Women XXL. Or modern standards of beauty ...


It is no secret to anyone that skinny girls are considered modern standards of beauty. Glossy magazines are teeming with photos of anorexic models. On the catwalk ladies proudly parade, blown away by the pressure of air conditioners, on which advertised clothing hangs down like a flag in calm weather. And in any nearby store, good, fashionable clothes can be bought only if your size does not exceed 52, and even then, it is still necessary to search. And it always amazed me the most.

It seems that only model-looking girls walk on our streets, where there is no place for magnificent forms, because the clothes of most companies are sewn precisely on thin ones than on full ones. The rest have to buy clothes or in specialized stores, or knock down legs and look for places where manufacturers have found it necessary to release a model of "non-standard" size. And in both cases, you can safely cook a tidy sum.

There is also a third option - to buy baggy clothes, more like a tank cover, which only older women allow themselves to wear, and not always. By the way, the same applies to shoes, which are sold only to size 41, although now there are a lot of girls who have the full 43rd foot size, but only ten companies produce such shoes, and shoes, I tell you, are not very good quality. And one pair of shoes in such stores costs so much that in some Centro one could buy 5-6 pairs of shoes for this amount. But now is not about that.

The overwhelming influence of fashion on thinness, today without a doubt. Otherwise, how else can we explain the sea of ​​female complexes, starvation and exhausting diets? And all this just to please our beloved men. Although it is a very controversial question, who will a normal man choose as his wife? It is necessary to like, first of all myself. And if it is convenient and comfortable for you in your body, then why change something, torture yourself and exhaust yourself? Each diet is a huge stress for the body and for the psyche.

And yet, is this thinness so beautiful? The motto: “Beautiful is thin” is now in the past.

A huge number of advertised diets, books, weight loss simulators, pills, clothes, methods and other garbage, for girls who consider themselves full already tired! I always want to ask a question: why does modern fashion for beautiful and skinny dystrophics hate fat girls so much? Is that envy of someone else's gorgeous figure? Or is it just a trivial earnings of money on women who are unsure of their own attractiveness?

Canadian model size XXL Tara Lynn has proven that you can be beautiful, not having imposed all the standards of beauty. The cover of the French magazine "ELLE" became a sensation in the fashion world when this girl appeared on it.

I want women of my size not to be shy of their bodies and to love themselves, "says Tara. After several models died of anorexia, they began to cover the podium bench for skinny. It’s clear that you should always look after yourself. an image that you consider beautiful and comfortable for yourself, while not eating one leaf of lettuce a week to achieve a zero size, but of course you shouldn’t eat your cake before bedtime, of course.

It's a shame to hear that if a person is full, it means that he has an ugly body. In Russia, women have always been complete. And they have always been beautiful. It is believed that a complete girl is very hard to achieve in your life desired. Get a good job, find a good man. Not. This is not true. Because only fools judge a book by its cover. And we ourselves are accustomed to drive it into the head. All that is needed is self-confidence. Confidence that everything will work out. It is necessary to stop hammering your head with thoughts about your figure. You just need to relax and open the soul, and possibly the neckline.

You can look beautiful and spectacular! Simply, this requires the right approach. If you do not know which model of clothes will fit your figure - contact the experts who will help you to figure this out, look for information on the Internet, which is very much now. Look at the full models, what clothes they wear, and visually try them on yourself. A man will never pay attention to your fat, if it is correctly hidden under an elegant outfit. "90% of men love fat women, and the remaining 10% carefully hide it." And to make artists of the Gothic, Renaissance without ladies with magnificent forms?

Girls, look for harmony with yourself. Accept yourself for who you are. We should watch not the weight of the body, but the weight of the soul - the soul should be light! A woman is beautiful against beauty standards if she loves herself and her body. Love yourself, do not set yourself a loss!


Mary 05/25/2016
thinness is not dystrophy. it is slenderness, lightness and grace. Dystrophics are extremely few, in model business all the more. I weigh 44 kg with a height of 168 cm, I look very good, at my 26 maximum by 20, all my friends who gave birth to 2 children, including. My personal reason for slenderness (and not dystrophy, as you write) is the professional occupation of sports gymnastics from the age of 4 and Thai boxing from the age of 12. I continue classes, I eat very little. just ate all my life and got used to it. I have not seen a single man who would have liked the cows described. they are not suitable even for having children - they are overweight, and if overweight, it is extremely difficult to get pregnant. As for the envy of the “magnificent” figure - then here you also did not hit the mark. slim and graceful girl will never envy the cow. fit sports guy never sink to the cow. and if the wife recovered, she will help her to recover and lose weight. blow me personally that the pressure of the air from the air conditioner, which is extremely difficult from a hurricane - after all, you forget that harmony is first of all not dieting, but sport, and thin girls are always stronger than the cows you call women))) ) and yes, the final - in Russia, slender and graceful girls were always valued (unless, of course, we are not talking about serfs of the 18th century). remembers even words in fairy tales - her body is slim, her feet are frisky, etc. so, do not console cows, better write them how to lose weight. and the only way out is to eat less and play sports. no special diets exist. and fat disfigures both the appearance and the internal organs. obesity causes infertility, the color and oval of the face deteriorates ... and yes, it is incredibly hard for me to find clothes and shoes ... I have a very small shoe size - 35th 9 da, with a height of 168 cm it is beautiful!), and as you know, sooo small size clothes, and in shops everything is sewed on cows .... I spend a month looking for clothes ... I don’t want to talk about shoes. the impression is that all the ladies are no longer ladies, but skiers who have forgotten to take off their skis. maybe I would have written this rather sharp comment, if the text of the article is bl less poisonous. probably the author is very jealous of slender girls and women ... sorry for you.

Svetlana 05/24/2016
It is not my fault that in my family children are fed, but not in yours. The problem of completeness was invented by drisha and trap, it is their problem, not ours. I’m not the only man in my life who has not said that I need to lose weight, but just the opposite, how cool I am and how good it is that I don’t have weight complexes. Girls If you are comfortable in your weight, you are healthy, do not pay attention to dystrophics, live to the fullest: go to the sea, go to the pool, go to the dance, and most importantly love yourself.


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