Sunstroke: causes of a pathological condition. What to do with heatstroke: first aid


Heat stroke can occur for a variety of reasons, and this condition is extremely dangerous for human life. Few will simply not be in the sun to avoid sunstroke. It’s even possible to get a blow just by walking around the city. It is very important to know what first aid is necessary to provide the victim.

Causes of Heat Stroke

Sunstroke occurs due to prolonged exposure to the sun without a head stroke. With prolonged exposure to sunlight, the temperature of the head begins to rise. The capillaries of the brain begin to expand and with it the pressure in them rises. It causes blood flow to the brain.

The main root cause of heat stroke is direct sunlight on an unprotected surface of the head. The likelihood of such a pathology increases with excessive stuffiness on the street and calm weather. Not only weather conditions and external factors can contribute, but also internal ones such as eating hot foods, overeating, drinking alcohol.

It should be noted that most of the blows occur on vacationers staying on the beach. This category of people is in a special risk group. Also at risk include:

· Very thin people:

· Very obese people;

· Bald;

· Blondes.

In such people, the sun can provoke a violation of blood circulation faster.

What to do with sunstroke: first aid

With thermal shock, the victim begins to manifest such symptoms:

Dizziness and weakness;



· Dark circles appear in front of the eyes;

· Confused consciousness;

· Tinnitus occurs;

· Increase in temperature to 40-41 degrees;

Sweat appears;

· Ripple appears in the temples;

· nausea and vomiting;


· Breathing and pulse become more frequent;

· Heart rate can reach one hundred beats per minute;

· Pressure decreases;

· The skin of the head and face begin to redden.

If at least one such symptom occurs, the patient must be provided with an ambulance. It is very dangerous when the victim loses consciousness. Untimely help from a doctor can cause death. Only competent assistance must be rendered to the victim of a sunstroke before the arrival of an ambulance. There are a number of measures that are necessary in order to avoid complications of hyperthermia:

1. Be sure to move the victim into the shade.

2. It is mandatory to provide air access: remove clothing, unfasten belt.

3. Place the patient on a flat surface, and lift the limbs onto the roller.

4. To give to drink plain water, mineral water or a weak saline solution.

5. If the person is in a swoon, then it is necessary to prevent the penetration of vomit into the respiratory tract. For this patient turn on its side. Check the heartbeat and breathing of the victim to provide competent assistance.

6. If necessary, do an open heart massage and artificial respiration.

7. In the event of a temperature jump above 38.5 degrees, the epidermis must be cooled. Wipe the body with cool water. Attach ice to the head in a cloth.

8. To stop cooling when the body temperature drops to 38 degrees.

9. After the actions taken, be sure to call the ambulance team. Do not hesitate to challenge with very severe pain and loss of consciousness.

What to do with thermal shock? Qualified care involves taking antipyretic drugs, antihistamines and antiflogistic drugs. Since people with cardiac abnormalities are prone to sunstroke, in no case should the victim be sharply dipped in cold water. This can trigger a heart attack and lead to complete cardiac arrest.

What to do after heat stroke?

After receiving a sunstroke, what to do and how to behave correctly? It is imperative to carry out cooling of the body using physical methods. To do this, rub the skin of the patient with cool water 32 degrees. It is forbidden to rub the dermis with vinegar, as this can provoke poisoning in children. It is more rational to use fan blowing.

In the case of severe stroke, hyperthermic syndrome appears. The most favorable option is the appearance of fever. In conditions of inpatient treatment, oxygen and infusion therapy is performed. Under the supervision of specialists and resuscitation equipment, an adjustment is made to the water-electrolyte balance, trace elements and electrolyte composition of the blood. Children are hospitalized already with moderate hyperthermia.

An increase in temperature in babies is a very alarming signal. It is forbidden to engage in self-medication. Dangerous consequences of a severe stage can cause death. Children are given Nurofen. This tool has the following actions:

· Analgesic;



Nurofen is made specifically for babies until the first two years of life. If the baby refuses oral administration of the medication, then rectal suppositories are prescribed. Taking this medication is rational due to the fact that the drug has an analgesic effect. Rational use in cases of intoxication, the occurrence of headaches, acute catarrhal otitis media. Before using Nurofen with heat stroke, a diagnosis of the patient's condition due to the presence of external reactions will be required.

Against the background of taking this remedy, pain syndrome passes. The duration of the therapeutic effect is about 2.5 hours. The drug is usually very well tolerated, tastes good and is healthy.

After heat stroke, it is necessary to perform the following procedures:

· Avoid exposure to direct sunlight;

· Try to take a shower as much as possible;

· Drink as much fluid as possible;

· Protect your head from sunlight.

In the case of a mild stroke in adults, first aid can be provided by others. Children will need a qualified approach.

What to do with heatstroke: medical treatment

With hyperthermia syndrome, it is necessary to use antipyretic drugs. If the kids have diseases of the central nervous system, muscle cramps, metabolic disorders, then start to bring down the temperature from 38 degrees. In completely healthy children, bring down the temperature at 39 degrees.

In the case of a red type of febrile reaction, the baby must be provided with the right amount of fluid. In case of pale fever, vasodilator and antipyretic drugs are indicated:




· No-shpa.

It is very important that the condition of the baby is monitored by a specialist in stationary conditions.

Sunstroke: what to do to prevent it

In order to prevent overheating, it is recommended to perform a number of certain actions. They will help to avoid unpleasant symptoms:

1. When performing any work during the hot time of the day, it is imperative to use overalls and hats that protect against elevated temperatures.

2. Everyone who works under the sun should have constant access to drinking water. It is important to drink as much fluid as possible. In the heat due to this evaporation, the body loses moisture in large quantities. This causes a thickening of the blood. It can also cause a violation of thermoregulation, heart attacks and strokes. To restore normal salt balance, it is recommended to drink mineral water or light saline solutions.

3. If the activity is carried out in conditions of heat, it is imperative to take breaks to relax. It is recommended to equip the room with air conditioning.

4. If possible, install forced ventilation systems or air conditioners at workplaces.

5. In hot weather you can not overeat. Before going out on the street you need to have a snack lightly. Overeating significantly increases the risk of sunstroke.

6. If necessary, cool the body. If it gets hot, you need to cool the body.

Subject to these simple rules, it is possible to protect yourself from heat stroke.


Watch the video: Hyperthermia HD (June 2024).