Pancake cake - the best recipes. How to cook pancake cake correctly and tasty.


Pancake cake - general principles and methods of preparation

Our Russian pancakes, a miracle, how good. Russia has always been famous for its lush pancakes, and Europe, for example, prefers thin dessert pancakes. Sour cream, caviar, salted fish, or fragrant orange oil, fruits and berries, honey, caramel or chocolate - that just did not come up with for many centuries, the hostess to use as a filling. An excellent substitute for pancakes, when you want something more grandiose, are pancake roulades (rolls), pies, and, of course, cakes. Pancake cakes and pies are made in all countries of the world.

How to make pancake cakes? Everything is very simple - pancakes are fried and layered with their filling. In Russia, there is a real tradition of pancakes, and not just on Shrovetide. You can collect a cake from any species - yeast, fresh, precocious, sweet, and even buckwheat. You can fantasize about the filling endlessly, it can be meat, liver, mushrooms, sweet fruits, cottage cheese, berry jams and much more. Sometimes gelatin is used in the filling - then the cake is sent to infuse in the refrigerator for several hours. In order to make a pancake dish a real cake, there is one secret - they are coated with whipped, like meringue protein, and sent to the oven.

Pancake Cake - Food Preparation

The main composition of any pancakes is flour, eggs and milk. The main thing is that the dough is combined with the filling - for example, sweet pancakes are stuffed with sweet filling (cottage cheese, berry, jam), a little brackish unsweetened pancakes are baked for meat or mushroom cake. By the way, if you don’t have time to bake homemade pancakes, sometimes you can get by with ready-made pancakes.

Pancake cake - the best recipes

Recipe 1: Pancake Cake with Mushrooms

Ingredients: eggs (3 pcs), milk (250 g), sugar (half a teaspoon), salt, flour (300 g), mineral water (100 ml), vegetable oil.

Stuffing: chicken broth (150 ml), mushrooms (500 g), garlic, butter (30 g), cream (20%, 70 gr), hard cheese (100 g), sour cream 1 tablespoon. Dill (1 bunch), salt, pepper.

Cooking method

Pancake cake, of course, begins with pancakes. Beat milk, eggs, sugar, salt, pour flour, while stirring continuously. Our task is to achieve uniformity of the test so that the lumps disappear. Fry pancakes in a pan with a small amount of vegetable oil until browning on both sides, so that they are smooth and beautiful, rotating the pan evenly.


Cut the onions and fry in butter, add garlic from the garlic to the pan and chopped mushrooms. When the mushrooms start letting the juice pour in the broth and increase the heat. When the liquid is absorbed, add sour cream with salt, cream, grated cheese on a fine grater (50 g). Mix and after 5-7 minutes remove from heat.

Lubricate the baking dish with butter, spread the pancake and some filling. Distribute evenly, cover with the next pancake and so on. On the top pancake, lay out the remains of mushroom sauce and a few pieces of butter. Put in the oven for 15 minutes, 200 degrees. The cake is ready, cool it a little, cut and fly!

Recipe 2: Pancake Cake Kurnik

This recipe has come to us since ancient times. Centuries ago, on manor estates, they ate exceptionally healthy food. The landlords made sure that the food was rational. It could not be otherwise - fresh air and a measured day contributed to the fact that the food was eaten sufficiently satisfying, which must be digested. Of course, for a chicken coop it is better to choose a homemade chicken filet, but where can I find it now? We'll have to be content with the store fillet, which, in principle, is also not bad, if you choose it correctly - not frozen and fresh.


Dough: eggs (3 pcs), milk (300 ml), flour (150 grams), salt, sugar. Dill 1 bunch.
Stuffing: onions (1 large onion), chicken (300 grams), hard cheese, tomato (3 pcs).

Cooking method

We mix the ingredients for the dough and beat, add finely chopped dill and bake 5-6 pancakes. Chop the chicken fillet and fry with the onion. Boiled chicken should be boiled first. Rub the cheese on a coarse grater. We cover the baking sheet with parchment paper or foil, form a cake - pancake - fillet - a layer of thinly sliced ​​tomatoes, cheese, and so on. Cover with foil and put in the oven for 15-20 minutes. A juicy pancake henhouse will delight your family. A hearty, nutritious and very tasty dish, real Russian cuisine.

Recipe 3: Russian-French pancake cake with apples

If you have already eaten hearty pancakes, try to prepare a light French cake with nuts and apples for the weekend. French crepes are called "crepes", they are thin and transparent, so we take them in two at once. Apples are better suited solid and green. A four to five layer cake will require approximately four apples.

Ingredients: pancakes (8 pcs), walnuts (50 grams), sugar (4 tbsp. tablespoons), large apples (4 pcs.), protein (2 pcs.), cinnamon, butter.

Cooking method

Grate three apples on a grater and simmer, adding three tablespoons of sugar. It is enough five seven minutes for the excess moisture to evaporate. The remaining apple is cleaned from the core and cut into thin petals. Nuts need to be dried, and chopped into small pieces, and beat the whites with a tablespoon of sugar. In a round form, grease the walls and the bottom, lay out two pancakes, grease again with oil and lay out a layer of filling, spread the petals on top. Next - cinnamon, a handful of sliced ​​nuts, two pancakes. The last layer is two pancakes. Grease with proteins, sprinkle with nuts and in the oven for 25 minutes. Beautiful and tasty cake, soft, sweet and light. Fragrant apple flesh and crisp nuts, plus thin hearty pancakes - Bon appetit!

Recipe 4: Pancake Curd Cake

Pancakes with cottage cheese - a classic combination. This is a favorite treat for children and adults, we will arrange in the form of a cake, it will turn out just exquisitely. It can be served with dessert or as an independent dish, for breakfast or dinner. A pancake curd cake will decorate with success a festive table.

Ingredients: cottage cheese (300 grams), pancakes (6-8 pcs), honey (half a glass), sour cream (fat. 30%, 1 glass), one egg yolk, dried fruits (raisins, dried apricots, 100 grams).

Cooking method

Filling: with a spatula, mix the cottage cheese, sour cream and honey until smooth. Cut dried apricots, just wash the raisins and pour boiling water for 5-10 minutes. We will dry it with a colander. On a baking sheet we collect a cake: pancake, filling, dried fruits. Smear the top pancake with yolk and put in the oven for 10 - 15 minutes (180 degrees). Since hot pancakes absorb the filling, it is better to smear them as they cook.

Pancake cake - tips from experienced chefs

A wonderful orange filling for their "crepes" - thin pancakes are made by the French. The zest of one orange is added to the basic recipe for pancake dough. For the layer, orange oil is used: remove the zest of orange, grind it in a blender and add three tablespoons of sugar, 100 grams of oil and mix well. Pour one tablespoon of Gran Marnier or Cointreau, or any other orange liquor, drop by drop. If Crepes are served on their own, I fold them four times, pour alcohol and set them on fire. Heat a small amount of whiskey, rum or cognac in a frying pan, and bring up a neatly burning match. Drizzle the pancake. This effect can also be used for an orange pancake cake by pouring it with burning rum. Serve this dish with slices of fresh orange - it turns out stunning.


Watch the video: I Tried To Make The Tasty Buzzfeed CHOCOLATE CREPE CAKE. . Did It Work?! (June 2024).