Younger, getting rid of wrinkles at home. Massage, masks and perseverance: get rid of wrinkles yourself at home


It was lucky for those women who had inherited an eternally young face, she was already under forty, and she looked 25, and here, every morning you notice here, there is still a subtle, but wrinkle.

You can’t run into a beauty parlor, who does not have time, it’s not affordable for others, but with a great desire, you can always find a way out, we will get younger at home, using the whole arsenal of methods and tools.

How to get rid of wrinkles at home: a review of tools and procedures

Any woman, regardless of age, can return youth, remove wrinkles, and tighten the oval of her face, just someone will need more time and patience.

Starting to fight the appearance of wrinkles, you should consider the whole range of actions, which include:

• diet, or rather proper nutrition;

• drinking regimen;

• different types of massage;

• masks;

• correctly selected cream;

• massagers.

Daily massaging the face with ice cubes from a herbal infusion, will thank with a rush of blood, cell rejuvenation, reduction of wrinkles.

Do not want to contact surgeons for a facelift, a mesoscooter will help get rid of wrinkles at home. This massager, made in the form of a roller covered with many tiny needles, enhances skin regeneration due to many mini-needles.

Small skin injuries contribute to the production of collagen proteins, enhanced cell division, forming a new network of capillaries, while the facial skin becomes elastic, dense, smooth.

How to get rid of wrinkles at home: masks and creams

There are many reasons for the formation of wrinkles, but they all boil down to the fact that the skin of the face does not have enough nutrition, hydration, and “physical exercises” to keep subcutaneous fat and muscles that weaken with age.

Every woman wants to look young, having a face without wrinkles, but not many will agree to make skin care an indispensable, integral part of her life.

It is impossible to get rid of wrinkles at home, without choosing a morning, evening cream for your skin type.

Masks applied to the face three times a week must be constantly updated, changed so that there is no skin habituation.

These procedures do not require special components, you can use everything that is at hand.


- We bought grapes, grind it in a blender, apply to a washed face for a third of an hour and rinse.

- The banana pulp, diluted with a little vegetable oil, perfectly copes with deep wrinkles on the forehead.

- You throw the core of pineapple? And try wiping your face with it for a quarter of an hour and see how much younger the skin becomes.

- 1 cup of chamomile decoction will become the basis for an invaluable compress if you add 25-30 g of raspberry or strawberry pulp to it. Soak a gauze mask in the mixture and apply on the face for a quarter of an hour. Natural berries do not just smooth the skin, possessing antioxidant properties, they restore the skin of the face.

Attention! This composition can slightly whiten the skin..

Grains and seeds

- Oatmeal for cooking porridge is, as a rule, in every house, adhere to the rules of proper nutrition for a year. Grind 4 tbsp. oatmeal, preferably grains, but cereal is also suitable, pour hot milk to a porridge, insist, drive in an egg and mix everything thoroughly. The mask is ready, apply it on a clean face in several layers for half an hour.

- In the past, sesame was considered almost a panacea for aging, it was recommended to use it only when signs of aging appeared. After grinding, sesame seeds resemble halva in consistency, add a little sour cream to it to get a thick cream, and apply a good layer under the eyes. After a quarter of an hour, do not wash off the mask, but carefully wipe it with a sponge, trying not to stretch the thin skin under the eyes.

- Pumpkin, or rather its seeds, the oil of which is part of the most expensive face creams, will help restore youth.

For this mask you need:

• 1 tbsp starch;

• 1 tbsp ground pumpkin seeds;

• 1 tbsp oils (olive, coconut, linseed, sunflower);

• a couple of drops of castor oil and sea buckthorn.

We mix all the components and apply around the eyes for a third of an hour. We also remove it with a sponge, carefully so that there is no peeling effect.

Gelatin is rightfully considered an alternative to Botox, if used correctly, its main asset is collagen that fills skin cells. For each mask, you need to prepare a gelatin base, for the preparation of which 1 tbsp. gelatin is poured ½ cup cold water, infused for half an hour, then aged 10 minutes in a water bath over low heat. The foundation is ready. Water can be replaced with milk, orange juice or a decoction of herbs.

Gelatin masks

- With activated carbon, the mask will not only rejuvenate the skin around the eyes, but also clean the pores of black spots. In the prepared base, add two crushed tablets of activated carbon and apply on the face with a brush, in several layers. After complete drying, wash off.

- For this mask, when preparing the foundation, we must use milk, then add ½ tablespoon of honey or butter to provide nutrition to the skin.

- Elasticity and hydration of the skin will give the mask with 2 tsp. glycerin and egg whipped protein. When applying all this to the face, do not forget about the neck, which also needs constant care. Hold the mask for half an hour, rinse and grease with cream.

- Tone and nutrition provides the addition of ½ tbsp. honey and lemon juice in a gelatin base, make a homogeneous mass and apply on the face for a third of an hour.

- An excellent tightening effect gives the skin of the face, especially the second chin, a gelatin mask prepared in milk, mixed with whipped egg white, apply it until completely dry.

- You want not only to tone up the skin of the face, but also to refresh it, add freshly squeezed cucumber juice to a gelatin mask prepared in milk and cooled to body temperature. Apply the mask for half an hour and rinse off.

- Young women who have noticed their first skin changes can get rid of wrinkles at home by preparing a mask based on orange juice.

- Aging skin will be renewed with the constant use of a gelatin mask with the addition of butter. It must be applied to the face for a third of an hour, washed off with milk.

How to get rid of wrinkles at home: massage and gymnastics

You really want to, even to the point of hating these prominent strips on your face in order to get rid of wrinkles at home, and you can’t do without masks and creams. To obtain a lasting and lasting effect, you should use all the weapons in the complex, including massages and daily exercises for the muscles of the face.

It takes only a third of an hour a day, and the result will be stunning, most importantly, regularity.

Wrinkles are smoothed when the muscles that hold this area of ​​the skin strengthen. You can strengthen each part of the face, separately, if there is a time limit, and go through the entire complex twice a week.

-Facial wrinkles will begin to be smoothed out if, as often as possible, make the skin under them "work". The pads of the hands are firmly pressed to the upper arches of the eyebrows, which we will raise with effort, overcoming the resistance of the muscles of the forehead, which are trying to lower their eyebrows. We do this until we feel a slight burning sensation in the forehead.

- The most difficult thing is to remove the “crease of pain”, the transverse wrinkle between the eyebrows. Stand in front of the mirror, frown, remember this movement of the eyebrows. Now we press the middle fingers with effort on the inner edges of the eyebrows, repeat the previous movement. We noticed that this does not create a crease, the force of the fingers prevents the skin from wrinkling. We do so until burning in the interspinous part.

- The skin under the eyes is very thin, it especially requires attention and caution both during massage and during exercise.

1. The simplest exercise that you can do at home, at work, in transport is to open your eyelids wide and start moving your eyes in all directions, you can "draw," write "numbers with them, fixing the movement of the lower and upper eyelids.

2. Set the index or middle fingers in the outer corners of the eye cavity, press them on the skin and close our eyes, but do not squint. Feel the muscles go under the fingers? Having done 10 to 15 times, open your eyes wide, as if in surprise, and hold them as much as you can. We do it in front of the mirror and make sure that it does not form wrinkles on the forehead.

- You can play with cheeks during the day.

1. Fill the mouth with air and roll it, inflating to the maximum one or the other cheek to exhaustion.

2. Open your mouth in an oval shape, feel the top and bottom points. Now smile rhythmically, without closing your mouth and withstanding the stretched oval of the lips.

- We also remove such a hated second chin with a smile, not forgetting to smile inside and remember that we do all this for ourselves, our beloved, most beautiful and smartest.

With closed lips, we stick out our chin as much as possible and at the same time we keep a smile so that our cheeks appear from behind. Repeat doing 10 times, keeping chin energized

- The wrinkles around the lips can be removed by alternating the pronunciations of the sounds U-U-U and II-I or, stretching out our lips with a tube, we will blow hard, as if trying to extinguish the candle at a long distance. You can still draw in your nose with air, while pulling in your cheeks, and let it out through your mouth.

You can find a sea of ​​ways and exercises, most importantly, start to fulfill them and not give up your dream to get rid of wrinkles at home in a week.

Facial massage stimulates skin cells to self-renewal, increase tone and improves elasticity.

To get a positive effect, you can choose any type of massage:

• classic;

• plucked;

• lifting Asahi;

• ice;

• spoons

the main thing is to adhere to the main massage lines, starting all the techniques from the forehead and ending with the neck, not forgetting about the neckline.

How to get rid of wrinkles at home: professional advice

Wrinkles appear for various reasons, but sometimes we ourselves create all the conditions for them to appear: we smoke, ignore sunglasses and glasses for correcting vision, forget about the drinking regimen.

Having started the program for getting rid of wrinkles at home, you should not be too zealous, we do masks no more than 3-4 times a week, we change the massage every 2 months, giving the face skin a rest and adapt to a new state.

When removing masks, especially film masks, you should not tear it off or pull it as if you want to remove the skin itself. It is much easier to prepare warm water in a deep bowl and, bending over, hold your face in the water for 30 seconds several times, gradually washing off the mask.

Exercises, massages, masks and creams should be alternated, choosing the latter not by the advice of a girlfriend, but by the type of your skin.


Watch the video: How to Get Rid of Number '11' Lines Between Your Brows Naturally (July 2024).