Is it possible to wear things after a dead person? Controversial issue: is it worth to wear things after a dead person


After the death of a person, his close people grieve, many of them are burdened by the things of the deceased.

What to do with the things of man after his death?

Is it possible to wear things after a dead person?

You will find the answers to these questions in the article.

Death and the energy of death, is it possible to wear things after a dead person

On the issue of death, the western population of our planet and the eastern - are treated differently. In the West, it is generally accepted that a person’s soul ascends after his death and goes either to Paradise or to Hell. The eastern interpretation of death and its outcome is somewhat different from the western. In the east, it is believed that the human soul continues its journey after death.

In Eastern religions, it is indicated that the soul is reborn either in a new human body, or in an animal or in plants. The way of the soul with death does not end; life is an opportunity to get out of the circle of Samsara due to practicing karma. If a person did not fulfill his karmic debts during his life, he will be reborn.

In the eastern tradition, it is customary to cremate the body of the deceased, for some peoples it is customary to burn it at the stake and, together with the body, all the things of the owner. Thus, the question of whether it is possible to carry things after the deceased is not worth it.

As for the energy of death - bioenergetics all over the world indicate that the energy of a living person is different from the energy of a dead man. Many psychics, examining the things of the dead, touching them - can say with accuracy that the former owner of the thing is dead. The energy of death is addictive, it is cold and more viscous than the energy of life - as psychics indicate.

Getting rid of her is quite difficult. Having washed a thing, it is impossible to wash information about the life and death of its owner. Therefore, bioenergy and psychics do not advise buying second-hand clothes. She can carry information about her deceased owner.

The Christian Church considers all of the above - superstition. Superstition among Christians is a sin. The church does not give a definite answer to this question. You can often see how relatives bring the deceased to the Temple so that those parishioners who need them can use them. The Holy Father necessarily sanctifies these things. Perhaps that is why they can be further used in everyday life, it is worth sorting this out.

What can be done with the things of a deceased person, is it possible to wear things after a deceased person

In the Western tradition, it is customary to hand out the things of the deceased after the fortieth day from the date of death. It is believed that the deceased should not be left in the house. Why such a tradition was born:

• It is believed that the soul of the deceased ascends on the fortieth day - from this day you can dispose of his property;

• In the old days, clothes were in short supply, so they tried not to throw them away, but to transfer them from one family member to another;

• The things of the deceased were carried out of the house so that he would not return after them.

Due to the shortage of clothing, especially the upper - in the Middle Ages the things of the deceased were happily taken away by relatives. Today, most do not need clothes. Therefore, if you can give the things of the deceased, then only some of them:

• Outerwear;

• Clothes that were not worn on a significant date;

• Clothing that did not dress in sorrow.

It seems superstition, but still. It is worth thinking carefully, but do you need to repeat the fate of the deceased? You can wash the things of the deceased well and hang out in the fresh air. Relatives often note a strange smell from the deceased’s belongings in order to get rid of him, and this simple manipulation is worthwhile.

It’s not for nothing that the priest sanctifies in the church the things of the deceased, brought by relatives for transfer to the needy. This manipulation allows you to remove the energy of death from them. At home, do not try to reproduce this ritual. It will not lead to anything good.

What to do with the jewelry of the deceased? Clean and wear. This can be done. It is enough to dip them in holy water at night and you can use them further, but only after the fortieth day from death. Previously, do not disturb the soul of the deceased.

Things of the deceased, which do not want and can not be distributed, you can just burn. If we are talking about books and records of the deceased - they can be stored along with other things in the house. If the family still wants to get rid of them, then it is better to give them from a pure heart. Such a gift will not carry a negative.

If you sell the deceased's things, then the proceeds cannot be spent on yourself. They must either be sacrificed or spent on some good deed. To the cause that will benefit. It happens that the deceased bequeaths to transfer his belongings to someone from relatives. Then do not be afraid to wear them. But until the fortieth day from the date of death, you still should not dispose of them.

What should not be done with the things of a deceased person, is it possible to wear things after a deceased person

Is it possible to wear things after a dead person? Not in the first forty, but especially nine days from his death. Often, relatives of the deceased even before his burial begin to share property. This is considered a great sin, but people go for it for the sake of profit. It is believed that the still-restless soul is watching everything that happens in her former home and the punishment for such atrocities of relatives will not take long.

Bioenergy does not recommend even sleeping in the room of the deceased, so that he does not come in a dream, not to wear his things. Of course, not everyone has such an opportunity, but you can put aside the things of the deceased for forty days and not touch them. Often the things of deceased children are left for those younger, for the next offspring - this can not be done!

It is better to bury the child’s favorite doll or toy with him, but not to give it to another baby. Energy in children is much weaker than in adults, there are frequent cases when misfortunes happen to children after such gifts. Even if the oldest child has died, the youngest should not be put on the deceased.

Children’s toys are better or hidden away, you can in the pantry or in the attic, if parents do not want to part with them, and it is better to burn or throw out clothes. Do not disturb memory and disturb the deceased.

If the deceased had a favorite mirror in which he admired - it is worth burying it, you can even at the grave. You can not use it. Mirrors that are in the apartment must be removed and wiped well.

So is it possible to wear things after a dead person? Bioenergy today offers hundreds of ways to clean things from negative energy, including the energy of death. But you should not trust all of them. It is better to free the house from them and at the same time - memory. The dead are only worse if the living constantly remember them. What is symbolic - in the eastern tradition, it is customary to get rid of the things of the deceased almost immediately after death, so that nothing holds him on Earth. So that he can calmly make the transition to reincarnation.

It is not customary to wait any number of days. Death comes and the soul is free. Perhaps this approach is optimal in deciding whether to wear things after a dead person. But, everyone must decide for himself, choosing one of the options proposed above - this will be fair.


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