Is it possible for pregnant women green tea - all about the benefits and dangers of the product. In what quantities can pregnant women drink green tea?


During the period of carrying a child, each woman should especially take care of her health, carefully choosing a diet and fulfilling all the recommendations of a doctor.

Drinking green tea while bearing the fetus helps maintain the health of the expectant mother, which cannot but have a positive effect on the development of the child.

Is it possible for pregnant green tea - all about the benefits of the drink

A perennial evergreen shrub reaching a height of up to 10 m, green tea has oval dark green leaves, in the axils of which there are fragrant flowers. The plant grows in China, India, Japan, South America, Africa.

The composition of green tea is extremely rich. It contains more than five hundred useful substances, among which calcium, fluorine, magnesium, phosphorus, etc. can be distinguished.

Green tea is a source of such beneficial ingredients:

1. Caffeine. It is he who gives strength and vigor, activates the brain. In green tea, it is not caffeine itself that is present, but its analogue, thein. The effect of this substance is much milder, and the effect is no less beneficial than that of caffeine.

2. Minerals. Their content in green tea has a positive effect on the work of all organs of the expectant mother. Minerals help strengthen the body's defenses, as well as strengthen hair, nails, teeth.

3. Catechins. These substances have antioxidant effects. They are much more effective than vitamins. Antioxidants bind free radicals, reduce the risk of cancer. Green tea destroys harmful microorganisms, therefore it is recommended for dysentery.

4. Amino acids, enzymes - protein substances. Most of them are in Japanese green tea. The product is low-calorie, because they do not recover from it. If you drink tea without adding sugar, then getting the extra calories will be zero.

5. Vitamins. The product has 4 times more vitamin P than the famous citrus fruits. Green tea also has a lot of vitamin C, a natural stimulant of the immune system. In miracle tea, 6 times more vitamin A than in carrots.

In addition, it contains B vitamins, which are mutually complementary. Vitamin B2 fights bacteria, B3 increases the production of red blood cells, and also reduces the level of "bad" cholesterol. Vitamin E, which is abundant in green tea, strengthens cell membranes and has a general antioxidant effect.

6. Trace elements. Tea has a lot of calcium, fluorine, iron, magnesium, phosphorus, iodine, potassium, etc. Both the mother’s body and the baby’s body need all these substances. In addition, the product is rich in essential oils, which, by the way, are actively used for medicinal and cosmetic purposes.

Is it possible for pregnant women green tea - more about the value of the product

Firstly, green tea can be safely called a biostimulant and energetic, moreover, natural. He gives not only a boost of energy, but also a good mood, good spirits. These properties of tea are a real find for pregnant women, who often fall into spleen.

Secondly, moderate consumption of green tea by the expectant mother has a positive effect on the functioning of the immune system, which avoids undesirable ailments. The strong antibacterial properties of green tea prevent the development of bacteria such as salmonella, Helicobacter pylori, candida, influenza virus, herpes.

Thirdly, because of its antioxidant properties, green tea is considered the best cancer prevention. The mechanism of action is simple: tea removes carcinogens and at the same time strengthens the immune system.

Fourth, to some extent, green tea copes well with harmful radiation. It's no secret that modern people, including future mothers, gravitate to a computer or TV. And no wonder. Watching your favorite show or movie distracts from sad thoughts, enriches, teaches something new. In this case, green tea is a real lifesaver, protecting the pregnant woman from harmful rays.

Fifthly, the product prolongs youth, about which a woman can talk endlessly. It is part of all healthy nutritional systems.

Sixth, green tea is the best metabolic regulator. The flavonoids included in its composition do not allow blood sugar to rise.

And finally, green tea is an ideal product to preserve youthful skin. Being a powerful antioxidant, it slows down the aging process, from which, alas, no one is safe.

Among other things, one can distinguish such abilities of green tea:

• Eliminates headache, reduces unpleasant symptoms of toxicosis, calms the nervous system.

• Activates the brain and concentration.

• Helps with stress, some endocrine diseases.

• Eliminates motion sickness.

• Helps with poor digestion, dysbiosis, poisoning. It is a natural means of detoxification, which is very important during pregnancy.

• Strengthens the walls of blood vessels, prevents internal hemorrhages.

• It helps with conjunctivitis, rhinitis, tonsillitis, pharyngitis, stomatitis.

Is it possible for pregnant tea - doubts

Green tea is certainly healthy. However, it is worth knowing that the caffeine included in its composition can be dangerous by excessive mobilization of the body's forces. Tea is able to increase pressure (of course, with its excessive use), make the pulse frequent, interfere with the absorption of folic acid, without which it is impossible to imagine the normal development of the child.

Folic acid protects the neural tube from defects in the fetus in the first month of development. It is she who takes an active part in the formation of the baby’s nervous system. Knowing the importance of this substance and the fact that green tea interferes with its absorption, it is worth considering whether it is possible for pregnant women to have green tea.

However, do not rush to conclusions. Moderate consumption of an extremely healthy product is more likely to benefit than harm. It's all about the number of drunk cups. But you still need to listen to the following recommendations:

1. If you plan to conceive a child, then it is advisable to refrain from drinking a tasty drink. The same applies to the first month of pregnancy.

2. From the second or third month of pregnancy, in the absence of clear contraindications, you can drink no more than 2 cups per day of a healthy drink. Best without sugar. At the same time, listen to your body. If you feel good, then your baby also feels like that.

3. Beware of using the product if your kidneys, gallstones or kidneys are sick, your ulcer or stomach erosion is aggravated, you are overexcited.

Remember! Green tea is a real storehouse of precious nutrients. The inhabitants of the Middle Kingdom treat them with 400 ailments. However, during pregnancy, it is necessary to strictly adhere to the recommended dosage.

Is it possible for pregnant women to have green tea - how to properly prepare a miracle drink

To preserve the richness of nutrients and to obtain an incredibly pleasant taste when preparing tea, it is necessary to take into account not only its variety, but also the quality of the water, its temperature and brewing time.

The best water is ordinary reading fresh water without chlorine, which kills the aroma of your favorite drink. Bottled water will do. Slightly acidic is preferred.

If you use tap water, then before preparing tea, it must be allowed to stand, and then it is recommended to pass it through a filter.

The taste of tea depends on the temperature of the water. Water heated above 80 * C makes the drink tart. This is due to the dissolution of catechin. Tea will be tastier if it is brewed at slightly low temperatures.

Green tea is not the best grade is best prepared, on the contrary, at the highest possible water temperature, but less time.

How to brew a tasty and healthy drink?

1. Pour hot water into the cup and let it cool slightly.

2. Throw tea leaves into the teapot.

3. Pour water from a cup into the teapot and wait for the leaves to settle.

4. Tea is ready to drink!

Make a healthy drink according to all the rules, pour it into beautiful cups, set the table and enjoy the pleasant aroma of a freshly prepared drink, which is recommended for pregnant women, but in limited quantities.

For expectant mothers, green tea is a valuable source of vitamins, minerals and other beneficial substances with antioxidant effects. In the absence of contraindications, the drink is able to bring benefits and only benefits!


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