Diet charlotte with apples - it will not affect the waist! Recipes and tricks for making dietary charlotte with apples


Even on a diet, you can indulge in pastries.

Diet charlotte is a wonderful dish that will help you lose weight deliciously, without experiencing any discomfort.

Here you can find the most successful recipes of the popular cake for slender women.

Diet Charlotte with apples - general principles of preparation

The basis of dietary charlotte are eggs. Often only proteins are used, as the yolks contain a lot of fat. To make the cake fluffy, beat the eggs well, you can additionally use baking powder.

How to lower calorie baking:

1. Substitutes for sugar. There are a lot of species. Most often, stevia is used, as it relates to natural substitutes. You can put in a small amount of fructose, honey, brown sugar. They are quite high-calorie, but useful.

2. The right flour. In diet pies, the wheat product is replaced by oatmeal, rice, corn, buckwheat, rye flour.

3. Good shape. The caloric content of oils and fats is huge. The energy value in one spoon is greater than in a whole serving of cake. For baking, it is advisable to use silicone molds or those that have a non-stick coating.

4. Fat-free products. We are talking about cottage cheese, kefir, sour cream and other ingredients that can be found in baked goods.

Apples are added to the pie strictly according to the recipe. If the fruit is very juicy, then you can lay less than the specified rate. You can bake diet Charlotte in the oven, in a slow cooker.

Diet Charlotte with oatmeal and stevia apples

To cook dietary charlotte with apples, you will need any oatmeal and coffee grinder. Or use prepared oatmeal. For sweetness, dry stevia is added to the cake, you can use another sugar substitute.


• 100 g of oatmeal;

• 4 egg whites;

• 1 tsp stevia;

• 1 tsp cultivator;

• 4 apples;

• mold oil.


1. Oatmeal must be ground. If flour is used, simply mix with a cultivator.

2. Separate the squirrels, place in a clean bowl and whisk until lush foam with stevia. Or add a little sugar, available substitute, do as you like.

3. Add flour with a cultivator to the proteins, stir.

4. Lubricate the mold with oil. If the container is silicone, then it is not necessary.

5. Transfer the dough.

6. Cut the apples into pieces, spread on top of the oatmeal dough.

7. Bake low-calorie charlotte at 180 degrees until cooked. If the form has a diameter of up to 20 cm, then cooking will take about half an hour.

Diet Charlotte with apples on kefir

Another variant of dietary charlotte with apples and oatmeal. But this recipe also contains whole grain flour. As a sweetener, natural honey is used.


• 200 ml of kefir;

• 6 apples;

• whole egg;

• 2 egg whites;

• 3 tsp honey;

• 1 tsp baking powder;

• vanilla;

• cinnamon;

• 0.5 cups of oatmeal;

• 0.5 cups whole grain flour.


1. Mix the flakes with warm kefir, leave for half an hour, let the oatmeal swell well.

2. Combine the proteins with a whole egg, beat well until foam, gradually add liquid honey. If the product is candied, then you can melt it.

3. Mix flour with a cultivator, season with vanilla.

4. Rinse apples, cut into slices of any size, lay in a layer on the bottom of a greased mold.

5. Combine the flour with the proteins, add the swollen flakes, gently stir the dough.

6. Transfer the air mass into a form with apples, try to make a layer of the same thickness.

7. The oven should already be preheated at 200 degrees, set the pie immediately, until the foam has hooked.

8. Bake diet charlotte for about half an hour, check the readiness of the test with a dry stick.

9. Remove the charlotte from the oven, cool well, transfer from the mold onto a flat plate. Sprinkle with cinnamon.

Diet Charlotte with apples and cottage cheese

A variant of cottage cheese charlotte, which is also cooked on oatmeal. If there is no stevia, then you can use another sugar substitute or add a little more honey.


• 2 eggs;

• a glass of oatmeal;

• 1 tablespoon of olive oil;

• 150 ml of kefir;

• 1 tsp cultivator;

• 100 g of cottage cheese;

• 2 tablespoons of starch;

• 3 apples;

• 1 spoon of honey;

• 0.5 tsp stevia.


1. Beat the egg with cottage cheese, honey and stevia until smooth. You can use a blender. If you want a sweeter charlotte, add stevia a full teaspoon.

2. Add kefir and one tablespoon of oil, stir. You can use sunflower or linseed oil if there is no olive.

3. Combine flour and ripper, add starch.

4. Mix the flour mixture with the curd, bring to uniformity, transfer to a greased form.

5. Cut the apples into elongated slices, lay them on top of the dough.

6. Put the curd charlotte to bake. Temperature 180, time depends on the thickness of the layer, check readiness with a toothpick.

Diet Charlotte with apples and cottage cheese "Nezhenka"

Another recipe for a diet cake, which is prepared with cottage cheese. It is advisable to use a non-fat product up to 2%, but not liquid. If the curd is dry, then you can add more kefir to it than goes according to the recipe.


• 2 apples;

• 3 tablespoons of kefir;

• 250 grams of cottage cheese;

• sugar substitute;

• 1 egg.


1. Rub the cottage cheese along with a sugar substitute and three tablespoons of kefir. It can be any, the cake is obtained with stevia, with honey, you can simply add a spoonful of brown sugar.

2. Beat the egg until foam, add to the cottage cheese, stir.

3. Now the apples. Rinse, cut into large cubes, mix with curd dough.

4. To taste, add vanilla, cinnamon, you can pour a little grated zest.

5. Put the curd into the silicone mold. The capacity should not be large, since there is not much test.

6. Put the charlotte bake, preheat the oven to 180.

Diet Charlotte with apples, pumpkin and cottage cheese

For such charlotte, you need a fresh pumpkin. You can take a frozen vegetable, but only after thawing. In this case, the excess liquid must be drained, you can squeeze the pieces with your hands. For the pie, you can use oat or corn flour.


• 3 squirrels;

• 150 g pumpkin;

• 150 g of apples;

• 1 tsp baking baking powder;

• a glass of oat or corn flour;

• 300 g of cottage cheese.


1. Beat the whites until foam, you can add a sugar substitute.

2. Wipe the cottage cheese through a sieve, mix with whipped proteins.

3. Add half a glass of flour and a cultivator, stir. If the cottage cheese was not liquid, then this may be enough. If the mass is liquid, add all the flour.

4. Peel the apple, cut into neat slices. Cut the pumpkin into pieces, put in a mold with apples. You can sprinkle with cinnamon.

5. On top, cover the filling with dough, smooth the layer.

6. Send the charlotte to bake. The cake will be cooked for about half an hour, put in an oven preheated to 180 ° C.

Dietary Charlotte with apples and pears on fructose

Fructose is high in calories, but it belongs to natural sugar substitutes and can also be used in baking. To add flavor to this charlotte, the addition of pears helps; choose dense fruits.


• 2 tablespoons fructose;

• 0.5 cups oatmeal;

• 0.5 cups of corn flour;

• 4 egg whites;

• 2 apples;

• 1 pear;

• a pinch of cinnamon;

• 1 spoonful of semolina;

• a few drops of oil.


1. Beat the fructose proteins to a good froth.

2. Grind oatmeal to powder, mix with cornmeal. You can add a little baking powder to them if you want to get a very magnificent cake.

3. Mix the whipped whites with the flour mixture.

4. Lubricate the mold with a few drops of oil, sprinkle with a spoon of semolina. She will give the cake a beautiful crust.

5. Cut the pears and apples into slices, put in the dough and gently stir.

6. Pour the future charlotte into the prepared pan, bake at 180 ° C until cooked.

Diet charlotte with apples and bran (in a slow cooker)

Charlotte recipe in a slow cooker. Any bran can be used, but it is better to take the mixture. Sugar substitute can be used any, add to your liking. Wheat flour can be replaced with corn, rice or any other kind.


• 2 proteins;

• 2 eggs;

• 5 tablespoons of oatmeal;

• 80 g of wheat flour;

• 2 tablespoons of oat bran;

• 2 tablespoons of wheat bran;

• 3 apples;

• 40 ml of kefir;

• sugar substitute;

• some oil to grease the saucepan.


1. Pour bran with kefir, leave aside.

2. Beat eggs with protein and a sugar substitute until fluffy.

3. Mix wheat flour (corn, rice, buckwheat) with oatmeal.

4. Add the bran with kefir to the proteins, then the flour mixture.

5. Lubricate the crock-pot.

6. Chop the apples in slices, mix with the dough.

7. Pour the mass into the slow cooker, set the baking mode, prepare dietary charlotte will be 50 minutes.

Diet Charlotte with apples - useful tips and tricks

• To make the cake even more useful, you can replace part of the flour with bran: wheat, rye, oat. A fiber-rich product is useful for losing weight, it helps to cleanse the intestines, and will have a beneficial effect on the skin condition.

• Did the dough for charlotte turn out liquid? You can add more flour to it, but it is better to spoon a protein isolate. It absorbs water perfectly, while it practically does not affect the taste of the finished baking.

• Diet charlotte can be turned into a birthday cake. For decoration, use low-fat cream from low-fat cottage cheese with a sugar substitute and kefir. The mass should be whipped for homogeneity, add vanilla, dyes, berries, if desired.


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