Diet for adolescents (12-14 years) for weight loss: how not to harm a growing body. Basic dietary guidelines for teens


Fashion magazines are full of slender fit young men and women.

Many teenagers begin to strive for standards of beauty, often not realizing that for their body an unbalanced diet can be dangerous.

Convincing children at this age is difficult, so parents should worry about making the right diet for adolescents (12-14 years) for weight loss.

General principles of dietary nutrition for adolescents (12-14 years) for weight loss

Adult diets are categorically not suitable for adolescents, since metabolic processes at different ages differ significantly. Before starting to lose weight, you need to visit a teenage doctor, listen to his opinion and recommendations.

A growing body needs a lot of vitamins and minerals every day. Any deficiency of nutrients can lead to developmental delays, late puberty, hormonal disruptions. Losing weight teenagers often suffer from increased fatigue, teeth, hair, nails begin to deteriorate, and vision deteriorates. Avoid these problems only by adhering to a special balanced diet for adolescents (12-14 years) for weight loss.

Teenagers must learn that the best diet is proper and regular nutrition - fasting days and fasting are dangerous for a fragile body. Many products that children love are harmful to health and contribute to rapid weight gain.

Which products should be discarded:

1. Fast food - hamburgers, french fries not only contain a lot of extra calories. Such fast foods contribute to the accumulation of bad cholesterol in the body - adolescents begin to have problems with the heart and blood vessels.

2. Chips, crackers - this food can be seen in the hands of almost all teenagers. These products are used as quick snacks, they are light and tasty. But chips are very high-calorie, contain special substances that are addictive.

3. Butter baking does not contain any useful substances, only extra calories. Bread cannot be completely excluded from the diet, but you will have to refuse buns. Preference is given to rye and bran varieties of bread - previously it is better to dry it a little.

4. Sweets. It is difficult for teenagers to completely abandon sweets, and this is not necessary. Dark chocolate improves brain function, eliminates stress and fatigue. Dried fruits contain many vitamins and minerals. With active physical exertion it is possible to consume sweets in reasonable amounts. But it is better to refuse pure sugar, replace it with honey.

5. Carbonated drinks must be completely eliminated - they have no benefit, except for "empty" calories. The teenager must be taught to drink clean water without gas, green and herbal teas with the addition of a small amount of honey.

6. Packaged juices contain a lot of sugar and few natural ingredients. When choosing a product, you should carefully study the composition, it is better to minimize the use of such drinks.

7. Sauces. Ketchup and mayonnaise improve the taste of the dish, which makes you eat much more food. These products have a minimum of useful substances, but there are a lot of fats and starch.

During a diet for adolescents (12-14 years) for weight loss should minimize the amount of salt consumed. Fruits and vegetables should be consumed seasonal - they contain the maximum content of nutrients. The diet must have protein products - eggs, low-fat poultry, dairy products with low fat content. There are some exceptions to useful products. You can not eat potatoes, lentils, grapes and bananas can be consumed in small quantities.

Seafood contains iodine, vitamins that are necessary for the growing body, so they should be present on the teenager's menu. You can not remove butter from the diet, especially in girls - it has a beneficial effect on the reproductive function of the female body. The teenager’s menu should have a lot of greens - this is not only useful, but also improves the condition of the skin, prevents the appearance of acne.

Sample diet menu for adolescents (12-14 years old) for losing weight per day

There are several daily diet options for teens. It is better to alternate them so that the diet is as balanced as possible.

Option 1


Buckwheat porridge on the water with a minimum amount of salt - 100g. Poultry without skin, bones and fat - 200 g. Green tea with 5 ml of honey and a slice of lemon.


Low fat milk - 200 ml.


Puree soup of green peas or cauliflower. Toast with 20 g of butter and 55 g of hard cheese with a fat content of not more than 30%, 1 boiled egg.


Natural yogurt, unsweetened apple.


Baked medium-sized potatoes with herbs, seasonal vegetable salad.

Option 2


Oatmeal in milk -150 g, tea with honey and lemon.


Natural yogurt or kefir, green apple.


Lean red borscht, 150 g of boiled chicken meat without salt.


Low-fat kefir - 250 ml.


Boiled seasonal vegetables - 150 g, milk - 220 ml.

Option 3


Durum wheat pasta, seasoned with 15 ml of olive or corn oil, tomato, herbal tea.


Milk - 250 ml, toast with 40 g of hard low-fat cheese.


Vinaigrette without potatoes (or any vegetable salad seasoned with vegetable oil) - 180 g, baked low-fat meat - 150 g, tomato juice without salt.


Any nuts - 40 g.


Baked fish, vegetable salad.

Option 4


Boiled eggs -2 pcs., Toast with 20 g butter, 200 ml of natural juice.


Any fruit.


Boiled meat without salt - 200 g, vegetable salad seasoned with lemon juice and olive oil, unsweetened compote.


Any fruit or berries - 200 g.


Low-fat cottage cheese - 150 g, you can add 5 ml of honey. Milk - 200 ml.

Option 5


Rice porridge with milk - 150 g, black bread toast with butter and herbs.


Natural juice - 200 ml, toast with a slice of low-fat ham.


Boiled meat - 150 g, stewed vegetables - 200 g.


Apple, orange or grapefruit.


Baked potatoes, tomato, 50 g of hard cheese.

Diet for fast weight loss

If you urgently need to lose weight for any event or holiday, you can use the express diet, it is designed for 5 days. It must be remembered that it is intended only for extreme cases, it is impossible to adhere to it constantly. For lunch and afternoon snack you should always eat one green apple or grapefruit.

Day 1


Hard-boiled eggs - 2 pcs., Salad of 1 orange and carrots, unsweetened tea.


An apple and 10 prunes.


Natural yogurt or low-fat kefir - 250 ml.

Day 2


Low-fat hard cheese - 50 g, green tea with honey and lemon.


Omelet from 1 egg and 50 ml of milk.


Pears or oranges - 2 pcs.

Day 3


Warm milk with honey - 400 ml.


Vegetable salad with herbs and olive oil in unlimited quantities.


Milk with honey - 250 ml.

Day 4


Oatmeal on the water - 100 g, unsweetened tea.


Seasonal vegetables in any quantity.


Fruits (except bananas) - 500 g.

Day 5


Natural yogurt - 150 ml, low-fat cottage cheese - 120 g, orange.


Coleslaw, 1 boiled egg.


Kefir - 250 ml, hard cheese - 50 g.

Important points of diet nutrition for adolescents (12-14 years) for weight loss

Diet for adolescents (12-14 years) for weight loss involves a decrease in daily calorie intake by 20%. Girls should consume 2500 kcal per day, boys - 2700 kcal. These indicators are the norm for adolescents, it is impossible to reduce them by more than 20%.

The main part of the diet should be healthy carbohydrates - cereals, fresh, boiled and baked vegetables - they should account for approximately 50% of the food. For proteins and fats - about 25% each. Fried and fatty foods should be excluded. You can eat baked, boiled and steamed dishes.

Eating during a diet involves a fractional and regular meal. It is necessary to switch to 4 meals a day, you need to eat at the same time, you can not skip meals.

Breakfast is a must. Breakfast should be full, including carbohydrate and protein foods. All calories that enter the body in the first half of the day are spent without a trace. Therefore, if you want something sweet and harmful, you need to eat it before lunch.

Hot first courses are needed for teens who want to lose weight. With the daily use of soups, there will be no problems with digestion and overweight.

Snack and dinner should be light, preference should be given to dairy products, vegetables, unsweetened fruits.

Compliance with the drinking regime is the key to a healthy lifestyle. When dieting, adolescents need to drink at least 1.5 liters of clean water without gas. It is better to drink cool water - this will help burn fat reserves faster.

Losing weight is impossible without regular exercise. Sport strengthens the protective functions of the body, helps to find beautiful forms, promotes the burning of body fat. A teenager needs to choose a sport to his liking, so as not to take training as a punishment. Girls can do dancing, swimming, fitness. For boys, team and power sports are suitable. You need to do at least 3 times a week, the duration of the training is 1 hour.

In addition to training, you need to actively move daily for at least 3 hours. This can be hiking, cycling, rollerblading or skating, badminton, table tennis.

Diet for adolescents (12-14 years) for weight loss is the conscious choice of many boys and girls. Parents should support the child in his desire to be beautiful and healthy, to help avoid mistakes and breakdowns. Ideally - go on a diet all together. Losing weight with the whole family is much more fun, and in the refrigerator there will not be unnecessary temptations for a losing teenager.


Watch the video: Balanced Diet. #aumsum (July 2024).