The significance of each day of the week and its purpose in terms of astrology


Who said that Monday is a tough day, and Friday is not serious. Astrologers have a different opinion. And we - listen to astrologers!


On Monday, a big influence on what is happening produces Moon. It is best to listen to intuition. It is on Monday, sitting and thinking about any of the topics you can find the answer to the question that concerns you.

It is possible that on this day you will receive a sign from destiny that will help you resolve current situations.

On this day, it is easiest to establish a connection with absolutely any person. Among other things, Monday is an ideal day for the purchase of household items, as well as things and toys for children.


Tuesday is the day that rules Mars.

On this day, to achieve your goals, it is best to use training, you need to throw out physical energy.

This day you need to act decisively, but just as decisively you need to put aside the fury within yourself, Mars, as a rule, inclines people to aggression, you need to be able to resist the influence of this planet. This is a good day to purchase equipment.


On Wednesday, people are affected Mercury. This planet is focusing on clear thinking. On this day, any conversations, any work of intelligence, as well as documentary work will be very successful.

Attention on this day should be paid, first of all, to your health and material issues.

Books are the best purchase of the day.


On thursday Jupiter. This day is associated with trust and generosity.

The best day for jokes, a sense of humor will accompany you all this day.

This is the most romantic day of the week, you can safely enjoy your soul mate. A day for great travel and fellowship with the sages.


Energy dominates on Friday Venus. Day of creativity.

On this day, you can find information that means a lot to you.

It is also better to count your finances for the future on Friday. On this day, it is better to engage in entertainment and relaxation.


Saturday is under the influence Saturn. Saturday should work hard. On this day, health problems are possible.

Day for durable purchases.


Sunday valid The sun. Sunday is your day, you need to think and take care of yourself, about your image.

If you need to make a definite impression, Sunday is for you.

The best day for games with children and family. Gold jewelry is the best buy for this day.


Watch the video: Eugene Ranks Every Astrological Sign From Best To Worst (June 2024).