The meaning of the name Rodion


Name Rodion according to one version, it came from the word "rodeos" (Greek), which means pink, in another version - from "rhodion", which translates as "resident of the island of Rhodes". It is likely that the name Rodion is the Russian form of the ancient Greek name Herodion and has the interpretation "hero", "heroic".

The outstanding Russian composer Rodion Shchedrin is the author of two symphonies and many other excellent works recognized throughout the world. People's Artist of the USSR was awarded the State and Lenin Prizes, for a long period he chaired the board of the Union of Composers of the USSR. He wrote the main parts of his famous concerts (Carmen Suite, The Seagull and Anna Karenina) for his wife, the famous ballerina Maya Plisetskaya.

Rodion - character traits

Since childhood, Rodion is hardy, strong, rarely sick. Hot-tempered, however, knows how to control himself. Balanced and independent. Open, trusting, dearly loved by friends. It is completely mildly and somewhat slow.

"Winter" Rodion, having matured, is no longer so trusting, less accommodating, annoying. He is a completely predictable person, whose actions can always be explained and calculated. A born diplomat, can be active and energetic, achieves his goals. He is in good health. From Rodion get good professional athletes. He is not afraid of difficulties, stubbornly overcomes them. Deprived of prejudice, suspiciousness. Usually he chooses a profession himself, easily takes risks, likes to drive around; according to these criteria, he is trying to choose a specialty: sailor, law enforcement officer, military man. This is a gifted person, capable of self-realization in a creative way.

"Spring" Rodion is smart, talented and easy to climb. Eloquent, has organizational skills and knows how to captivate others. It is very cautious about intimate relationships, although it is successful in women. He marries late, because he does not want to burden himself with his family without building a career. It can be married repeatedly.

The "summer" Rodion is extremely developed self-control and at the same time intuition, the "autumn" is smart, funny and witty. Rodion is devoted to the family, in it he finds a quiet haven, saving from life's adversities.

Rodion - name compatibility

Rodion is preferable to marry Tatyana, Sarah, Praskovya, Polina, Nina, Lucia, Lola, Lydia, Lada, Irma. Isabella, Zoe, Zinaida, Diana and Wanda.

Rodion’s less successful relationship with Veronica, Victoria, Daria, Augusta, Agnes, Alevtina, Elsa, Julia, Yana, Eugenia, Catherine, Elena, Margarita, Marina, Marta, Veronica, Victoria, Daria, Zhanna, Inga, Irina, Flora, Eleanor, Ellina, Nora, Raisa and Regina.

Rodion - famous people who bore this name

The names Rodion are Shchedrin, Gataullin, Oslyabya, Kantakuzen, Beletsky, Nestorovich, Azarkhin, Malinovsky, Streshnev, Raskolnikov, Koshelev, Gerngross, Nakhapetov, Ovchinnikov, Baur, Dyachenko and Bass.

Rodion - interesting facts about the name

- planet named Saturn;
- zodiac - fish;
- stone - amethyst;
- colors - steel, purple and dark brown.


Nastya 04.09.2016
I met Rodion on the networks. :) oddly enough. :) after a while, they started dating, and to this day together. All that is written here is pure truth. And smart, and handsome in addition;) counts everything in advance, a few steps ... He is fully engaged in finances. And he has everything as they say on the shelves. I have a child (before we met I gave birth to her) so he accepted her as his own. Which is important for any woman ... And I'm the happiest !!! So look for girls, men, guys with that name and you will not regret it! I assure you!;) Good luck

Tina 04/16/2016
Of course, such a description of the character cannot leave any woman indifferent. After all, you do not often meet such a man. who, along with all his positive qualities, also takes sex seriously! This is directly nonsense in our time.

Julia 04/16/2016
Oh, a wonderful man, probably Rodion! And easy to climb, and great talent. And he knows how to make money. So many things are not often collected in one person. After reading this article, probably many mothers will call their sons Rodion.

Amalia 04/16/2016
I was a child, I wondered on paper, in the name of my future husband))) And I got a piece of paper with the name Rodion. I remember this all my life. But, so I have never met any Rodion. Married - divorced, waiting for Rodion!)))

Tatyana 04.16.2016
I really liked the description of Rodion's character. Such a strong, intelligent, worthy man. Probably every woman would like such a husband. But. as a rule, such men do not marry at random. They need to weigh everything, think it over.


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