What annoys future fathers during pregnancy


Women's whims during pregnancy have long been no particular surprise. And this is understandable - the psyche of the future mother is subjected to serious tests due to hormonal changes in the body. But how does the spouse's pregnancy affect the psyche of potential fathers? From the side it often seems that men are completely indifferent to the “interesting” position of their wives, but scientists have found out - this is not at all. Many things can hurt future dads.

Sociologists interviewed 4,500 men who, after a few months, were supposed to become fathers to find out that they are most upset or annoyed in the second half of pregnancy.

The first place was taken by mood swings. It was their vast majority of men who indicated as the main cause of their disorder. 72% of respondents said they were not able to predict the unpredictable behavior of his wife.

Men took second place to restrictions in intimate life. Every third man complained about them (47%).

The honorable third place was taken by the constant complaints of future mothers about the inconvenience that pregnancy brings - nausea, swelling, dizziness and weight gain. 43% of potential popes admitted that these complaints unbalanced them.

The fourth place was taken by the complaints of pregnant wives about changes in appearance and intrusive demands to confirm their love. As it turned out, 35% of men are madly annoyed when they hear such requests.

In fifth place, men put the changed taste preferences of his wife. 21% of men complained that they were horrified by the amount of food and the unthinkable combination of foods eaten by pregnant spouses.

In sixth place were drowsiness and lethargy. He annoyed 18% of future fathers.

Seventh place was taken by women's fears associated with the upcoming birth, and possible health troubles with the future baby. They annoyed 15% of men surveyed.


beauty 05/14/2016
Yes they went. How to conceive a child so they do not complain about anything.
Poor men, that it is necessary to regret them. If they feel bad, then what should we say.


Watch the video: Kapil Annoys His Teacher. Comedy Circus Ka Naya Daur (June 2024).