Fried eggs with bacon are the best guest in home cooking. It’s difficult to surprise, it’s easy to feed: fantasies in dishes from scrambled eggs with bacon


Fried eggs in fat - at the same time a quick snack and a very satisfying dish.

You can argue endlessly about the order of the components and the type of pans, but one thing remains the same - fresh, high-quality products in this dish mean a lot.

Fried eggs with bacon - general principles of preparation

• Fried eggs with bacon can be cooked quickly in a pan, a little time out in the oven, and very quickly in the microwave. To prevent the scrambled eggs from sticking to the pan and not burning, it is best to use modern dishes with a non-stick coating or use the "grandmother's" pan with thick walls. To bake in the oven, you will need a small, round tin to bake muffins or rolls. In a microwave, fried eggs are prepared in special containers: glass, ceramic or made of plastic.

• Bacon can be used both smoked and salted. It is cut into thin plates and ground according to the recipe. You can also get bacon already sliced ​​in thin plates. Pieces or plates of bacon are usually fried before being used in further cooking. The degree of roasting of meat pieces can depend only on your own preferences or recipes. Eggs are fried on pieces of fried bacon, but there are recipes suggesting the use of its slices as a shell for the fried eggs.

• Vegetables, mushrooms, cheese or sausages can be added to scrambled eggs with bacon.

• Everyone selects the degree of readiness of the fried eggs, taking into account their personal preferences: someone loves a well-baked yolk, and someone is liquid.

Scrambled eggs with bacon - "English fried eggs, Welsh"


• 150 grams of salted bacon, sliced;

• spices to taste;

• refined sunflower oil;

• three large eggs.

Cooking method:

1. Cut the slices of bacon into wide slices.

2. Pour a little less than half a tablespoon of oil into a pan and heat it over low heat.

3. Lay the pieces of bacon on the bottom of the pan. Without reducing or increasing heat, fry the bacon so that the slices become transparent.

4. Break eggs from above, try to do this very carefully so that the yolks do not spread.

5. Without covering, bring the scrambled eggs to readiness. In the finished fried egg, the protein should acquire a milky white color, and the yolks should remain liquid, not covered with a whitish film.

6. At the end of cooking, sprinkle with fried eggs spices, salt and garnish with chopped herbs. Sprinkle salt with only protein.

Scrambled eggs with bacon - "Chatterbox with feta cheese"


• four eggs;

• 120 grams of salted bacon;

• young onions;

• salted feta cheese.

Cooking method:

1. Break the eggs into a small bowl and beat them lightly with a fork along with salt. If you got salted feta cheese, you should not add salt.

2. Chop the green onion feathers into thin diagonal rings and chop the dill finely.

3. Thinly cut the bacon and fry the slices in a pan without adding oil. One and a half minutes on each side.

4. After this, fill the slices with eggs and cook on the same heat for 2 minutes.

5. Then add the brynza, chopped into small pieces, finely chopped dill and green onion feathers. Stir and let stand another 2 minutes in the same mode.

Scrambled Eggs with Bacon and Eggplant


• one small eggplant;

• bitter onion;

• three eggs;

• olive oil;

• salted bacon - 100 gr.

Cooking method:

1. Rinse the eggplant with warm water, peel and chop the flesh into small cubes. Chop the onion into thin half rings.

2. Moisten the bottom of the “non-stick” pan with olive oil or any other vegetable oil. Carefully lay the pork sliced ​​into thin slices over it and fry the slices, turning them over over a minute later.

3. As soon as the slices of bacon become transparent, lay out the pieces of eggplant and onion. If there is insufficient fat, add a little oil. Fry the vegetables with pork over low heat, until their slices take a golden color, be sure to salt.

4. Slightly reduce the heat and break the eggs on top of the fried eggplant.

5. Slightly salt, if necessary, cover and continue to warm the dish until the eggs are ready.

Oven with bacon and eggs in pita bread in the oven


• a large sheet of thin, not too fried pita bread;

• 200 grams of smoked bacon;

• two small pickled cucumbers;

• cheese, varieties "Poshekhonsky", or another with a spicy taste - 150 gr.;

• 100 gr. sun-dried tomatoes;

• 4 tablespoons of "French" mustard;

• a mixture of oregano and savory.

Cooking method:

1. Cut the bacon and pickles into thin, short straws. Cheese in the smallest crumb.

2. Expand the pita bread and cut it into four equal parts.

3. Take ceramic containers for baking (4 pcs.) And line their bottom and sides with pita, forming it with baskets.

4. Arrange the cucumbers with meat on the tins. Put on them a spoonful of mustard and sprinkle with cheese.

5. Place two slices of sun-dried tomatoes on the cheese and carefully break one egg into each tin. Try to keep the yolk whole.

6. Top with salt and a mixture of herbs.

7. Put the molds in a preheated oven and bake for 15 minutes.

Fried eggs with bacon and mushrooms


• 200 gr. fresh young champignons;

• four medium-sized eggs;

• six slices of bacon (salted);

• half a small onion;

• three branches of fresh thyme, young onion feathers.

Cooking method:

1. Pork cut into slices 1.5 cm thick, mushrooms - slices or thin strips, and onions - medium-sized slices.

2. On a moderate fire, heat the pan and put the pieces of meat in it. Do not cover, fry both sides, achieving a crisp. Move it to a separate bowl immediately.

3. In the melted fat, fry the onions until transparent and put the mushrooms in it. Once all the moisture has evaporated, add thyme and warm for another 2 minutes, then salt, be sure to pepper. Return the previously laid meat to the pan and immediately break the eggs.

4. Sprinkle the protein with fine salt and fry the fried eggs. The degree of readiness is up to you. If you do not like liquid yolk - cover with a lid.

5. Put the finished dish with a wide spatula on a plate and decorate on top with chopped onion greens.

Original bacon and eggs in the oven


• six plates of salted bacon;

• six chicken eggs;

• a few onion feathers.

Cooking method:

1. Set the oven temperature control to 180 degrees. While it is warming up, cover the baking sheet with parchment, spread strips of bacon on it and place in the oven, for about 10 minutes. This is done in order to melt the excess fat and the layers of pork were subsequently well folded.

2. Put the baked slices from a baking sheet on a disposable towel and pat it lightly. Do not turn off the oven.

3. Cover the sides of the small silicone muffin baking dishes with the dried strips of bacon and leave the bottom open. Put one strip of meat on one tin.

4. Then pour one egg into the center of the molds, sprinkle with ground pepper and salt, being careful not to get on the yolk.

5. Place the forms on a baking sheet and place in the oven for 10 minutes.

6. Carefully remove the finished eggs from the molds, being careful not to damage the yolk, and sprinkle chopped green onions on top.

Scrambled eggs with bacon and ham in a bun


• three small round buns;

• eggs - 3 pcs.;

• 50 gr. smoked bacon;

• boiled ham - 70 gr.;

• 60 gr. low-melting cheese;

• butter.

Cooking method:

1. With a thin knife, cut off the tops of the buns and select the flesh, leaving the walls centimeter thick. Lubricate them with well-softened butter.

2. Grate the cheese coarsely, and cut the meat products into medium-sized cubes. Leave a little cheese for sprinkling, and mix most of it with chopped meat.

3. With the prepared filling, fill in the notches in the buns, not reaching the very top. On top, gently break the eggs, one into each billet, and place the buns on a dry roasting pan.

4. Place it in a hot oven and bake scrambled eggs at 180 degrees.

5. The cooking time varies, and depends on the desired roasted eggs, so you need to keep an eye on the dish.

6. 2-3 minutes before cooking, sprinkle the scrambled eggs with cheese and let it melt well.

"Minute" - instant fried eggs with bacon and fresh tomatoes in a microwave


• large eggs - 2 pcs.;

• 75 gr. salted, sliced ​​into plates of bacon;

• five small ripe tomatoes, preferably Cherry.

Cooking method:

1. Cut the pork skin from the pork and cut the pulp into small pieces, with a maximum thickness of one and a half cm.

2. Transfer the pieces of pork into a small ceramic or glass bowl suitable for cooking in the microwave.

3. At a power of 800 watts (maximum heating for low-cost devices, or 2/3 of the power of more professional devices), warm the bacon for no more than 80 seconds.

4. Then put tomatoes sliced ​​in medium-sized slices on it and again put in the microwave for a minute.

5. After this, lightly add the tomatoes and mix well. Break the eggs on top of the vegetables and put the bowl back in the microwave, for another minute.

6. Remove the finished dish, sprinkle with ground pepper and add a little salt.

Bacon and Eggs - Cooking Tips and Useful Tips

• To prevent the egg yolks from spreading, first gently break the eggs into a cup, from which pour them into a frying pan or in a pan.

• Before frying the bacon in a pan, warm it well or grease it with plenty of vegetable oil, otherwise the meat will stick to it.

• Cover the baking sheet or roasting pan with the same goals with parchment.

• Salt and season the dish only after the eggs are ready. When cooking with fried eggs, try not to touch the yolk, sprinkling salt and spices.

• Serve the finished dish, sprinkled with fresh herbs. This will not only decorate it, but also dilute it with a special taste and aroma.

• And the best greens for fried eggs - fresh, best sprouted in a glass on the windowsill, green onions.

• Eggs fried in lard are not in vain ranked as “male” dishes. That's where speed and uncompromising are needed! Maximum fire, quick action and not a second of delay. And, of course, the freshest products.


Watch the video: Alex Guarnaschelli: "The Home Chef: Recipes to Know By Heart". Talks at Google (June 2024).