Quick weight loss per week by 10 kg: secrets, proven practice. How to achieve fast weight loss per week by 10 kg


Not every woman can boast a flat stomach, elastic legs and arms without sagging skin.

It is for this reason that the issue of gaining an ideal figure is relevant.

Sometimes the fair sex urgently needs to get rid of excess weight.

Quick weight loss per week by 10 kg is possible, but only subject to the basic rules and principles of the technique.

It will not be easy, but the result is worth the effort and energy.

Fast weight loss per week by 10 kg: the principles of building a diet

Some women have been trying for years to get rid of the hated 10 kilograms. They turn to cosmetic procedures, attend gyms. Weight goes away, but after some time it still comes back, sometimes even in double quantity. This is due to the fact that the woman did not initially approach the issue of losing weight correctly. The technique should be carefully thought out.

It is not enough just to play sports, you need to teach yourself to distinguish foods that can be eaten and which can not.

Useful for weight loss products

It is important to understand that the diet should be varied. Consuming the same product all the time is wrong. The body is depleted, important trace elements and vitamins are not obtained. As a result, everything leads to a slowdown in metabolism and the process of getting rid of excess weight.

The following products should be included in the diet of losing weight:

• seasonal fruits and vegetables;

• cereal cereals;

• low fat kefir and yogurt;

• chicken and beef;

• seafood.

Prohibited Products

Calorie counting is not enough to get rid of body fat. To balance your diet and make it as useful and safe as possible for your figure, you need to exclude the following products:

• salted nuts, chips;

• all kinds of sauces (ketchup, mayonnaise);

• smoked meats;

• alcoholic drinks;

• confectionery and flour products.

In addition to these products, it is advisable to limit yourself to the use of seasonings. There is nothing dangerous in them; they do not bring harm to the figure. Seasonings for weight loss are excluded for the reason that they greatly stimulate appetite.

Sports load for fast weight loss per week by 10 kg

If a woman has set herself a clear goal to get rid of 10 kg in just one week, she will face a serious struggle. Starvation and mono-diets do not achieve a stable effective result. The approach should be comprehensive.

The cycle of exercises for weight loss is designed in such a way that absolutely every girl can perform it, regardless of the level of her physical fitness. A little gymnastics every morning will have a positive effect on health, allow you to get in shape and pump up the press.

Quick weight loss per week by 10 kg begins with the right training.

1. The first exercise - walking in place for 5 minutes. This seems to be of little use, but it is not. Walking in place with arms bent at the elbows allows you to perfectly warm up the muscles, prepare them for a more serious load.

2. From walking, you must slowly go to jogging in place. It is important to try to raise your hips high.

3. The same run in place, only now with high knees.

4. Standing in place, in turn, the legs rise to the sides.

5. An effective exercise that allows you to use the abdominal muscles and reduce the waist in volume - raising the knee to the chest.

6. Jumping in place, with arms and legs parted on either side.

7. Complicated squats. Each time with the abduction of the leg to the side - first right, then left. Exercise allows you to get rid of wrinkles in the sides, remove fat from the buttocks.

8. A boxer stance is accepted, hands are thrown alternately in front of him, as if in front of a man an opponent.

Performing the above exercises in the order presented, every day in the morning, after a week an excellent result will be noticeable. A woman will not only improve her physical fitness, but also pump up her abs, get rid of the “orange peel” in the buttocks and thighs.

Quick weight loss per week by 10 kg: an approximate menu of possible diets

To date, a huge number of diets are being promoted, each of which promises to find an ideal figure in a short time. It is worth noting that most of these recipes involve starvation. Refusing food is a huge stress for the body, which leads to the development of diseases.

Quick weight loss per week by 10 kg is possible without starvation. There are several effective diets, the main action of which is aimed at burning subcutaneous fat. At the same time, the body will continue to receive important trace elements to maintain vitamin balance.

Buckwheat Diet

The benefits of the diet:

• simplicity;

• the ability to eat buckwheat in any quantity;

• the product contains very few carbohydrates, so it is quickly and easily absorbed;

• buckwheat is rich in trace elements useful for the body.

Before you go on a buckwheat diet, you need to learn how to properly prepare cereals for it. This is done very simply. Before going to bed, a glass of buckwheat is steamed with two glasses of boiling water. The container is covered with a lid, wrapped in a towel and left in a warm place. It is important that sugar, salt or other spices should not be added there.

The first meal should be no earlier than 4 hours after sleep. The last - until 18:00.

Sample day menu


• steamed buckwheat (100 grams);

• a glass of fat-free kefir or green tea without sweeteners.


• buckwheat, you can add a little fresh seasonal fruit to it;

• green tea.


• buckwheat (100 grams);

• one apple;

• green tea.

If you don’t feel like having lunch or dinner, you shouldn’t do it by force. In the event that during the day a sharp feeling of hunger was overcome, it is allowed to have a snack with steamed buckwheat or drink a glass of kefir. The advantage of the diet is that cereal can be consumed in any quantity, it will not harm the figure.

Lose weight per week by 10 kg with the above diet - this is real, if you do not forget to spend 20-30 minutes every morning charging.

Diet of doctors

This diet is characterized by its cheapness. Following the basic principles, it guarantees fast weight loss per week by 10 kg. You can repeat the diet no more than once a month. To achieve an excellent result, you need to have willpower and the desire to find the figure of your dreams.

Sample menu

1. The first day is the most difficult. You need to drink two liters of mineral water, but not immediately, but for 6-7 times.

2. The second day in the morning there will be a slight feeling of hunger - this will require willpower to continue the diet. During the day, a liter of skim milk is drunk. An hour before going to bed, one green apple is eaten.

3. The third day is the consolidation of the first. Also, during the day, 2 liters of mineral water are drunk 6 times.

4. The fourth day is a small feast for the stomach. A vegetable salad is prepared, divided into three parts, which are eaten during the day. You can drink plain water or green tea without sugar.

5. The fifth day follows the same principle as the second.

6. On the sixth day, green apples and 100 grams of boiled chicken are allowed.

7. The end of the week is a way out of the diet. For a day you need to eat 100 grams of fresh cottage cheese and drink two glasses of low-fat kefir.

What foods to take for cooking vegetable salad:

• White cabbage;

• raw carrots;

• dill;

• olive oil.

The diet is very strict, but on the eighth day, standing on the scales, a woman will find that she has lost 10 kg.

Mayo Clinic Diet for a Week

The main secret of the diet is a fat-burning soup prepared according to a special recipe. It is on it that the daily diet will be based all week. It is important to diversify the menu with other products from the allowed list.

The advantage of the soup is that it does not add calories, but burns them. You can use it in any quantity.

Recommendations and important notes

1. During the diet, it is forbidden to drink alcohol, as it slows down the process of breakdown of subcutaneous fat.

2. Bread products, carbonated drinks and fried foods are all strictly prohibited.

3. After a week, you need to take a short break.

Products for the preparation of fat-burning soup:

• onions (6 medium-sized heads);

• White cabbage;

• celery (1 bunch);

• green pepper (to taste);

• vegetable broth (2 cubes);

• tomatoes (canned can be used).

Every time a woman feels hunger, she can satisfy him with soup.

Diet menu on apples and kefir

This diet is designed for 7 days, after which the lady gets rid of 10 kg. The advantage is that there are healthy and inexpensive foods in your daily diet. Apples contain many vitamins, and kefir perfectly satisfies hunger.

Sample menu

1. The first three days are very strict. You can only use kefir in the amount of 1.5 liters per day.

2. The next two days are apple. It is necessary to eat daily 1.5 kg of green fruits.

3. The last two days again on kefir.

Important! The diet does not have enough carbohydrates, so the fair sex may feel mild weakness.

Secrets of quick weight loss per week by 10 kg

It is possible to become slim and find your dream figure in record time, knowing a few small but very useful secrets.

1. Motivation - This is the most important principle of losing weight. If it is not, all efforts to lose weight will be futile. A woman should put aside all negative emotions and realize for herself that it is extremely necessary for her to remove the fat layer. A little trick will help - look at yourself in the mirror and imagine a figure without 10 kg. This is a great motivation that will help you stay on your diet.

2. Sleeping mode. It is very important to get enough sleep. This does not mean that you can go to bed at any time. Proper sleep helps to burn calories and improve metabolism. During the diet, you should try to go to bed at 21:00 and get up early.

3. You should never take your breakfast away - This is the most important meal. Even if a woman does not want to eat at all, you need to try to use at least one apple or a glass of kefir.

4. After 18:00 you really can’t eat. The fact is that at this time the metabolic processes in the body slow down and food, not having time to digest, is converted to fat.

5. Charging. Every morning you need to start with a little workout. The simplest set of exercises will help to wake up, saturate with energy for the whole day and start the body's metabolic processes.

If a quick weight loss of 10 kg per week became an urgent need for a girl, you need to prepare yourself mentally and tune in to a positive result, following the basic principles of losing weight.


Watch the video: The Best Ways to Lose Half Your Body Weight (July 2024).