Pie with grapes - everyone will be happy for him! Recipes for shortcake, biscuit, puff and yeast pies with grapes


From grapes you can make not only wine or jam.

Delicious pies are made with it.

The aroma of baked berries, tender or crumbly dough, honey taste - it's just a fairy tale!

Pie with grapes - the general principles of preparation

For the filling, fresh grapes are mainly used. It is advisable to use seedless varieties, if necessary, cut the berries, take out the seeds. The grapes themselves are sweet enough, so sugar is either not added to it, or put in a small amount. In open cakes, brown sugar is sometimes used for finishing sprinkling, so that caramel coating appears on the baked berries.

Which dough can I use:

• shortbread;

• yeast;

• flaky;

• biscuit.

When forming a filling pie, often a little corn or potato starch, dry jelly is poured. These additives do not allow the lower cake to be saturated with the allocated juices and remain unbaked. Grape pies are mainly baked in the oven. Some recipes can be adapted for multicooking, mainly options from the biscuit dough.

Pie with grapes "Air"

A variant of a very light, soft grape pie. It can be covered with any fondant, cream, glaze and quickly turn into a cake. The dough is based on a classic biscuit.


• four eggs;

• a glass of sugar;

• 0.5 tsp baking powder;

• a glass of flour;

• 300 g seedless grapes;

• vanilla.


1. Rinse the grapes thoroughly, transfer to a napkin, leave to dry.

2. Take a dry and clean bowl. If there are traces of fat in it, the dough will not work. Beat the eggs, beat at the highest speed of the mixer for 2 minutes.

3. Now gradually, in small portions, add sugar, whisk until completely dissolved.

4. Enter the flour. It must be prepared in advance: sift, mix in a baking powder.

5. The eggs should be mixed with flour gently, a few seconds are enough.

6. Pour the dough into a mold with a diameter of about 22 cm. If it is silicone, then do not lubricate. You can insert a sheet of parchment into the releasable mold, anoint the sides.

7. Scatter grapes on top and immediately put the biscuit cake to bake.

8. Preheat to 200, set and reduce the temperature to 180. Bake for 25-35 minutes. Check the readiness of the grape dessert with a toothpick.

Quick pie with grapes (puff pastry)

For such a pie with grapes, you can take yeast or simple puff pastry. One piece is enough, which will completely cover the form along with the sides.


• 0.2-0.3 kg of dough;

• 700 g of grapes;

• 4 tablespoons of starch;

• 1 pinch of cinnamon.


1. Take out the dough, leave it on the table to thaw.

2. Rinse the grapes, dry and cut each piece along. Carefully remove the seeds. If the grapes are without them, then even better, just cut.

3. Roll out the thawed dough layer, cover the form, cut off all excess from the sides.

4. Pour dry starch into it. Under the influence of grape juice, it will turn into a wonderful filling with a jelly texture.

5. Now spread the grapes, try to cut down so that the convex side looks out. If the berries remain, then just scatter on top.

6. You do not need to add sugar, the grapes are sweet, but you can sprinkle a pie with a pinch of cinnamon.

7. Bake. Set at 210 degrees, bring the cake to readiness. Before cutting, the cake will need to be cooled so that the filling seizes.

Grape pie

A variant of a simple test on milk and margarine with dry yeast. If you need to make a large pie, take a double portion of all the ingredients.


• 70 g margarine;

• 150 ml of milk;

• 2 tbsp. flour;

• 30 g sugar;

• 1 yolk (for lubrication);

• 1 liter including yeast;

• 300 g of grapes;

• sugar in the filling, cinnamon, liquor to taste.


1. Milk for yeast dough needs to be heated, melt margarine. If there is no whole milk, then you can dilute dried or a little condensed milk, but in the second case it will be necessary to reduce sugar.

2. Add the yeast with sugar to the previously heated liquid, pour half a glass of flour, stir and let stand.

3. In about twenty minutes, the mass will rise and begin to bubble. It's time to add margarine, half a small spoonful of salt, you can lay egg white from the yolk, which will go to grease the cake. Knead it all with flour until smooth.

4. Cover the dough, let it rise well.

5. For the filling you need to cut the grapes in halves. If there are bones, then it is better to remove them.

6. Nip off the fourth part from the dough. Roll up the rest of the piece with a rolling pin or stretch your hands in shape.

7. Arrange the grapes, sprinkle the filling with sugar. You do not need to add much, as the grapes are sweet. But you can sprinkle the berries with cinnamon or sprinkle with liquor.

8. Take the piece of dough that you plucked. Roll with a rolling pin into a long and thin ribbon, cut into strips, width up to 2 cm, length is not limited. Spread the net on the cake.

9. To the yolk you need to add a teaspoon of milk, beat. Lubricate all ribbons and protruding edges from the dough.

10. Bake at 200 ° C until the net color on the cake is ruddy.

Pie with grapes "Double"

Another version of the pie with grapes from puff pastry. It can be called closed and open. Grapes are best used without seeds, you can chalk. Puff yeast dough.


• packing of dough;

• 0.5 kg of grapes;

• 40 g of oil;

• 2 tablespoons of starch;

• 100 g of sugar.


1. Divide the dough into two parts: the bottom and top of the cake. The lower part should be slightly larger in order for the cake to protrude on the sides of the form. You can shift it.

2. Lubricate with melted butter. Set the rest aside.

3. Cut the grapes in half, set aside a third to the side. Add the starch to the rest of the berries, stir, put the grapes.

4. Add 2 tablespoons of sugar to the butter. Sprinkle the rest of the sand over the filling of the pie.

5. The second piece of dough needs to be pierced with a fork in several places, it can be very often, then transferred to the pie. Connect the edges.

6. Lubricate the top with a mixture of butter and sugar, you can use a brush. Just pour the leftovers.

7. Arrange the grapes on the pie in a chaotic manner. Place the slice to the dough, try not to cover the holes through which the steam from the grape juice will come out.

8. Bake the cake for about half an hour. Temperature 210.

Loose grape pie (shortcrust pastry)

A variant of an open shortbread cake with baked berries on top. For the filling, it is better to use light grape varieties. Choose dense berries so that the base does not soften, it turns out really crumbly.


• egg;

• 140 g of oil;

• 2 cups of flour;

• 0.2 cups of sugar;

• soda, vanilla;

• a bunch of grapes and brown sugar in the filling.


1. Pound the butter with the sifted flour to a homogeneous crumb. Add sugar and a small pinch of soda, beat the egg. Knead shortbread dough. Put in the freezer.

2. Cut a bunch of grapes, rinse the berries, cut in half.

3. Take out the dough, roll out the cake, put on a baking sheet or in a mold.

4. Throw pieces of berries on it. If they are very juicy, you can first sprinkle the base with starch.

5. Sprinkle the grapes with brown sugar on top, a lot is not needed, just one tablespoon is enough.

6. Bake at 210 degrees until the cake is ready.

Closed Shortcake with Grapes

For this pie, you can use fresh berries or grape jam, but thick. The test needs to cool at least half an hour, you can knead in advance.


• 300 g of berries;

• a glass of sugar;

• 1 tsp cultivator;

• pack of margarine (0.2 kg);

• 2 tbsp. (0.2) flour;

• 2 eggs;

• vanilla.


1. Pour flour into a bowl, all at once. Add a ripper to it.

2. Cut frozen margarine or butter into slices, add to flour. Take a large knife, chop the mass until smooth crumbs.

3. Dress the dough with two eggs, vanilla, knead. It should catch a lump. If there is not enough moisture, then you can pour a little cold milk, literally a few spoons.

4. Nip off a quarter of the dough, put it in a bag and in the freezer.

5. The rest of the dough is also placed in a bag, but just in the refrigerator.

6. Rinse the grapes, cut in half, the seeds (if any) must be removed.

7. After 30 minutes, remove the dough from the refrigerator, roll it on a table sprinkled with flour, transfer to a mold.

8. Arrange grapes or thick jam.

9. Remove a piece of dough from the freezer, grate it on top with a large grater, distribute the chips evenly, but it should not completely hide the filling.

10. Bake at 190 degrees until the top color is beautiful.

Pie with grapes - useful tips and tricks

• When cutting puff pastry, clippings often remain. They can be used for decoration. If the recipe does not allow this, then bake the puffs! Lubricate the small pieces with an egg, sprinkle with salt or sugar, sesame seeds, nuts, seeds and brown in the oven.

• When baking pies in the oven, do not open the door. A stream of cold air will upset the balance in the furnace, the crust on the product will turn out to be spotty, most often there is a white edge on the side of the door. The biscuit dough may even settle when you open the door.

• The cake does not go out of shape? Let him stand for a while. Can be put in a basin with cold water or on a wet towel.

• Vanillin and vanilla sugar - products that are laid in different proportions. Sugar is less concentrated, it needs more than pure vanillin.


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