• Beets (four hundred grams);

• Half a cabbage;

• One carrot;

• Parsley root (one);

• Four potatoes;

• Three onions;

• head of garlic;

• One hundred grams of tomato paste;

• One table each. l acetic acid, sugar and pork ginger;

• Fifteen grams of salted pork lard;

• A bunch of parsley;

• Lavrushka - 3 leaves;

• Pepper - 3 peas;

• Salt.

Cooking method:

Beef breast is poured with water and boiled for about two hours.

While the meat is being cooked, vegetables are prepared for borsch.

Potatoes are cut into cubes, cabbage is cut into strips, carrots and beets are ground on a grater.

Beets are sprayed with vinegar so that it does not lose color.

The pan is greased with pork fat and spread beets on it. Sugar and tomato paste are added, stewed.

Finely chop the onion.

Lard is mixed with garlic and chopped parsley.

When ready, meat is taken out of the broth. They add gas and pour potatoes into the broth, as they boil cabbage.

In a separate frying pan in butter, fry the carrots, onions and parsley root. Sent to the broth. Braised beets are also added.

Boiled meat is cut into portioned pieces and sent to borsch.

At the end of the preparation of the borscht, garlic, mashed with lard and parsley, is introduced into it. Salt, add seasoning and boil. Twenty minutes later, the borscht is poured into plates, add sour cream and served to the table.

"Green" borsch with meat (classic recipe)


• Three hundred grams of meat;

• Rice (one table. L.);

• Two carrots;

• Three potatoes;

• Onion - 1;

• Beets - one hundred grams;

• Tomato (one) or tomato paste (two tablespoons).

• Sorrel;

• Greenery;

• Bell pepper - 1-2.

Cooking method:

The meat is boiled and removed from the broth. Rice is washed and added to the broth along with grated carrots and potatoes.

Dressing is prepared: one large carrot, onion, beets are wiped on a grater and fried. Beets can be put more. Rubbed tomato or tomato paste into the fry.

The next step is adding sorrel, dill and parsley to the borsch. At the end of cooking, add chopped bell pepper and roast. Served on a table with half a boiled egg, sour cream. Extraordinary tasty!

The classic recipe for Ukrainian borsch with meat


• Meat - half a kilogram;

• Salted or fresh tomatoes - 3;

• One hundred grams of fat;

• A glass of sauerkraut;

• Potatoes - 5-7;

• One beetroot;

• Carrot - 2;

• Onion - 2;

• Lavrushka - three leaves;

• Pepper - five peas;

• Garlic - five cloves;

• Salt, greens.

Cooking method:

The meat is washed, poured with water and put on fire, after boiling, remove the foam and reduce the gas.

Prepare the vegetables. Peel potatoes, carrots and onions.

Peeled potatoes are cut into slices and pour into the broth. Also add carrots and onions, diced, peas and pepper parsley.

After everything boils for ten to fifteen minutes, add sauerkraut.

While the borsch continues to cook, the beets are cut into strips and fried in a skillet. Add chopped carrots and chopped onions.

At the end, tomatoes are added to the roasting. Fry is poured into boiling broth.

Add crushed garlic. They let it boil, let it brew and serve it with sour cream.

The classic recipe for Russian borsch with meat


• Three hundred grams of beef meat;

• Parsley root;

• Beets (one);

• Fresh cabbage - four hundred grams;

• Potato (half a kilogram);

• Carrot - 1;

• Garlic (three to four feathers);

• Half a glass of tomato puree or 4-5 fresh tomatoes;

• One table. l flour;

• Onion - 1;

• Two hundred grams of fat;

• Pork fat (fifty grams);

• Sour cream (half a glass);

• Sugar - one table. l .;

• Lemon juice;

• Greens (parsley);

• Bulgarian and ground pepper;

• Lavrushka.

Cooking method:

The meat is poured with water and set to cook on low gas.

Meanwhile, prepare the vegetables. Beets are cut into strips, salted, sprinkled with lemon juice. All mix, put in pots or a deep frying pan, add fat, tomato puree, sugar. Leave to simmer.

Parsley roots are peeled, finely chopped onion and fried.

Sliced ​​potatoes are added to the cooked strained broth. Then drop chopped cabbage and cook for ten minutes. Add fried vegetables, bell pepper, seasonings.

When serving, add sour cream, meat, greens to the table.

Classic borsch recipe with meat - tricks and useful tips

• To prevent vegetables from boiling, borsch is cooked on low gas.

• If the meat is easily separated from the bone, then it is ready.

• If all the ingredients have already been put into the pan, but there is free space to the top of the pan, you can add a little boiled water to the broth.

• As soon as the broth boils, immediately remove the foam. It is important not to miss this moment, otherwise the broth will turn out opaque and cloudy.

• If the foam is still removed late, strain the broth through a fine sieve or cheesecloth.

• In a borsch with pork, potatoes are placed immediately, as the broth boils, with beef - half an hour after boiling.


Watch the video: Stuffed Cabbage- Martha Stewart (June 2024).