How to reduce pressure at home. How to provide first aid for high blood pressure at home?


The problem of high blood pressure is faced by many people.

It can be both one-time unexpected attacks, and systematic increases that affect well-being.

Sharp jumps, as well as steadily increasing pressure, threaten not only the state of health, but also the life of the patient.

Therefore, patients prone to increased pressure need to know effective ways to quickly deal with the problem at home.

High blood pressure: symptoms and causes

Blood pressure reflects the physical effect of blood on the walls of large vessels - arteries. The pressure indicators reflect the rhythm of heart contractions and the condition, that is, tension, of the vascular walls.

Systolic or "upper" pressure fixes indicators during the maximum load of the heart muscle. Dystonic or "lower" pressure indicates the state during its relaxation.

There is an average norm of 120/80 units, differences of 10 units are not considered a pathological deviation. However, for each patient there may be individual limits of the norm, at which there is no deterioration in the general condition.

The level of personal pressure may depend on individual characteristics, as well as on age, habits, concomitant diseases, as well as lifestyle.

An asymptomatic increase in pressure occurs. Therefore, some patients may not be aware of high blood pressure for years and not take any therapeutic action. Meanwhile, the pathology is progressing, provoking serious complications. Doctors knowingly call hypertension a "silent killer."

However, in some patients, even a slight increase in pressure is accompanied by:

• severe headaches;

• significant dizziness;

• nausea;

• vomiting;

• blurred vision;

• difficulty breathing and lack of air;

• chest pain;

• weakness and weakness.

If in this condition a person is not provided timely assistancehigh blood pressure can provoke serious pathologies in the form of:

• heart attack;

• visual impairment;

• stroke;

• renal failure.

Hypertension can be an independent disease. But at the same time, an increase in pressure is caused by various diseases and external influences in the form of:

• cardiovascular pathologies;

• renal disease;

• stressful situations;

• nervous overstrain;

• hormonal disruptions in the body;

• diabetes mellitus;

• drinking alcoholic beverages;

• taking certain medications;

• head injuries;

• obesity.

Regardless of the reason that triggered the increase in pressure, it is necessary to take emergency measures to reduce performance and prevent negative consequences.

How to reduce pressure at home quickly - medications

The treatment of hypertension is a fairly long complex process that requires regular medication, a special diet and lifestyle, as well as constant monitoring of blood pressure.

An effective course of therapy can only be selected by a physician taking into account age, concomitant pathologies and observations of a change in pressure indicator.

To reduce pressure at home, you can quickly use systemic therapeutic drugs in the form of:

1. Diuretic drugs. The drugs Acripamide, Indapa, Arifon are well tolerated by patients and effectively reduce blood pressure. In addition, drugs of this group positively affect the work of the heart and the state of the vessels. At the same time, diuretics have many side effects, remove nutrients from the body with urine. They are prohibited for patients with diabetes, high cholesterol, and obesity.

2. Beta adenoblockers. The use of Bisoprolol, Metoprolol drugs is used during angina, with heart failure, after a heart attack. Medicines of this group well reduce blood pressure and have a positive effect on the work of the heart. However, such drugs can only be used with the permission of a doctor.

3. ACE inhibitors. Hypertensive patients are well aware of the drugs in the form of enalapril, captopril. Doctors prefer drugs of this group in the treatment of hypertension. They effectively stabilize the pressure and are well tolerated by patients, both with a single and with a constant intake.

The use of any medication to reduce blood pressure should preferably be agreed with the doctor. All medications have side effects, and uncontrolled intake can adversely affect health.

How to reduce pressure at home quickly - folk remedies

If the family does not have hypertension, there are hardly any medicines in the home medicine cabinet that can help cope with high blood pressure. And in crisis situations it is dangerous to delay, you need to act promptly and try to provide all possible assistance to a person with high pressure.

First of all, it is necessary to measure the pressure with a tonometer to make sure that there is an increased pressure. If there is a hypertensive crisis and the pressure is too high, call an ambulance immediately.

There are many effective ways to quickly reduce pressure at home without resorting to taking medications.

Water treatments. Water can have various effects on the body, depending on its temperature. So, cold water is able to narrow and increase the tone of blood vessels, and hot has the opposite effect. With increased pressure, you can use hot compresses that need to be applied to the collar zone. If possible, you can take a contrast shower. Opinions differ about the use of cold water during high pressure. However, some hypertensive patients are saved by cold washing and foot baths.

Vinegar compresses. To prepare a compress, apple or ordinary vinegar is used, which is diluted with ordinary water. In the resulting liquid, the fabric is moistened with which the feet are wrapped. At the same time, the legs rest on the floor and stand for up to 20 minutes. Immediately after the procedure, the feet are washed with water and wrapped. This procedure irritates certain receptors on the sole, which helps to reduce pressure.

Mustard plasters. Mustard plasters are applied to reduce pressure on the soles, calves, and also the back of the head. This method activates blood flow, promotes the outflow of blood and blood pressure decreases.

Massage. A massage is performed to reduce pressure according to a certain scheme, using light massaging manipulations:

1. First act on the collar zone on the back.

2. After massage the neck with light touches.

3. Continue massage of the upper chest.

4. End the procedure by massaging the occipital area.

Acupuncture. To reduce pressure, you can use the recommendations for acupressure. Affect the line connecting the hollow behind the ear with the clavicle. At the same time, they do not press on it, but lightly stroke them with the fingertips for about 10 minutes.

Juice therapy. Reduce the pressure helps a spoonful of a drink made from beet juice, radish and carrots, in which honey is added. They store such medicine in the cold, and to fix the result they drink another three months before each meal.

Herbal decoctions have proven themselves well in home therapy of pressure. Collection of dried cinnamon, chokeberry, mistletoe, hawthorn, viburnum and lingonberries helps to combat pressure. By taking a decoction of such herbs directly at the time of high blood pressure, you can achieve a therapeutic effect. Faced with high blood pressure, you have to drink a healing potion for about a month.

You can also use regular warm tea to reduce pressure and add honey and half lemon juice to it.

How to reduce pressure at home quickly: doctor's advice

If the pressure rises, regardless of the reasons that provoked a similar reaction of the body, you need to provide emergency assistance. If the pressure is very high, call an ambulance immediately.

Before the arrival of the doctors, try to alleviate the condition of the patient.

1. First of all, after confirming high pressure values, one should not panic, and try to calm the patient.

2. It is better for a person with high pressure to lie down, while his head should be located on raised pillows.

3. It is necessary to open the windows so that there is enough fresh air in the room.

4. You can use the hot baths for hands and feet, as well as mustard plasters.

5. If this is not the first attack and the doctor has previously recommended certain medications, take the necessary medication.

6. If heart pain occurs, put a nitroglycerin tablet under the tongue.

Quite often, stressful situations become the cause of increased pressure. Therefore, you need to try to calm down and relax. This will help breathing exercises. It is necessary to exhale trying to hold your breath for up to 8 seconds. Breathing exercises are carried out for three minutes. This simple way will help to even out breathing, calm down and quickly reduce pressure at home.

If there is a strong overexcitation, it is better to use carvalol, valocordin or tincture of motherwort. A few drops of tincture will have a sedative effect, while the pressure should stabilize.

People prone to frequent increases in pressure need to know which foods help lower it. Hypertensive helpers are foods with calcium, magnesium, and potassium. Therefore, milk, sardines, green vegetables, beets, grapefruits, apples, buckwheat, dried apricots, baked potatoes, bananas must be present in the diet.


Watch the video: How To Reduce High Blood Pressure Naturally. How To Prevent High Blood Pressure Naturally (July 2024).