What to do if legs sweat a lot? Causes of the problem and recommendations on what to do if your legs sweat


The problem of sweating feet is not only a matter of health, but also a serious barrier to the formation of self-esteem.

When an awkward moment arises and you need to take off your shoes with strangers, the question becomes global in nature.

After all, foot sweating is a normal physiological process, but the intense release of odor in this case is already evidence of a problem.

So what are the reasons and what to do?

What to do if your feet sweat a lot - reasons

To correctly determine the cause of sweating in the legs, you need to understand the physiology of sweat secretion from the body.

The human body has many sweat glands, the function of which is to cool the skin and internal organs. Stop is no exception. When we are in closed shoes for a long time or undergo physical exertion, the sweat glands begin to work more intensively, releasing a large amount of sweat to cool the foot and prevent its overheating. This is quite normal, as nature intended.

Logically, after intense sweating, change socks and wear clean shoes. But the frantic pace of our lives takes its toll, and sometimes there is no way to do it on time. The accumulated microbes and bacteria inside the boot, as well as keratinized particles of the skin of the foot, begin to decompose rapidly. It is then that an unpleasant smell begins to arise.

By itself, the fluid secreted by the body does not have any smell, because it consists of 98% water. The remaining two percent is cholesterol, fatty acids and other nitrogenous substances, which also have no smell.

From this the conclusion suggests itself that in principle problems of sweating of the feet and an unpleasant odor should not exist.

If the feet are constantly in clean natural socks, high-quality leather shoes, undergo hygienic procedures using soap, and the problem does not disappear, then the reasons for it lie in another.

Causes of excessive foot sweating or hyperhidrosis

1. Heredity. The hereditary factor plays an important role in hyperhidrosis. This is more the norm than pathology.

2. Constant stress, excitement, serious mental stress. The adrenaline released during this triggers many reactions in the body, one of which is sweating. An interesting fact is that this function of the body is present in all mammals. Explained as a protective and responsive response to danger. Evolutionarily, this means that wet feet and palms improve grip while running, which helps to get away from the cause of stress.

3. Constant physical activity. Work that promotes muscle tension provokes sweating of the whole body, including feet.

4. Poor quality shoes, synthetic underwear. Shoes and clothes made of non-natural materials are affordable, they look beautiful and are worn for a long time, but they do not breathe at all. Moisture does not have the ability to evaporate, the body's water balance is disturbed. Synthetic socks, nylon stockings and too closed shoes are very common causes of hyperhidrosis in the modern world.

5. Chronic and acute diseases of the body. Often excessive sweating can be a signal of a more dangerous phenomenon. The reason may be:

• diseases of the nervous system;

• infectious diseases;

• hormonal dysfunction;

• skin diseases;

• oncological disease.

There are many causes of hyperhidrosis, and it is worthwhile to understand that prolonged excessive sweating is a disease and often requires thorough treatment. But you do not need to diagnose yourself on the basis of superficial knowledge. It is better to visit a dermatologist or endocrinologist with a problem and rule out serious causes of excessive sweating in the legs.

What to do if your feet sweat a lot - consequences

As a rule, hyperhidrosis is more common in adults. But often this disease also affects adolescents whose hormones are not yet resistant, or there is a hereditary factor. If your feet sweat a lot at this age, this can lead to serious psychological consequences that will leave an imprint on life. The still unbalanced psyche of a girl or boy in adolescence is too hyperbolic to the world around him. And the problem, when you are ashamed to take off your shoes, is very clearly imprinted on self-esteem, especially if you hear from your peers the jokes that have been released on this topic.

Also unpleasant consequences of sweating feet include:

• damage to the skin of the legs in the form of scuffs, corns and corns;

• prickly heat;

• increased susceptibility to colds;

• fungal, often and pustular skin diseases on the feet.

What to do if your feet sweat a lot - pharmacy

You need to understand that severe sweating of the legs is a disease that is unlikely to go away on its own. It needs qualified treatment. The pharmaceutical industry has seriously succeeded in this matter and pharmacy windows are full of all kinds of drugs that can help.

Among pharmacy drugs for hyperhidrosis, formaldehyde-based agents are the most effective. It has an antiseptic and tanning effect, that is, it not only destroys bacteria on the surface of the skin, but also helps to close the sweat glands.

The most popular formaldehyde-based drugs are:

Formidron. Available in the form of a solution. The medicine with a cotton swab is applied to the skin for half an hour, after which it is washed off with running water without soap.

Formagel. This antiseptic and deodorizing agent is applied to clean dry skin for 40 minutes, and then washed off with clean water.

Fernomide. This drug, in addition to sweating, also helps with calluses and warts on the legs.

Also proved to be quite good Malavit. Available in the form of a cream gel or solution. This is a medical-hygienic preparation, which consists of 37 various components. The unusual combination of plant components, silver ions, copper, as well as structured ionized water, gives the drug a very good therapeutic effect not only with excessive sweating, but also with skin diseases. Malavit is applied to the skin of the feet 1-2 times a day. Does not require rinsing.

Good reviews leave about the drug Borozin. The tool is available in powder form. The contents of the bag are poured into the shoes once a day before putting on (preferably in the morning). The course lasts 5 days. After which the effect persists for several months.

In addition to drug treatment, a doctor may suggest iontophoresis course. This procedure is a conservative way to treat hyperhidrosis. If your legs, palms or armpits sweat a lot, then iontophoresis is a simple and inexpensive way to get rid of the problem. The essence of iontophoresis is the penetration of charged ions through the skin under the influence of direct current. Feet are immersed in water, which conducts a current that is emitted by a special device. The procedure is repeated daily for a week or longer (depending on the results of treatment). When the body releases sweat, the procedures are stopped or a maintenance course is established with a repeat once a month. The effectiveness of iontophoresis can be increased by introducing plant infusions or additional minerals into the water. Not everyone can resort to such treatment.

Contraindications are:

• pregnancy;

• cardiac diseases and pathologies;

• epilepsy;

• artificial joints and metal implants.

What to do if your feet sweat a lot: folk remedies

If the cause of hyperhidrosis is not serious diseases of the internal organs and systems, it is justifiable to reduce excessive hyperhidrosis at home with the help of folk remedies.

Recipe 1: Infusion of bay leaves

Three liters of boiling water put 20 leaves of laurel. Insist 40 minutes. Use as a foot bath before bedtime.

Recipe 2: Oak Bark Broth

For one liter of water you need 100 grams of oak bark (sold in a pharmacy). Boil for half an hour. Use in the form of baths daily.

Recipe 3: Lemon Treatment

Squeeze the juice of one lemon in a container. Pre-washed feet with antibacterial soap, rinse with the resulting liquid. There will be no unpleasant odor and sweating within 12 hours.

Recipe 4: Soda Compress

Dissolve one tablespoon of soda in a glass of warm boiled water. Moisten gauze dressings and apply to the feet in the form of a compress for one hour. After the procedure, be sure to rinse your feet with cool water. A slight tingling or burning sensation may be felt - this is normal.

Recipe number 5: Apple cider vinegar

Homemade apple cider vinegar is a great antiseptic. Wiping your feet with a cotton swab dipped in vinegar is an easy and inexpensive way to prevent unpleasant foot odors. You can also use vinegar for baths. The proportion is one part apple cider vinegar to two parts water.

In addition to all of the above, the skin of the feet can be lubricated with Teymurov's paste, use talc, starch, baby powder. Excellent prevention of sweating will serve as sea baths and sun treatments.


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