December 5: what are the holidays, events, name days, birthdays today


Holidays December 5

International Volunteer Day

At the 40th UN session in 1985, the General Assembly invited governments to celebrate Volunteer Day in the name of social and economic development and to take all possible measures to encourage people to offer their services in various fields of activity as volunteers. Every year, the UN on Volunteer Day notes in its messages the high role of volunteering in modern society.

Day of military glory in Russia

December 5 is one of the days marked by the victory of the Russian troops. This day marks the beginning of the counteroffensive of Soviet soldiers against the Germans in the battle of Moscow in 1941. During the counterattack, 7 offensive operations were carried out, as a result of which the immediate threat to Moscow was completely eliminated, and the enemy was temporarily deprived of motorized corps, an effective tool for conducting military operations.

Father's Day in Thailand

Father's Day in Thailand is celebrated on the birthday of King Bhumibol Adunyadet (Rama IX), who is the direct heir to the Chakri dynasty, in power since 1782. Bhumibol Adunyadet was crowned in 1950 and has occupied the Thai throne for 60 years. He is characterized as a talented musician and composer, artist, photographer.

Statistics Workers Day in Ukraine

Statistics Workers' Day received the status of an official public holiday in 2002. According to the presidential decree, a new professional holiday was introduced as a tribute to the significant contribution of statisticians to the development of the state economy. The date of the celebration was symbolically chosen - in 2001 on December 5, the first All-Ukrainian population census was launched.

December 5th in the folk calendar

According to the national calendar, December 5 is Prokopyev Day. This day honors the memory of the martyr Procopius the Reader, who possessed the gift of healing the possessed and served as a reader in the Jerusalem Church. According to the information that has reached today, the reader was seized and ordered to make a sacrifice to pagan gods on the orders of the Palestinian governor. After the failure of Procopius, he was beheaded.

According to the beliefs of our ancestors, from the day of Procopius, a solid sledding path was established. If the road is paved on this day, then it will remain until spring, so that day the roads were laid by the whole village, and then they arranged a holiday with plentiful refreshments.

Historical events December 5

63 BC - Cicero's execution of participants in the plot of Catilina. This conspiracy was an unsuccessful attempt at part of the Roman nobility of seizing power. The leader of the conspirators was Lucius Sergius Katilina. As a result of the suppression of the conspiracy, Mark Tullius Cicero strengthened his position as an informal Roman leader.

1492 year - H. Columbus reached Fr. Haiti, which he called Hispaniola. This happened during the first expedition, which lasted from August 2, 1492 to March 15, 1493 by order of the King of Spain. This research expedition marked the beginning of the further expansion of the Spaniards into the New World.

1791 year - Wolfgang graduated from the Masonic Cantata, which was the basis of the anthem of Austria, officially adopted on October 22, 1946. V.A. Mozart finished writing the cantata 15 days before his death. Some musicologists attribute the authorship of the "Masonic Cantata" to Mozart’s fellow Masonic lodge - Johann Holzer.

1859 year - the first concert organized by A.G. Rubinstein of the Russian Musical Society, which in 1868 was renamed the Imperial Russian Musical Society. Society aimed at developing talents, introducing the masses to serious music. The company opened in both capitals - in Moscow and St. Petersburg. The first branch was headed by Nikolai Grigorievich Rubinstein, and the second - by his brother Anton Grigorievich.

1909 year - duel M.A. Voloshina with N.S. Gumilev at the Black River. The cause of the duel was Elizabeth Dmitrieva, a poetess. With her Voloshin composed the literary hoax "Cherubin de Gabriac", which became quite successful.

1925 year - The premiere of the silent film "Battleship Potemkin", which was directed by Sergei Eisenstein at the film studio "Mosfilm". According to the results of various surveys, according to the opinions of directors and critics, he was many times recognized as the best film of all time. The film was dedicated to the twentieth anniversary of the Russian Revolution of 1905. The premiere took place at the State Cinema Theater for separately organized musical accompaniment.

1931 year - The explosion of the Cathedral of Christ the Savior, located on the left bank of the river. Moscow near the Kremlin. The reconstruction of the temple was made in the 1990s. The original structure was erected in memory of the fallen soldiers during the Napoleonic invasion. The architect of the temple was Konstantin Ton. The construction of the temple took 44 years.

1936 year - Adoption of the USSR Constitution, which was unofficially called "Stalin" or "Constitution of Victorious Socialism." This constitution was valid until 1977. I.V. directly participated in its creation. Stalin.

1941 year - the counteroffensive of Soviet troops on the 167th day of the war, which began on three fronts: the Western, Kalinin and South-Western.

1952 year - the great smog in London, which became a real disaster and claimed the lives of 12,000 people. This event gave rise to the modern environmental movement. In the early days of December 1952 a heavy cold fog descended on London and people began to stubbornly heat the coal boilers with which almost every London building was equipped. In the same period in the British capital there was a replacement of electric vehicles with diesel buses. As a result of the lack of air movement due to heavy cold fog, infants, the elderly and those with respiratory illnesses have become victims of air pollution. This lesson made the world change its mind about air pollution and gave impetus to laws restricting the use of dirty fuels.

2003 year - Opening of the North Mui Tunnel of the Baikal-Amur Railway. The tunnel passes through the North Mui mountain range, from where it got its name.

Born on December 5

F.I. Tyutchev (1803-1873) - Russian poet, publicist, diplomat. His work (more than 400 poems) is usually divided into 3 stages: initial, characterized by the appearance of the first poems in an archaic style; the second stage, characterized by the appearance of original poetics; the third stage is the appearance of political poems and the journal Sovremennik.

A.A. Fet (1820-1891) - Russian poet, memoirist and translator. Creativity A.A. Feta is, first of all, sophisticated lyrics, an attempt to escape from reality into the imagined "realm of dreams". The basis of his work is subtle lyrical works about love and nature.

V.F. Korsh (1828-1883) - Russian journalist, translator, literary historian. Since 1863 - editor of the St. Petersburg Gazette, collaborated with the journal Vestnik Evropy. V.F. Korsch is the author of numerous articles relating to issues of European politics, literature and history.

G.N. Pilsbury (1872-1906) - American chess player. It is noteworthy that Pilsbury only learned to play chess when he was 16 years old. In 1895, he won the first prize at the international chess tournament in Hastings, ahead of many famous masters.

Walt Disney (1901-1966) - the famous American animator and film director, founder of his own company, which has now turned into a media empire. During his life he made 111 films as a director and released another 576 works as a producer. His distinguished services have been repeatedly honored with Oscars and other awards.

Werner Heisenberg (1901-1976) - German theoretical physicist, Nobel laureate. V. Heisenberg is one of the founders of quantum mechanics - laid the foundations of matrix mechanics, investigated the problems of ferromagnetism using the formalism of quantum mechanics. Attempted to develop a unified field theory. Some of his works are devoted to cosmic ray physics and nuclear projects.

G.M. Tyutyunnik (1931-1980) - Ukrainian writer, based on the dramatic works of which several films were shot. The most famous works: "Klimko", "Spark Far in the Steppe", "Forest Gatehouse".

Moshe Katsav (Born 1945) - the eighth president of Israel, a prominent statesman. He held the presidency in the period 200-2007. Prior to that, he was Minister of Construction, Labor, and Transport as part of various governments. He became the first president of the right-wing forces.

Jose Carreras (Born in 1945) - the world-famous Spanish tenor. Widespread fame brought to him the interpretation of the classic works of Giacomo Puccini and Giuseppe Verdi.

Birthday on December 5

On this day, name days are celebrated by Arkhip, Alexei, Athanasius, Vladimir, Vasily, Gerasim, Ilya, Ivan, Maxim, Mikhail, Pavel, Fedor, Thaddeus.


Watch the video: Days, Weeks And Months Of The Year 4k (June 2024).