The meaning of the name Timur


Name Timuroriginating from the Turkic language is translated as “iron”.

Timur - character traits

Despite the solid sound, Timur is usually kind and flexible, and in childhood does not bring trouble to his parents. Appearance, he usually inherits the paternal, character - maternal. He is distinguished by organization and determination, loves sports and studies well, largely due to good memory and quick wit. Many Timurs, carried away in childhood by chess, do not part with this game all their lives. Timur enjoys authority in the team, he is often a leader due to his excellent organizational skills.

Timur is pragmatic and prudent, but at the same time he can be vulnerable, although he never shows his feelings. Timur converges with strangers hard, but his friends know him as a cheerful, sociable and cheerful person. Timur knows how to get along with people, doesn’t like conflicts, he is decent, tolerant, generous and will never complain about fate. In the professional field, he achieves the greatest success, becoming a doctor, artist, director, sports coach, military, programmer, driver.

Relations with women in Timur can be difficult, since he is difficult to survive breaks. Having experienced disappointment in love, he can become depressed for a long time, lose interest in relationships. Timur usually gets married late, but his marriage is usually successful, since he is an excellent family man, a gentle and devoted husband, a loving father, and a caring son. He helps his wife with household chores and is tolerant of her shortcomings, so his family usually has no quarrels and scandals. Among the Timurs there are very few divorced men, and, as a rule, they are not the initiators of breaking the family ties. Timur is not inclined to betrayal, prefers to spend his time on more interesting activities for him: raising children, chatting with friends and parents. He brings up children strictly, but at the same time respects their opinion.

Timur - name compatibility

Timur will be happy in marriage if he marries Anna, Bella, Galina, Daria, Dina, Leila, Medea, Medina, Edita. Marriage of Timur with Irina, Svetlana, Emma, ​​Arina is unlikely to be successful.

Timur - famous people who bear this name

Many associate this name, first of all, with Timur-Leng (Tamerlan), the formidable ruler and conqueror of the eastern lands, who lived in 1336-1405. and created a powerful state with a capital in Samarkand. For those whose childhood fell on the Soviet period, this name is associated with the hero of Arkady Gaidar's famous book Timur and his team, on which more than one generation of pioneers grew up.

Other famous Timur: historian and economist Timofeev; Khan of the Golden Horde Mengu-Timur; writer Pulatov; poet Kibirov; race car driver Sadredinov; hip-hop and R'n'B-singer Timur Yunusov (Timati); football player Bogatyryov; journalist Kusov.

Timur - interesting facts about the name

- Zodiac named Timur - Aries;
- patron planet - Mars;
- color mascot - brown, steel;
- totem animal - python;
- totem plant - black tulip;
- stone mascot - jade.


Irina 04/18/2016
Timur is the son of my friends. The boy is not bad, responsive and he is really a leader, as described in the article. Amazing coincidence!

Mila 04/18/2016
What kind of language is this "Turkic". Curiosity is so stuck that even rummaged on the Internet. Just captivated by the name Timur.

Nadya 04/18/2016
I fell in love with a young man, and Timur in his name too. My name list is not in the list of compatibility, so I hope that the prospects for relations are good.

VeroNi4ka 04/18/2016
I like the name Timur. There is something special about him. And that few celebrities with that name are nothing. Maybe my son will join their ranks :)))

Albina 04/18/2016
Timur is a fighting and truly masculine name. I like this name very much. Of course, the first thought when I hear him is "Timur and his team."


Watch the video: Timur - Biography (May 2024).