Queen of youth - hyaluronic acid for the face: at home! Homemade face masks with hyaluronic acid


One of the most popular effective anti-aging agents is hyaluronic acid for the face, which can be used at home.

These are the so-called beauty injections or the elixir of youth.

Hyaluronic acid: what is it

Some women believe that hyaluronic acid is a medicine that is made to rejuvenate the skin.

However, everything is much more interesting. This substance is a natural structural component of your skin and is present in connective tissue throughout the human body. Thanks to him, the epidermal cells maintain normal water balance. In youth, the body actively synthesizes all substances and therefore up to 30 years old there are no problems with wrinkles. Facial skin experiences natural hydration. But, unfortunately, youth is not eternal and over the years a sufficient amount of water in the cells is reduced, because the body does not have time to produce all the necessary substances in the right quantities. The skin becomes flabby, dry, wrinkled. An innovation to combat this process was the use in cosmetology of additional providing the body with hyaluronic acid through injections and external cosmetics, as well as face masks prepared at home.

Hyaluronic acid for the face at home: indications and contraindications

Hyaluronic acid is used for both medical and cosmetic purposes. It represents quite a few advantages for the human body. You can even make your own products at home to take advantage of hyaluronic acid. Such as:

• creates a protective porous film on the skin that retains water inside and provides a reliable shield against microorganisms entering from the outside;

• has a rejuvenating effect. Usually we cannot control the aging process, but the use, for example, of a mask with hyaluronic acid, carried out even at home, will help smooth out age and facial wrinkles, fill the folds on the surface of the skin. The skin becomes soft, smooth, supple and moisturized;

• The magic of this ingredient is that it is able to retain the required amount of moisture in the body even more than any other natural or synthetic polymer. Interesting fact: one gram of hyaluronic acid holds up to six liters of water! This is important from the point of view of aging, because one of the signs of youthful skin is its moisture content. With age, the epidermal layer of the skin begins to lose moisture, which leads to the fact that it loses its elasticity and firmness. Due to increased hydration, the skin becomes soft and supple, the balance of moisture in the cells is controlled;

• due to its properties it provides antioxidant protection against harmful effects and reduces inflammation, that is, it is used to treat acne and acne;

• it is scientifically proven that this substance can help in the treatment of oral ulcers, commonly known as aphthous stomatitis;

• osteoarthrosis - may help your joints;

• eye health. Studies conducted by science show that cataract injections with this substance have positive effects;

• healing skin damage. Some patients claim that the components of hyaluronic acid can reduce wound healing time and improve scar quality;

• and last but not least, why hyaluronic acid is so popular with a large number of commercial skin care products. In addition to the anti-aging effect, it helps your skin stay well hydrated, in addition, it supports collagen production, and protein is very important for skin elasticity and cell renewal. In addition, such an acid will protect the skin from damage caused by sunlight. When it comes to cosmetic surgery, experts argue that hyaluronic acid is much safer to use than collagen injections. In many cases, the substance is administered as a lip filler for aesthetic purposes. It also enhances the beneficial effects of other cosmetics.

With all the advantages of this substance, there are significant disadvantages:

1. First of all, we are talking about getting used to the specified drug. The body may stop producing the necessary funds, and the skin will become flabby and dry.

2. Serum that also contains alcohol, parabens, sulfates or other ingredients that are harmful to the skin should be avoided.

3. Given that this is a very active biological substance, exacerbation of existing diseases, for example, infectious or systemic autoimmune diseases, can be triggered. Do not recommend it and with poor blood coagulability.

4. It is undesirable to use during pregnancy and during lactation.

5. It is forbidden to use after deep peeling, laser resurfacing (within a month) or if inflammatory processes occur on the face.

Hyaluronic acid for the face at home: in what form is it used

Despite the possibility of using masks with hyaluronic acid at home, this must be done very carefully. In cosmetics there should be a minimum amount.

First you need to understand what types of hyaluronic acid are:

• low molecular weight, which is sold separately. You can get it in the form of powder or ampoules. It must be applied strictly in accordance with the instructions. It is best suited for preparing anti-aging serum or gel at home. It works great when added to your own favorite natural masks or creams;

• high molecular weight, that is, the size of the molecule is larger and they prevent the evaporation of moisture from the skin.

The most effective is low molecular weight acid, which can sometimes be used in combination with high molecular weight acid, which will help to achieve an even better effect.

This substance is also added to sunscreens to prevent dehydration of the skin. It is effectively used as part of cosmetic preparations, helping to penetrate deeper into the epidermis.

At home, hyaluronic acid is most often used as part of masks or on its own.

Facial masks with hyaluronic acid at home: recipes

To make such face masks at home, you must have powdered hyaluronic acid or sodium hyaluronate. These drugs can be purchased at the pharmacy or ordered through online stores.

In order to prepare your own miracle cure, the following recipes can help you:

1. With green tea.

What is needed:

1 gram of hyaluronic acid powder

0.5 cups cold distilled water

½ teaspoon glycerin

1 bag of green tea (natural antioxidant)

3 drops of lavender oil

1 glass bottle (can be taken from the previous skin care product)


1. Brew cool green tea in hot distilled water for 5 minutes, and then let the water cool. For quick cooling, you can put in the freezer for a few minutes.

2. Then mix everything with powder.

3. Now add glycerin and lavender oil, and pour it all into a glass container.

4. Shake well and place it in the refrigerator for an hour to let the ingredients gel together.

Now that you have the serum, you can use it on your face in the morning and evening before applying your moisturizer. This serum can be stored in the refrigerator for a month.

2. The easiest.


Hyaluronic acid powder - 2 g;

Warm boiled water - 30 ml;

Preparation: dilute the powder in a liquid. Leave it to swell for an hour, then mix thoroughly so that there are no lumps. The specified mixture should be enough for several procedures.

Application Method: Before applying, cleanse your face with a scrub. Apply on problem areas of the skin or on the entire surface of the face. At first, you will feel as if a thin gel film has enveloped your face, but then the serum is completely absorbed and does not require rinsing. On top of the solution, apply any anti-aging cream to achieve a greater effect.

3. Egg shell.

Prepare eggshells from 5 eggs. To do this, wash it well with detergents, wipe and separate the inner film. Pour boiling distilled water so that it completely covers the shell. Set simmer on low heat for 12 hours. Add boiled water if necessary. After the specified broth is removed from the fire, strain it. This will be a mask with hyaluronic acid, cooked at home. The resulting product must be applied to the skin of the face and neck and left to dry (about 20 minutes). Then rinse off with distilled water and apply face cream.

Facial masks with hyaluronic acid at home: conditions for effective use

One of the advantages of hyaluronic acid at home is that its results for the skin are immediately noticeable. This is its main difference from other natural remedies, the actions of which must wait a certain period of time. Considering the natural component of hyaluron and its excellent compatibility with the skin, it is an anti-allergenic drug.

But if you started to resort to her services in salons, now you have to use the indicated procedure constantly at strictly defined, but rather long periods of time.

Using hyaluronic acid products for the face, prepared at home, you should understand that they will not be an equivalent substitute for beauty injections in beauty salons. Cosmetics, unlike injections, will have a superficial rather than deep effect. Do not expect an instant magic rejuvenation effect from home hyaluron use. But nevertheless, for its effective application it is necessary:

1. Prepare the mask in accordance with all the rules using a quality product;

2. To clean the face before use using scrubs or other components;

3. Take a course of home rejuvenation, which includes from 7 to 10 procedures. It can be either applying the substance under the cream every day for two weeks or under the mask about twice a week.

4. In the cabin, a tolerance test for the drug is mandatory. We recommend that you implement it, in order to avoid negative consequences. To do this, apply the necessary preparation on the outside of the elbow bend and observe during the day so that there is no itching, burning and redness.

Hyaluronic acid fully justifies its earned fame. This is what we call a multi-functional anti-aging ingredient!


Watch the video: Hyaluronic Acid Serum WARNING 5 things to know before buying a bottle! (July 2024).