3 products that can not be mixed with anything


Most people are completely indiscriminate in food. But the body is too smart to endlessly endure such delights on the part of its owner. He shows his dissatisfaction simply enough - illnesses. But some people think about their diet, while others do not, ignoring and “crushing” the disturbing symptoms with pills. But there is often a problem on the surface. It is important to consider that some products must be consumed separately. In this article, we consider three representatives that fall into this category.


Many people claim that they are already tortured by a melon allergy. In fact, this product can be called one of the most digestible. Indeed, a lighter product is difficult to find. Even the weakest digestion must cope with such a task. But where do the numerous problems with the digestive tract come from then? Here it is necessary to note the feature of melons - this product is not digested, like the rest of the food. The whole process takes place in the intestine. Eaten melon lingers only a couple of minutes in the stomach, and then goes on. If this product is consumed with another food, then the melon has to stay longer in the place where it should not be (of course, this is the stomach). As a result, the product begins to decompose, releasing a large amount of unwanted gases. A serious frustration at the same time will not take long. There can be only one conclusion here - you must eat a melon separately. Only then will it bring maximum benefit.

The second popular product that we are used to mixing with something is milk. Nature laid down that milk was always consumed by the young. At a certain period of time, mammals eat nothing more than mother's milk. But this is not just. After a certain time, when representatives of this class begin to eat normally, they completely refuse their "primary" product.

Do not forget that there is enough fat and protein in milk. Therefore, this product is best not to combine with other foods. It is no secret that milk, after it enters the human stomach, takes the form of a curd mass. At the same time access to other foods is blocked by the access of gastric juice, and this stops the digestion process until the stomach “finishes” with milk. Thus, this product is desirable to use only separately. If we are talking about feeding children, then it is permissible to give not concentrated fruit juices, but milk no earlier than in half an hour.


Another "forbidden" category - desserts, which are also for some reason taken to eat after the main meal. Ice cream, pies, sweet fruit - all this is badly combined with any other food. Moreover, such mixing is highly undesirable for the body. If you even eat a pie with another meal, then you can mix it only with a salad of vegetables. After that, one meal should be skipped.
"Cold" desserts (ice cream, cocktails, sweet mineral water, etc.) negatively affect the digestive process. And in general, digestion does not begin until the food warms up to 37 degrees Celsius. At the same time, organs that are located around the stomach may experience severe spasms.


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