How to make dough like fluff - on kefir it will turn out! Kefir dough recipes for pies and not only for them


What is the mystery of the air test? What is the secret of baking, which can lie for a long time not only without being stale, but also remain as airy and soft after more than one day?

Everything is simple - the airy yeast and yeast-free dough, “like fluff”, is kneaded on kefir. Surprised? And you try! We have selected for you the best recipes for a very simple and more complex test, "like fluff", on kefir, with and without yeast.

Kefir dough - general principles of preparation

• Thoroughly mixed dough, correctly selected products - this is the success of airy, soft dough. On kefir kneads not one of his appearance. Airy dough “like fluff” on kefir can be either yeast or yeast-free.

• For flour products (large cakes, buns or rolls) baked in the oven, it is better to prepare yeast. For pies that will be fried in a pan, you can cook and yeast-free. Kefir dough for pies with soda or cottage cheese turns out to be no less soft and lush.

• Lactic acid drink for any type of dough can be taken both fresh and not very. Expired may even come in handy if it does not have a characteristic smell of fermentation. Kefir must necessarily be warm, since it is in such an environment that cultivators and yeast are activated better. If mixed with a cold product, the dough will be too dense.

• Fat is also important. Ideally for kneading, 2.5-3.2% kefir is suitable.

• Flour must be sifted. This will not only allow you to remove accidentally litter, but also saturate it with oxygen, which will give additional splendor to the dough.

• The method of preparation depends on the type of dough and is described in the recipe. And if you strictly adhere to it, then any dough mixed with kefir will never let you down.

Puffy kefir yeast dough


• one glass of low-fat kefir;

• standard bag (11 gr.) Of “instant” yeast;

• half a glass of lean non-aromatic oil;

• 10 gr. salts;

• 25 grams of sugar;

• three full glasses of wheat white flour.

Cooking method:

1. In a wide bowl, mix the double-sifted flour with dry, loose yeast.

2. In a separate, suitable container, mix kefir with non-aromatic vegetable oil. Add salt and sugar to the mixture and mix thoroughly so that the loose components, especially sugar, dissolve well.

3. Lightly heat the kefir mixture in the microwave or in a steam bath and pour it into the flour. First, mix everything with a spoon, and then knead the thick dough well with your hands right in the bowl.

4. Then, laying out on the table, knead it several times. Form with a ball, put back in a bowl and, covering with a linen towel, remove to heat.

5. After half an hour, it will become softer, slightly increase in volume and will be ready for cutting.

6. From such a test on kefir any baked goods: pies or pies, air buns and even homemade pizza, always turn out to be lush and airy. For sweet pastries, you can add a little melted margarine to it and flavor it with vanilla. If you add margarine, be sure to increase the indicated rate of flour.

Oven kefir quick dough for pies in the oven


• half a liter of 3.2% kefir;

• 40 ml of frozen oil;

• two eggs;

• 20% sour cream - 50 gr.;

• 25 gr. unrefined sugar;

• flour - how much "will be" (about a pound).

Cooking method:

1. Soda should be well extinguished, for this, pour it into kefir, chat and leave for five minutes, stand.

2. In a slightly swollen kefir, add sugar with a spoon of salt, pour in the yolks with proteins and whisk intensively.

3. Pour in vegetable oil with sour cream, and whisk the mixture well again.

4. Now transfer the flour and, pouring it into small pieces in kefir mass, knead the dough. Add flour until the dough ceases to stick to your hands, however it should remain soft and plastic.

5. Form a ball from the dough, wrap it in a film or place it in a bag and leave it on the table for half an hour.

6. After that, turn on the preheated oven to no more than 180 degrees. Make small pies with any filling from the matured dough. Transfer them to a baking sheet that was previously greased with vegetable fat and set to bake for half an hour.

Quick dough "like fluff" kefir yeast dough


• 0.6 kg baking flour, premium;

• medium fat kefir - 200 ml;

• 50 ml of pasteurized, factory milk;

• 5 gr. salt;

• sugar - 2.5 tbsp. l .;

• a full large spoon of “instant” yeast, or 25 gr. pressed baking or alcohol;

• two eggs;

• “Creamy” margarine - 75 gr ...

Cooking method:

1. At minimum heat, completely melt the margarine. You can take butter, the dough will not get worse.

2. Lightly warm the milk, but do not boil or even make it too hot. The temperature should not be higher than 38 degrees.

3. Pour sugar into milk, add yeast, and, slowly stirring the mixture with a spoon, dissolve the added components well. Let the yeast mixture stand for 10-15 minutes closer to the heat. For example, not far from the burner. During this time, the surface will be covered with many bubbles and increase significantly. If this does not happen, take new (fresh) yeast and repeat.

4. In a bowl, mix warm kefir with previously melted butter, slightly beaten eggs and salt. Pour the yeast into the mixture and mix again gently, but do not beat.

5. Constantly stirring the mixture with a spoon, begin to gradually introduce flour into it. Begin to knead a thicker mass with your hands, adding flour in small portions as well.

6. Lay out the dough that does not stick to your hands on a table greased with vegetable oil and vigorously knead it with your hands. It will become more ductile and smooth.

7. Then grease a deep bowl or pan with vegetable oil and transfer the dough formed into a ball into it. Cover and leave for an hour or a half for distance. The volume should increase almost three times.

8. After that, lay it out on the table again, knead slightly and proceed to cutting.

Kefir dough for yeast pies


• low-fat kefir - 2 tbsp .;

• half a glass of sunflower, frozen out oil;

• a large spoon, without a hill, sugar;

• a small bag of high-speed yeast (11 gr.);

• dessert spoon of iodized salt;

• flour with high gluten - 3-3.5 cups.

Cooking method:

1. Pour a warm fermented milk drink (kefir) into a bowl. Dissolve sugar in it, then yeast. Pour two large, full tablespoons of flour and mix the mixture with a spoon. Then cover the bowl with a cloth and put in heat.

2. In half an hour, a very magnificent, airy dough will be ready. Pour in sunflower oil, pour in fine salt and two thirds of the flour. Mix well with your hands, add the rest of the flour and knead the dough slightly sticking to your hands.

3. Cover it with a cloth and remove to heat, but for 45 minutes.

4. After that, the dough will be ready. To make it easier to work with, lubricate your hands before cutting with vegetable oil.

Kefir dough for kefir buns with raisins


• 800 ml of fermented milk product (kefir);

• three chicken eggs;

• 200 gr. natural butter (or creamy margarine);

• half a glass of sugar, white;

• 1.2-1.5 kg of baking flour, premium;

• a small pinch of salt;

• 22 gr. “fast” yeast (two small bags);

• to taste vanillin or cinnamon, raisins.

Cooking method:

1. Carefully sort through the raisins, removing the remaining dry tails, spoiled raisins and rubbish. Pour it with a glass of warm water for 10 minutes. Then rinse and dry well, laying out on a clean linen towel.

2. Margarine, or melt the butter completely and cool well. Kefir slightly warm and mix with chilled fat.

3. Add sugar and salt, whipped eggs in a separate bowl, yeast and mix well with a spoon. Pour in vanilla or cinnamon without stopping stirring.

4. In small parts, half a cup, add the flour and knead the dough. With the last portion, add the raisins and knead thoroughly with your hands on a table sprinkled with flour. Knead for ten minutes, thoroughly kneading the dough so that the raisins do not go astray, but evenly disperse.

5. Put it back in the bowl and let it go well. Wash the airy, soft dough in volume several times with your hands and cut into buns, which after baking, bake in a hot oven.

Kefir curd dough for pies fried in a pan


• 250 gr. 9%, store cottage cheese;

• one glass of high fat kefir;

• a raw egg;

• one and a half teaspoons of sugar;

• a teaspoon of dough ripper or half a spoon of quicklime soda.

Cooking method:

1. With any of the cultivators, mix the sifted flour twice. You can do this when sifting, then it will mix more evenly with flour.

2. In a separate bowl on a sieve, grind the cottage cheese and mix it with slightly beaten egg and warm kefir. Remember to salt and sweeten the mixture.

3. Next, add flour mixed with a cultivator and knead the dough. If you take less fatty dairy products, the dough may turn out to be liquidy. Then you need to take more flour. The finished dough should turn out airy, but in no case liquid and not cool.

4. Cover the dough mixed with kefir and cottage cheese with a towel, without removing it from the bowl, and set to rest for 20-30 minutes.

5. Then lay it on a surface well-sprinkled with flour and mold the pies. Their filling can be both sweet and meat. Flat cakes for pies are rolled no thicker than 0.7 cm and no thinner than half a centimeter.

6. Fry them in a steel or cast-iron pan, in a well-heated vegetable fat, until lightly browned on both sides.

Universal butter dough "like fluff" on kefir


• baking white flour - 0.9 kg;

• 150 gr. refined sugar;

• standard, 11 gram sachet of vanilla sugar

• fresh spirit or baker's yeast - 20 g .;

• half a liter of medium-fat, thick kefir;

• unsalted butter - 80 gr.;

• one fresh egg;

• half a small spoonful of salt.

Cooking method:

1. Dilute a teaspoon of sugar and pressed yeast crumbled with fingers to 50 ml of warm water. Cover and leave for up to 20 minutes.

2. On a small fire, completely dissolve the butter, then cool it. Warm kefir well.

3. Lightly beat the egg with a fork along with salt and put in kefir. Then add melted butter, vanilla and remaining regular sugar here, mix. Sugar should completely dissolve in the kefir mixture.

4. Add the suitable yeast to the mixture, stir and knead the dough, adding flour gradually.

5. After this, transfer the dough into a sufficiently large pot or small bucket and, having covered with a lid, leave it to “rise” for two hours. To make the dough easier to rise, lubricate the bottom and especially the sides of the container with vegetable oil.

6. After about an hour, gently wrap it in your hands and let it come back again.

7. From the finished air test "like fluff" on kefir, you can bake any rich products.

Tricks for making kefir dough - useful tips

• If there was no kefir of the specified fat content, you can take any. But consider the lower the fat content, the less often the dough will be and therefore the amount of flour will need to be increased.

• Do not overheat the liquid in which you will breed yeast. Too warm, and even more so in the hot, they will die and will not rise.

• Also reduces the activity of yeast fatty lactic acid product. Therefore, when using this, the yeast prescription should be slightly increased.

• Mix cultivators with flour or dilute in kefir and only after that add all other components.

• In order to save time, do not reduce the time of “distance” of the yeast dough, the quality of baking will significantly decrease.


Watch the video: How to Turn Milk Into "Whipped Cream" - Gemma's Bold Baking Basics Ep 16 (July 2024).