Meringue at home - air kisses. How to cook vanilla, chocolate, nut, berry meringue at home


They are meringues, they are the only cakes that can be prepared with just two ingredients.

Egg whites and sugar are found in every home.

But not so simple.

To get a really tasty and airy meringue at home, you still need to know something.

Meringues at home - general principles of cooking

The process of creating meringues consists of three main stages: whipping the mass, molding and baking cakes. When whipping, you can not immediately add sugar to the proteins, otherwise they will not be able to raise it well, and the mass will not be very lush. First you need to achieve a dense foam, and then, in small portions, inject sugar. And even better, the powder, as it dissolves faster.

How and by what meringue is planted on a baking sheet

For molding the finished mass, it is most convenient to use a pastry bag. You can with nozzles, then the cakes will turn out prettier. You can also just take a tight bag, put the whipped mass into it, cut off the tip and squeeze the meringues through the resulting hole. It is easiest and easiest to spread meringues on a baking sheet with a spoon, but in this case they will all be of different shapes and outwardly not very pretty.

Meringue is baked immediately after molding in the oven. The temperature should not exceed 120 degrees. Cakes must dry inside, otherwise they will fall. The baking time is quite long and, depending on the size of the meringues, can reach several hours.

Recipe 1: Vanilla Meringue at Home

The recipe for a classic homemade meringue cake without unnecessary additives. Meringues are white, airy and light. They can be used as an independent delicacy or in addition to other desserts.


• 250 grams of sugar;

• 4 squirrels;

• a pinch of vanilla;

• some butter and flour.

You will also need a piece of parchment paper to fit the baking sheet.


1. Pour the squirrels into a bowl, lower the mixer and begin to whisk, gradually adding speed.

2. In two minutes the mass will become thick and lush,

3. Start a little bit of sugar. Beat until the grains are completely dissolved. The mass will become whiter and denser.

4. At the end add vanillin.

5. Cut a piece of parchment to the size of the baking sheet and lightly coat with oil. Sprinkle with flour on top.

6. Now you can plant meringues. How and how this can be done is described in detail above. We choose the appropriate option and form small cakes, 4-5 centimeters in diameter.

7. Dry in the oven at 100 degrees for about 70-80 minutes. Time depends not only on the size, but also on the stove itself.

Recipe 2: Chocolate Meringue at Home

Chocolate flavored meringue. Its very simple and easy to make! And to make the meringues really aromatic and chocolate, you need to use a tile with a cocoa content of at least 70%.


• 2 proteins;

• 100 grams of sugar;

• 50 grams of dark chocolate.


1. Immediately turn on the oven at 120 degrees, let it heat up.

2. Beat the whites, gradually introduce sugar. Continue whisking until all the grains are completely apart.

3. We crush chocolate cubes, set to stoke in a water bath. The mass should melt, but not much heat, stir regularly.

4. Pour chocolate into a protein mass in a thin stream, stir. You can not mix for a long time, but walk a few times with a spoon. Then the mass will be beautiful chocolate stains.

5. Form a protein mass with chocolate on a laid baking sheet. Bake until cooked for about an hour.

Recipe 3: Homemade Meringue with Coconut Chips

The recipe for the most delicate coconut meringue at home. Chips do not have to use white. You can take color and make the meringues more fun.


• 2 proteins;

• a pinch of salt;

• 30 grams of coconut flakes;

• 90 grams of powder;

• 1 tsp lemon juice.


1. Take a clean and dry bowl, add lemon juice to it and wipe it from the inside.

2. Put the squirrels and start whipping.

3. As soon as they increase and thicken, we introduce the powder and continue to whisk.

4. Add coconut flakes, mix gently. If you want, then part of the chips can be left and sprinkled on top of the already disbanded meringues.

5. We precipitate a gentle mass on the prepared baking sheet.

6. Put in the oven and dry until tender at 100-120 degrees.

Recipe 4: Meringue at Home with Charlotte Cream

Delicate pastries, supplemented with charlotte cream, which will help solve the problem with the remaining yolks. For jigging these cakes, it is advisable to use a pastry bag so that they turn out to be as close as possible in size and shape.


• 6 proteins;

• 1 bag of vanilla;

• 1.5 cups of sugar;

• 1 cup nuts.

For cream:

• 6 yolks;

• 180 ml of milk;

• 9 tablespoons of sugar;

• 1 bag of vanilla;

• 200 grams of oil.


1. Carefully separate the proteins. While the yolks are set aside, we will return to them later.

2. Finely chop the nuts. You can use hazelnuts, peanuts, walnuts or almonds.

3. Beat the proteins with a mixer, gradually introduce sugar and vanillin. At the end, pour 0.5 tablespoons of previously prepared nuts.

4. A thick and lush mass is planted on a baking sheet in the form of cakes.

5. Bake until cooked at 120 degrees. About 1.5 hours.

6. For cream, combine sugar with 150 grams of milk and put on the stove.

7. Beat the yolks with the remaining milk and gradually pour into the saucepan with the already boiling mixture on the stove. Mix, as soon as the mass begins to thicken, immediately remove from heat. Do not let the cream boil, as the yolks will curl. Cooling down.

8. Beat the softened butter with a mixer, gradually introduce the yolk mass with milk, at the end add vanillin and the cream is ready!

9. Cool the meringues, remove from the pan. Coat with cream, sprinkle with nuts.

Recipe 5: Meringue at Home with Sweetener

Dietary version of meringue cake at home. Prepared on stevia extract. But you can take any other sugar substitute. For vanilla, put vanilla.


• 3 squirrels;

• 0.5 tsp stevia extract;

• a pinch of vanillin;

• 1 tablespoon of lemon juice;

• a pinch of cinnamon.


1. Pour the proteins into a bowl and immediately add lemon juice. Beat until fluffy.

2. Introduce the stevia extract, beat well.

3. Now put the vanilla and cinnamon. Mix and finish!

4. Dietary meringue is deposited on a baking sheet in exactly the same way as ordinary. But since it does not contain sugar, the mass is weaker and may fall. Therefore, it is better to cook small cakes.

5. And dietary meringues are baked absolutely the same. More precisely, they are dried at 100 degrees until fully cooked.

Recipe 6: Meringue at Home with Berries and Chocolate

A recipe for a delicious and beautiful dessert that will decorate any table. Especially children will be glad to him. You can use any berries, but better without stones and tender: strawberries, raspberries, blackberries.


• 6 eggs;

• 2 glasses of sugar;

• ½ tsp cinnamon

• 100 grams of chocolate;

• 200 grams of berries.


1. We wash and dry all the berries. Separate the softest and beaten ones, using a gauze squeeze a spoonful of juice from them. The rest of the berries will go for dessert. While we remove them to the side.

2. Beat the whites with the gradual addition of sugar and cinnamon. Everything is as usual. But at the end we introduce a spoonful of berry juice. He will give meringues an interesting taste. If desired, a little dye can be added, since the juice will only have a slight shade.

3. We plant the meringues on a baking sheet, bake until cooked at 100 degrees.

4. In the bathhouse, melt the chocolate.

5. We lay out the meringues on plates, per serving of 2-3 pieces. Take a spoon and carefully remove the top. Get a flat platform.

6. Put the berries on it and pour with melted chocolate. We give it a little harden and you can serve dessert!

Recipe 7: Walnut Meringue at Home

For nut meringues, you can use any nuts, but it is not recommended to take the mixture. So the smells will interrupt each other.


• 4 squirrels;

• 50 grams of nuts;

• a pinch of salt;

• 1 tsp lemon juice;

• 180 grams of sugar or powder.


1. Dry the nuts in a frying pan and cool. Then we transfer them to a cutting board and roll 3-4 times with a rolling pin. Small, but visible pieces should turn out.

2. Beat the whites with a pinch of salt, then pour in the lemon juice.

3. A little bit of sugar powder is introduced into the lush mass. As soon as the mass becomes boiling white and a slight sheen appears, turn off the mixer.

4. Add chopped nuts, stir with a spoon.

5. Spread the nut meringues on a baking sheet and bake until cooked at 100 degrees for at least two hours. The nuts are quite fat and heavy, so the meringue with them is prepared a little longer.

Meringues at home - useful tips and tricks

• To obtain a more stable protein mass, it is recommended to cool the proteins before whipping.

• Beat whites best in metal, but not aluminum dishes. But it is better to refuse plastic containers and bowls, since the mass in them is less magnificent.

• The egg white will not beat if dirty dishes are used. The bowl must be dry, as well as the mixer. If at least a drop of fat remains on the whisk, the whipping process will become very complicated.

• If the oven is gas, carefully monitor the temperature. It can rise higher over time and meringues will darken. With electric ovens easier, the temperature rarely exceeds the set parameters.

• When preparing proteins for meringues, it is very important that the yolk does not get into them. Therefore, you need to separate the eggs one at a time in a small bowl, and then transfer the protein to the total mass. The same technique will prevent spoiled eggs from falling into dessert.


Watch the video: Easy Meringue Cookies Paleo - Lexi's Clean Kitchen (June 2024).