Popular sign: milk turns sour to pancakes from sour milk. Tasty and varied breakfast - sour milk fritters


What to cook for breakfast?

Every morning, millions of mothers, grandmothers and great-grandmothers ask this question. It is necessary that the child must have breakfast in front of the school, the husband is late for work, and the sausage for sandwiches the night before accidentally remained in the window. A picture familiar to everyone.

This everyday fuss may not be so troublesome and annoying. Do not lose optimism, because morning should only be good. Surely there is some sour-milk product in the fridge.

Do a quick audit and start cooking a delicious and quick breakfast - in fifteen minutes. You don’t have to do anything special.

While warming a frying pan with oil, immediately put the plates on the table and call the family for breakfast, and until they wake up and brush their teeth, the first portion of the rosy and magnificent pancakes will already lie on the plates.

Sour milk fritters - basic technological principles

Sour milk for bulk dough can have any fat content, any processing method and any composition. It can be a mixture of kefir, yogurt, sour cream and sour milk. Not used on time, dairy products are an excuse to bake. The principle of preparing bulk dough for fritters from sour milk is the simplest: take flour, sour milk, a pinch of salt, be sure, even if you are making sweet dough. Eggs can be added as desired - vegetarians can replace them with a spoon of potato starch, combining it with flour. The main thing is the presence of lactic acid formed in the product under the influence of lactic acid bacteria. These microorganisms, like yeast fungi, improve the quality of the dough, giving it splendor, providing rise when baking. The only difference is that baker's yeast is more active and resilient organism, so yeast dough rises much faster.

No one bothers to add a little yeast to sour milk. If you use yeast when kneading dough, then soda and other baking powder can not be added. If you do not like yeast dough, use baking soda, ammonium powder, any baking powder will do. It is important to create an acid-base reaction that ensures the release of carbon dioxide and the rise of the dough.

Then everything depends on the taste, mood and imagination of the cook. Nobody can name the exact number of recipes as fritters. Most often they are cooked without any recipes - there would be flour in the house. The classic recipe for sour milk fritters can be changed indefinitely. One additional ingredient to the test - a new recipe is ready. Do children like sweets? Add dried fruits, cocoa, vanilla and serve a breakfast dish with whipped cream, boiled condensed milk or your favorite jam - let the little treasure go to school happy, sugar activates mental performance, and it is necessary for the child during the educational process. Dear man, you want to taste the meat during breakfast? Nothing is simpler: make a dough for a frit of sour milk without sugar, and instead add slices of meat.

Of course, pancakes can be prepared on water, or on the juice of vegetables or fruits, but milk protein makes the dough more tender and soft. Therefore, pancakes made of sour milk are the best way to bake in haste.

Ready? Then put on the table from the refrigerator all the products that you can still save by using them to prepare the simplest dish.

Recipe 1. Sour milk fritters - a classic recipe


  • 2 eggs

  • Sour milk, homemade 250 ml

  • Sugar 75 g

  • Flour (premium) 220 g

  • Ghee 100 g

  • Baking soda ¼ tsp

  • Salt

  • Oil, vegetable - for frying

  • Sour cream, condensed milk or jam - for serving


Beat eggs with a mixer, gradually adding yogurt to them. Add the baking soda, sugar, salt and flour together in a lush mixture. While adding the dry mixture, continue to knead the dough, but with a whisk or a spoon.

All products must be warm, at room temperature. Cover the finished dough with a film and place it closer to a working stove or to any source of ash. Hold for 5-10 minutes, so that the dough proteins have time to form fibers that will hold the gas bubbles inside, ensuring the splendor of the finished product.

Heat the pan, add a little oil and immediately reduce the heat to medium level. Pour the dough into one tablespoon with a tablespoon or other measuring spoon, distributing it around the circumference of the dishes. For a few seconds, cover the pan with a lid so that the top of the muffin is steamed - this technique will allow you to hold the gas inside the dough and provide splendor. In addition, under the influence of their own steam, the pancakes will remain even, will not spread when turned over. Turn the pancakes over, grease the baked side with melted butter.

Recipe 2. Sour milk fritters with pumpkin

Product Composition:

  • Baked Pumpkin 100 g

  • Sugar 50 g

  • Orange zest, fresh 50 g

  • Egg, 1 pc.

  • Baking powder

  • Salt

  • Flour 280 g (2 cups)

  • Skimmed milk or kefir 150 ml

Order of preparation:

Wipe a slice of pumpkin baked in sugar (in a pan, in the oven, in the microwave) on a grater, add fresh orange zest, sugar, an egg and warm sour milk. Beat the mass with a whisk. Add the salt and baking powder to the sifted flour. Pour the dry mixture into the liquid part of the dough in small portions, gradually stirring and breaking the lumps.

Bake as described in recipe number 1.

Recipe 3. Sour milk fritters


  • Apples 2 pcs.

  • Egg 1 pc.

  • Sugar - to taste

  • Yogurt 100 ml

  • Pancake flour 350 g

  • Salt 2-3 g


Wash the apples, core, sprinkle with sugar and bake in the microwave or oven until soft (this can be done the day before, in the evening). Wipe the baked apples through a sieve. In the resulting puree, add the egg, yogurt. Whip the liquid mass until it is full. Add the flour in portions and salt. You do not need to add a baking powder if you use a ready-made flour mixture for pancakes - the necessary ingredients have already been added to its composition.

Recipe 4. Sour milk pancakes with raisins and yeast

Product Composition:

  • Flour 400 g

  • Milk (or yogurt) 250 ml

  • Egg 1 pc.

  • Yolk 1 pc.

  • Sugar 30 g

  • Yeast instant 2 g

  • Salt

  • Raisins 90 g


Put sugar and yeast in warm milk or yogurt, add 2 tablespoons of flour. Stir and cover the dishes with foil, put them close to heat for five minutes. Sift the rest of the flour and add a pinch of salt steamed in boiling water and dried raisins into it. Combine both mixtures, mix the dough so that there are no lumps. Bake in a preheated pan.

Recipe 5. Sour milk pancakes with liver


  • Onion 100 g

  • Curdled milk 120 ml

  • Butter, 50 g

  • Beef liver 200 g

  • Egg 1 pc.

  • Flour 450 g

  • Salt

  • Soda 2-3 g

  • Ground pepper


Finely chopped washed and cleaned liver with a knife. Stir chopped onion with butter in a pan and add to the liver. Season with salt and pepper.

In the warm yogurt, beat the egg and mix the liquid mass with a whisk. Sift flour and combine with soda. Combine all parts of the dough by adding raw liver. Heat vegetable oil and bake liver pancakes. Use a lid when frying - while one side is baking, cover the pan. It is necessary to fry pancakes on a moderate fire, for 3-4 minutes on each side.

Recipe 6. Sour milk fritters - "Russian pizza" in a pan


  • Mushrooms, pickled 200 g

  • Ham, Chicken 250

  • Tomatoes 150 g

  • Cheese, soft (or cottage cheese) 200 g

  • Provencal herbs, ground pepper

  • 5 g baking powder

  • Yogurt 300 ml

  • Flour 450 g

  • Olive oil (for frying)

  • Salt

Order of preparation:

Combine the sifted flour with baking powder and salt, add yogurt to the flour mixture. Stir and set the dough aside.

Mushrooms, tomatoes (without grains and peels) cut into thin plates. Cut the ham into small cubes, and grate the cheese on a grater.

Arrange all ingredients in separate containers, including a mixture of pepper, salt and Provence herbs. Place them close to the stove to make it convenient to work quickly.

Preheat the pan, adjust the degree of its heating in order to have time to unfold, prepared for the fritters, filling during baking.

Pour the dough into the heated oil with a measuring spoon. Slightly fry one side, so that the pancakes easily lag behind the pan, turn them over and immediately spread on each of them a slice of tomato, several pieces of ham, plate of mushrooms, sprinkle with spices and cheese.

If you do not have time to do these steps before the dough is fried, then some of the filling, mushrooms and ham, you can immediately add to the dough, leaving only slices of tomatoes and grated cheese for laying on the surface.

Do not forget to pack such pancakes from sour milk in a case for sandwiches to have a bite during the working day, because this yummy thing will, like a magnet, attract thoughts to the house, making it difficult to think about work.

Sour milk fritters - useful tips and tricks

  • For frying fritters, use refined oil to avoid smoke in the kitchen and the rancid taste of baking.

  • After turning the pancakes in a pan, grease the baked side with melted butter using a silicone brush. This will give a pleasant sweet creamy taste to pastries.

  • For the pancakes to be beautiful, to have the correct shape, use a special pan. In the same pan you can fry omelet, fried eggs.

  • It is convenient to use a pastry bag or a dense plastic bag to deposit dough during baking.

  • Do not pour the dough into the pan until the oil is warm, so that the pancakes do not become too greasy and tasteless. Add oil in small portions during frying.


Watch the video: No Cook Oats-Fruits-Yogurt. Healthy Soak Oatmeal Breakfast - best for diet. Ep:253 (July 2024).