Appearance color types - AUTUMN (photos and specifications). We study fashion trends for women of the fall color type: hair, clothes, makeup


Autumn is a wonderful time.

When the foliage of the trees is painted in rainbow colors, with a predominance of a fiery red hue.

This is the period when nature prepares for winter sleep and its outlines become graceful and refined.

The same can be said of the fall color girls.

Autumn color girls

Red-haired, passionate - this is how you can describe the representatives of this color type. It is worth noting that they are few in number. But to determine its representatives is quite simple:

• Their hair is bronze, brown with a golden tint, light brown with a copper tint;

• Eyes - green with a blue and brown tint, brown with a hint of amber;

• Leather - with a peach tint, beige with a yellow and pink tint.

It is worth noting that the representatives of the color type autumn are not characterized by the standard pallor of the skin. They have a sophisticated and sophisticated appearance. Their appearance is so bright and expressive that it does not always require even everyday makeup.

Clothing for girls color autumn

Clothing should emphasize the exclusivity of girls of the fall color type, so it’s better to think a few times, and then just wear the thing you like. Having an already bright and expressive image, the main thing is not to overdo it.

It is worth scrupulously treating the selection of shades in clothes. Which of the flowers will work best? It is worth giving preference to warm shades that emphasize individuality. Do not move away from natural autumn flowers. One has only to imagine all the autumn tones and choose from them - this is the golden color with which it is executed, and the red-yellow shades. The appearance of this color type is better to emphasize not bright, but saturated colors.

So what shades in clothes should you choose?

• brown;

• Copper with a golden tint;

• plum;

• Gently green;

• Aquamarine;

• Olive;

• Brown with a red tint.

These tones emphasize the individuality and sophistication of the image. What shades should not be used? It is better not to experiment and not to use cold, summer shades. They will only lead to a dull appearance, a tired look of the eyes. Using her color scheme, a woman of the autumn color type will simply play in the rays of the autumn sun. Her image will be amazing.

.What if I really want to use a different palette of shades? You can try to pick them up. So:

• White color can be replaced with white with a light peach hue;

• If you really want to use black color - it is better to replace it with olive or brown, with a reddish tint;

• Blue color is easily replaced by deep blue with a green tint;

• Purple is better not to use at all.

What shades of red work best? You should not choose a bright red matte color - it will look very strange and non-winning. It can be easily replaced with scarlet. But orange and all the tones and shades that come from it are the best option for use. It can be bright carrot, mango. It is better not to use neon tint in the orange palette.

Autumn color girl - choose the right shade of hair

Initially, women of this color type are endowed with deep copper, red hair. It is strongly not recommended to change to darker and colder tones.

What colors do not fit categorically?

• Bright hues;

• Ash tones;

• Black and blue black.

If a woman of a color type autumn still decides to repaint herself in the above tones, then her natural freckles will stand out, it will seem that they are burning with fire. The effect of sunburned skin will be created.

What shades are better to use?

• Red warm shades;

• Copper shades.

This is the only color type that really goes exclusively natural shades of hair color. As practice shows, even after repeated repainting, women of this color type return to their natural tones.

Fall color - makeup

Having a truly expressive appearance, the representatives of the color type autumn make-up is needed only to emphasize their individuality and beauty. Where to start makeup? With the selection of the foundation and blush. They emphasize the sophistication of the image and make the right accents.

Foundation, powder, blush

The tonal foundation is very important for the representatives of this color type. The thing is that their skin is sensitive and has the property of redness. It is best to choose a tonal foundation of warm shades to brighten up the imperfections of the skin:

• Peach tone;

• Beige;

• Transparent tones for smoothing the skin;

• It is better to choose a concealer of a yellow shade - it will give the best effect.

The powder should be selected transparent. This advice is most appreciated by fair-skinned girls. If the skin is dark, then it is better to choose a beige powder. In order not to use blush, it is enough to highlight the cheekbones with darker powder.

What blush to choose? Apricot and salmon colors are best. If the skin is dark - it is better to use tones of terracotta and gold with a brown tint.

What colors should be avoided in makeup:

• Cold shades of powder;

• Gray shades in a tonal basis;

• Pink blush;

• Powders of dark brown color.

Girls of the color type autumn have bright, expressive eyes. Therefore, you should carefully consider their makeup, so as not to overdo it. What is special about this color type - if you do not paint your eyes at all - this will not create inconvenience, on the contrary. Natural beauty is only emphasized if you use exclusively mascara and eyeliner. Mascara can be used both black and color. But here it is better to choose an eyeliner of brown, but not black color.

Shadows are best used for evening makeup. What shades are most suitable:

• Green shades;

• Emerald shades;

• Peach;

• Gold;

• Beige;

• brown;

• Copper;

• Bronze.

Cold shades of shadows are best not to use at all. Smokey Ice will only make the image heavier. This makeup is better and not try to put on the eyes - it will bring only disappointment.


Lipstick should also be warm colors:

• Caramel;

• Coral;

• Orange;

• Copper;

• Creme brulee.

What tones do not fit at all?

• Purple;

• Violet;

• Pink.

In makeup, it is worth focusing exclusively on the eyes or on the lips, otherwise the image will simply be spoiled. If you use lip gloss, then it is also necessary to select it carefully. Better to use warm matte shades.

If a girl of a color type autumn focuses on eyes in makeup, then she should choose a lip gloss that will not stand out especially against the general background of makeup, you can even use a transparent gloss.

The brightness and style of the inborn image of women of the autumn color type allows them not to puzzle over the choice of color palette in makeup, but simply to use warm autumn tones. They emphasize individuality and make the image expressive. The main thing is not to overdo it, especially in clothes and daytime makeup, otherwise the girl will simply be striking in her overly bright and not refined appearance.


Watch the video: What's your season? Seasonal color analysis. Justine Leconte (June 2024).