Homemade Korean beetroot - a stunning aroma! Amazing Korean homemade beet recipes for connoisseurs


Korean beet salads are not only delicious and fragrant, but also incredibly colorful!

With them, any table will become elegant and mouth-watering.

Do it at home?

Korean home-made beets - general cooking principles

For delicious snacks, choose juicy and bright root vegetables, peel and rub with a special grater. The straw should be long, of the same thickness. You can use special knives, peelers.

What else is put in salads:

• vinegar;

• salt, sugar;

• aromatic spices;

• onion garlic;

• soy sauce;

• butter.

Often, Korean beet snacks are supplemented with other vegetables, meat, and mushrooms. They are prepared for immediate use and prepared for the future for the winter.

Recipe 1: Korean Homemade Beetroot with Butter

The recipe for ordinary homemade beets in Korean, for the preparation of which you will need oil, vinegar and ready-made seasoning from bags.


• 0.5 kg of beets;

• 0.08 liters of oil;

• 1 tsp Sahara;

• 2 cloves of garlic;

• 2 tablespoons of vinegar;

• 0.5 tsp salts;

• seasoning.


1. We clean the beets, rub them with straws in any convenient way. Put in a bowl.

2. Add vinegar with salt and sugar to it, rub it with your hands.

3. Sprinkle with spices on top. We use ordinary Korean carrot bag mix. If the seasoning is sharp, then half a teaspoon is enough. If it is not sharp, then you can pour a little more and add red pepper if desired.

4. Peel the garlic, chop and sprinkle on top of the spices. These components do not need to be stirred.

5. Now pour the oil into a saucepan or into a frying pan and heat very much. It should almost boil.

6. Pour on the beets, try to cover the entire top layer.

7. Immediately cover the bowl with a plate or any lid. Leave for half an hour.

8. Mix, send to insist for a few more hours.

Recipe 2: Korean Homemade Beetroot with Onion

A variant of a very aromatic beet, the unusual taste of which is given by fried onions. According to the recipe, a whole kilogram of root vegetables is used, but you can take even less, reducing proportionally the amount of all ingredients.


• 1 kg of beets;

• 0.15 kg of onions;

• 2 tablespoons of vinegar;

• 1 small head of garlic;

• 0.5 tsp ground coriander;

• 1 clove;

• 150 ml of oil;

• salt and sugar;

• black, red pepper.


1. Rub the peeled beets, put in a large bowl.

2. Sprinkle with salt, a teaspoon will leave, pour a tablespoon of sugar, you can without a slide. Add vinegar 12%, the amount of the recipe. Mix everything and leave for an hour.

3. Cut the onions in neat half rings.

4. Grind cloves, add coriander, different types of pepper and pour everything into beets with vinegar.

5. Heat the oil and fry the half rings to a beautiful color, it is important not to burn. Let the onions stay a little damp, marinate and get ready.

6. Grind the garlic, send to the vegetables. If desired, you can put it less, not necessarily the entire head.

7. Fill the beetroot with hot oil and onion, stir quickly.

8. We leave to marinate for several hours, it is better to keep the snack in the refrigerator under a tight lid so that the magical aroma does not disappear.

Recipe 3: Korean Homemade Beetroot with Garlic and Soy Sauce

Another Korean home-style beetroot with an amazing aroma of garlic. For this recipe, a seasoning mix is ​​used. Any soy sauce can be added.


• 0.3 kg of beets;

• 2 cloves of garlic;

• 50 ml of oil;

• 4 tablespoons of soy sauce;

• 1 onion head;

• 0.5 tsp seasonings;

• 1 tablespoon of vinegar.


1. Rub the beets, put in a bowl.

2. We mix soy sauce with a pinch of sugar, add vinegar and pour to beets, stir.

3. Throw Korean seasonings, add garlic, which must be peeled and chopped finely.

4. Cut the onion coarsely, send it to the pan with oil. Fry until brown, almost burnt.

5. Take out the pieces of onion, they need to be discarded.

6. Fill the beetroot with fragrant oil, stir and send the salad to infuse, it is better to keep it in the refrigerator. You can periodically stir or just shake the dish.

Recipe 4: Korean style home-made beets with meat

A variant of a hearty Korean home-made beet salad, which can be prepared with any meat. The recipe is pork. But it also turns out delicious with veal, chicken, turkey. In any case, it is desirable to marinate the product in advance.


• 0.5 kg of beets;

• 1 tsp Korean condiments;

• 80 ml of oil;

• 0.25 kg of pork;

• 4 tablespoons of soy sauce;

• 1 tsp ketchup;

• 3 tablespoons of vinegar;

• 3 cloves of garlic.


1. As usual, we rub the peeled beets, fill in with table vinegar, salt. Let it marinate for now.

2. The meat is also cut into strips, add a mixture of soy sauce and ketchup to it, stir and leave for at least half an hour.

3. Chop the garlic, pour over the beets, you can immediately add seasonings.

4. Heat the oil and fry the pieces of pork. Or, as already mentioned, any other meat. You do not need to cover, just fry well until golden brown. Let it not be scary if the meat becomes tough. Sliced ​​sodden in a salad.

5. Spread the hot meat with butter in the beets, stir and cover.

6. Keep the hour warm, then at least three more in the refrigerator.

Recipe 5: Korean Homemade Beetroot with Cabbage

The recipe for a spicy appetizer that flies on the table is the very first. It is advisable to use juicy and not hard cabbage.


• 1.5 kg of cabbage;

• 3 beets;

• 5 cloves of garlic;

• 1 carrot.

For marinade:

• 0.25 liters of water;

• 1 tsp hot pepper without a hill;

• 120 grams of oil;

• 120 grams of apple cider vinegar;

• 100 grams of sugar;

• 1 spoon with a mountain of salt;

• some dill seeds.


1. Immediately make the marinade, as it needs to cool. We boil the recipe water with salt, sugar and butter. Cool to a warm state, pour apple cider vinegar. But you can take a regular dining room at three percent.

2. Rub the beets and immediately peeled carrots. Chop the cabbage into strips, mix until juice is released.

3. Peel the garlic and cut each slice into pieces, send to vegetables.

4. Add a pinch of dill seeds.

5. Throw hot pepper. But you can crumble a fresh chili pod, add a Korean seasoning mixture, a little coriander, a couple of cloves. We select the set to your taste.

6. Pour the marinade and stir with your hands for a couple of minutes to distribute evenly. Put in a jar, cover with a tight lid.

7. Turn over to the lid and keep warm for two hours, then remove in this form until the next day in the refrigerator. Turn over necessarily so that the top is pickled faster.

Recipe 6: Korean Homemade Beetroot with Sesame Seeds

To make the aroma of this home-made beetroot crazy in Korean, sesame seeds need to be slightly fried in a skillet or heated in the oven.


• 1 kg of beets;

• 2 onion heads;

• 40 grams of sesame seeds;

• 10 grams of coriander in seeds;

• 7 grams of ground red pepper;

• 70 ml of vinegar (take 9%);

• 40 grams of coarse salt;

• 50 grams of sugar;

• 100 ml of oil.


1. Throw the grated beets into a bowl and rub with hands with coarse salt. Leave to stand for half an hour.

2. Cut the onions and fry in the recipe oil, add hot to the beets and stir.

3. Cut the garlic, send to a bowl.

4. Mix vinegar with sugar, add hot pepper and crushed coriander seeds, pour everything to the beets.

5. Stir and insist for four hours.

6. Add the sesame seeds, stir and hold for another hour. Then you can serve.

Recipe 7: Korean Homemade Beetroot with Cilantro and Olive Oil

An unusual recipe for Korean beets, which will require cilantro. Some housewives prefer to replace it with parsley.


• 0.7 kg of beets;

• 0.5 tsp black pepper;

• 1 tsp sweet paprika;

• 5 cloves of garlic;

• 25 grams of green cilantro;

• 40 ml of wine vinegar;

• a little coriander;

• 75 grams of olive oil;

• 0.5 tablespoons of salt, as little as possible.


1. The peculiarity of this recipe is that the beets need to be a little cooked. To do this, fill the peeled root crop with water, send it to the stove and let it boil for a quarter of an hour.

2. Remove from heat, drain boiling water and put under a stream of cold water.

3. After cooling, wipe with a napkin and rub with straws.

4. Add salt, adjust to taste. Throw chopped garlic and pour vinegar. Grind with hands, let stand for about ten minutes.

5. Pour in the oil. Add the remaining spices and stir. We shift the salad into a sealed container or in any jar. We put in the refrigerator for 3 hours.

6. Before serving, add the chopped cilantro and grind again with your hands.

Recipe 8: Korean Homemade Beets for the Winter

Wonderful Korean beetroot recipe for winter. Salad will perfectly complement any dinner, regardless of the products used.


• 0.5 kg of beets;

• 1 tsp vinegar

• 0.5 tsp salts;

• 1 tsp Sahara;

• 70 ml of oil;

• 2 cloves of garlic;

• 1 pinch of coriander;

• 100 ml of water;

• 1 pinch of red pepper.


1. Boil the beets almost until ready and rub. The root crop should remain firm enough so that the pieces retain their shape. You can cut into cubes or thin plates, we do to your taste.

2. Add the garlic, stir.

3. Boil the marinade from water with oil and vinegar. We also add pepper and coriander to it, sugar and salt.

4. Put the beets in half-liter jars, do not stuff too tight.

5. Pour boiling marinade.

6. Put a towel in a saucepan, put jars on it. Pour boiling water over the shoulders. Beets are covered with lids.

7. We sterilize exactly 15 minutes after boiling the liquid, take it out and immediately roll it up. We stand in an inverted state before cooling.

Korean homemade beets - tips and tricks

• To easily and quickly wash your hands after beets, you can simply rub them with a slice of lemon, and then rinse. Instead of fresh citrus, you can use diluted acid.

• If you need to quickly and easily peel garlic, then you can pour it in advance with an ode and leave the husks to swell. Then she will be removed in one motion.

• The most fragrant Korean salads are obtained from freshly ground spices. It is better to grind coriander, cloves, different types of pepper before the preparation of the snack and in no case use a coffee grinder. Better than a pestle and stupa, nothing can do it.

• Korean snacks are tastier if you use smelling oil. And optionally it can be a sunflower. Olive or mustard oil also tastes delicious. And if you need a delicate aroma, then you can mix the stocky product with refined oil in any proportion.


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