The meaning of the name Gleb


Gleb - This is the Russian version of the name "Gottlieb," which means "beloved of the gods."

The name Gleb has a Varangian (Scandinavian) origin. After the tragic story of Boris and Gleb, who were killed by their brother, both names were canonized by the Russian Orthodox Church.

Many Russian princes of the era of feudal fragmentation bore the name Gleb.

Today, this name is used quite rarely. It is possible that his story does not allow parents of superstition and prejudice to give it to their child.

Gleb - character traits

Gleb is a cute, quiet and obedient kid. Despite his abilities, Gleb will never flaunt them.

Little Gleb prefers quiet entertainment, he early begins to get involved in exact sciences. Therefore, it is very important for the baby to create the conditions for his intellectual development.

Gleb will be happy to play chess, strategies, study the devices of cars in his own fleet. If parents want to introduce their baby to the sport, the best option for this would be a section on archery, fencing or all-around.

Gleb is a strategist. And if he is naughty, he does this not out of boredom, but to achieve a goal. Since Gleb has a very developed intuition, he can calculate the possible consequences, but most often he takes risks, even if he is not sure of a positive outcome.

Matured Gleb will be an avid workaholic. For him, happiness is being recognized in a team. But the most important thing for Gleb is the respect of his superiors. He can be called a careerist with confidence, and he is one of those people who are methodically moving towards their goals.

For Gleb, it doesn’t matter how long he takes up the career ladder. The main thing is stability and balance. Gleb gives himself entirely to work, so he simply does not have enough time for a long and serious relationship with women.

Gleb - name compatibility

Gleb is well aware of the need for marriage, but it is rather a tribute to tradition. He can marry at any age. The main thing for him in these relations is the preservation of freedom and the ability to independently manage his time. Therefore, it is Gleb who most often requires the future spouse to sign a marriage contract.

He considers all his achievements only as his own victories, Gleb does not intend to share them even with the one that he will introduce into his house as the guardian of the family hearth.

Therefore, for marriage, Gleb needs a meek and submissive Natalya, Svetlana, Ksenia or Sophia. And nothing positive will come of relations with Marina, Larisa, Irina or Tatyana.

Gleb - famous people who bore this name

Gleb Lozino-Lozinsky is one of the best specialists and developers of space and aviation technology.

Gleb Samoilov - leader of the musical group "Gleb Samoiloff & The Matrixx", a former member of the Agatha Christie band.

Gleb Kotelnikov - a scientist, is the inventor of a backpack parachute.

Gleb - interesting facts about the name

Gleb Zheglov - the main character of the film "The meeting place cannot be changed." The picture was shot based on the Weiner brothers' work “The Era of Mercy”. The role of the head of the department for combating banditry was played by Vladimir Vysotsky. In the film, even goodies are not shown as flawless knights. The key point is the forgery scene. The performer of the role of Gleb Zheglov in his interview said that in life he would have done exactly the same as his character. Vysotsky believed that evil should be punished by any means, even if not entirely legal, and sometimes immoral.


Huliganka 04/15/2016
My friend has a son, Gleb Ivanovich. It sounds very nice and the baby is just wonderful. Both parents and grandparents do not dwell in it.

Lara 04/15/2016
The character traits of Gleb are quite strong and masculine. I think that for a boy with any name, the example of his father and his relationship with his mother is important.

Elizabeth 04/15/2016
What is the name translation beautiful - "beloved by the gods." Every mommy wants all the gods of the world to guard and guard her child. I like.

Rybka 04/15/2016
Famous people with that name are not enough. Apparently, it is not too popular. I want something brighter and more memorable for my child.

Anechka 04/15/2016
Gleb, Glebushka is a very affectionate name and not well-worn. I will probably call my baby, he should be born already in June.


Watch the video: How to pronounce Gleb RussianRussia - (July 2024).