The foot hurts when walking - maybe the whole thing is weight? How to get rid of foot pain when walking, prevention rules


Many patients turn to the medical institution with the same complaint - severe pain in the foot when walking.

With various diseases, the symptom manifests itself in different ways: cutting pain, acute, aching and so on.

Before starting treatment and drinking medications, you need to visit a doctor.

Foot hurts when walking: causes

The reasons as a result of which the foot hurts when walking, can be different.

Morton's neuroma

Morton's neuroma - with the development of the disease, severe pain in the forefoot develops. At the time of walking, it intensifies. With the development of diseases, the interdigital nerves thicken.

The disease is a benign tumor. On visual inspection, the foot is clearly deformed. On the foot there are corns, corns.

Plantar Fasciitis

Localization of pain falls on the whole foot, a person experiences severe, aching pain. The disease is the most common reason why patients go to the doctor. As a result of unbearable pain, a person cannot move fully.

Heel spur

Heel spur - is the result of longitudinal flatfoot, the arch of the foot (longitudinal) is compacted several times. An inflammatory process in the heel area is noted.


With a lack of calcium and minerals, the disease develops. Most often, only the elderly are affected. At risk are women who are overweight, as well as those who have menopause. When moving, pain in the foot intensifies.


Inflammation of the synovial bag occurs, while walking there is severe pain in the fingers and foot. The joints are deformed and swollen. Confirm or refute this diagnosis is possible only with x-ray examination.


Gout develops due to the deposition of uric acid salt. The reasons for the development of this condition are actually many, they include alcohol abuse, impaired kidney function. People suffering from this disease suffer from severe pain in the foot when moving. An attack of the disease can overtake the patient at any time, even during sleep.

Rheumatoid arthritis

Immediately after the disease affects a person, small joints in the limbs become inflamed. The foot hurts a lot, many factors influence its severity - whether a person is engaged in physical activity or if there is hypothermia.

Flat feet

A thickening in the arch of the foot leads to pain in the foot when walking. The disease leads to the fact that the foot is deformed.


Dislocations, fractures, tears - all this and much more applies to traumatic injuries. In this case, urgent hospitalization of the patient is necessary.

Vascular disease

A common cause of foot pain is diseases such as phlebitis, varicose veins. A metabolic disorder occurs.

The patient feels a strong tingling sensation in the foot and its numbness. In the late stage of the disease, when trophic ulcers form, acute unbearable pain occurs. Surgery can not be avoided.

Foot pain when walking: diagnosis

In order to develop an effective treatment plan, it is necessary to establish an accurate diagnosis. To do this, it is necessary to carry out diagnostics, and compare the injured foot and not injured.

The doctor should find out all the details, ask the patient about exactly where his foot hurts, how long the pain arose. You need to remember all the details of the appearance of pain and tell the doctor. If necessary, a physical examination will be carried out in order to assess the severity of the disease:

1. The specialist will study the condition of the foot when it is at rest and when moving.

2. Carefully feels the foot to identify the deformation, the location of the pain.

3. It is important to check how the muscles function. The specialist will carefully examine the foot, feel it, if necessary, ask you to run a little.

4. The specialist will check the sensitivity of the sole, this will reveal if the nerves are damaged.

5. To detect damage to the bone or soft tissue, an MRI or X-ray is prescribed.

Foot hurts when walking: first aid

Immediately after the cause of the pain has been identified, the doctor will prescribe the appropriate treatment.

If your foot becomes ill and you feel uncomfortable, take the following measures: lie down so that your legs can relax. To relieve pain, you can take painkillers, apply ice, raise your legs up.

At rest, stress will be relieved, which means that there will be a healing effect. If the foot cannot support your weight, use crutches.

Remember, ice is applied for no more than 20 minutes. Pre-place it in a plastic bag, wrap with a towel and put on a sore spot. But if there is severe discomfort, remove it as soon as possible.

Thanks to a tight bandage and legs raised up, edema can be avoided.

In order to alleviate your condition, relieve swelling, you can take certain medications that are freely available at the pharmacy - Acetominofen, Ibuprofen, Aspirin. Medications must be taken carefully, carefully read the instructions, find out the dosage, only then drink the medicine.

If you rubbed a corn, it is recommended to apply a bandage in order to avoid further friction. In order to avoid the appearance of corns in the future, lubricate the problem areas with petroleum jelly.

Foot pain when walking: treatment

Immediately after the cause of the foot pain is identified, treatment is prescribed.

• Use by medical workers of electrical devices - laser, ultrasound, electrical stimulation, manual therapy. Under the influence of these procedures, blood circulation in the injured area is restored.

Prescription of restriction of movements and activity:

• Replace any physical activity that provokes pain. It is not advisable to run. A good alternative would be cycling, swimming, a ski simulator. The load on the foot will be reduced.

Foot Correction:

• replace the shoes with more comfortable ones, it is advisable that a doctor recommend them to you;

• Try to change your shoes every six months.

Strengthening muscles, developing their flexibility:

• in some cases, in order to strengthen the injured area, special physical exercises are prescribed;

• Perform exercises aimed at increasing flexibility.

Medicines are used to relieve inflammation and pain. In some cases, surgical intervention is necessary.

Biochemical assessment:

• with an injured foot, the body has to change the way it moves. The doctor can evaluate all the changes that have occurred and make appropriate adjustments;

• be under constant medical supervision, until the full recovery.

How to avoid foot pain in the future

Before embarking on an exercise, many points must be taken into account. How resilient is your body?

If your foot hurts when moving, you really need to do physical training, but only after examination by a specialist. The most optimal training program is jogging for two minutes, walking, a little jogging.

If during training the pain in the foot only increases, it is necessary to reduce the load.

A quick look at the pain in the foot:

• foot is a rather complex anatomical mechanism that is constantly exposed to many diseases;

• the entire load primarily falls on the arch of the foot, so you need to be able to distribute it correctly;

• in the case when the pain is so severe that a person cannot walk calmly and engage in familiar activities, it is necessary to be examined by a specialist;

• treatment directly depends on the disease; it can be medication, strengthening, physiotherapeutic.

If your foot hurts, then this is the first sign that something is wrong. Be sure to visit your doctor for an examination.


Watch the video: Heel Spur PAIN Under Toes or Balls of the Feet! Metatarsalgia. (July 2024).